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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Svillelady

  1. I was banded on December 17, 2010. I just had my second fill this past Saturday. Before surgery I lost 25 pounds and after surgery I've lost 15 pounds. I'm seeing inches come off more than pounds because I'm down two sizes from what I was wearing! I have found if I get all my protein in the weight comes off easier than if I don't eat the correct amount of protein. I've not had the good restriction, but I've been careful to eat only 3 meals a day and no snacking! I do have problems with eating breaded anything! I'm from Texas where chicken fried steak rules so it has been hard to not eat the breading! Pizza's are history too as are most bread if it's not toasted.

    Try not to be discouraged the weight will come off it's better to loose it slowly than all at once anyway!

    Good Luck and don't be so hard on yourself! :)

  2. I too have just gotten into a pair of jeans that I've saved for 6 years! I have actually bought one new seat of clothes two sizes smaller than I usually wear! I'm so excited!

    I can't wait to loose a little more weight and buy cute summer clothes this year!

  3. I had my surgery on December 17, and my first fill on January 7. I have lost a total of 23.5 pounds so far, and I'm down 2 clothing sizes with just this 23 pounds lost! I have had no complications it has been so easy it's almost scary! My only wish is that I would have done this years ago maybe I wouldn't have been the "Fat Mom" at my Daughter's wedding last March! I know others post about their complications and the throwing up and other bad things that go along with this surgery, but I have been following everything my Doctor has told me to do which is cut thing into very small pieces and chew, chew, chew! Stick with lean proteins, veggies and if I have enough room (usually I don't) I can have starches. I never was one to snack between meals before surgery so that is not a problem now. It is normal to be scared, nervous, and excited about the unknown, but I believe you will come through your surgery just fine! I'll keep you in my prayers!

  4. I was told I could drive after I stopped taking the pain meds that were prescribed I only had to use it the first night to help me sleep. So I started driving the third day after surgery. As for any major complications after surgery I didn't have any. This surgery was a breeze to recover from compared to the two C-Sections I've had! Now that was some serious pain!

  5. camille01 I too had to wait 6 months before surgery. I found out in late November when my surgery would be. After my EKG and Lab Tests I had about two weeks to wait for surgery.

    I met my surgeon back in August and didn't see him again until the day of surgery, but I felt so confident in him because he is a Lap Band patient himself!

    Good luck on your process just holler if you have any questions and I'll try to help you out!

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