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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl80

  1. My Doctor said to stop drinking 30 minutes before and to wait 30 minutes after eating to take a drink. Do I follow this? Honestly, no. I tend to lose track of time before and after meals and if I'm thirsty I'm going to drink. This hasn't made me hungry faster as I stay full for long periods of time, but that's just me, every BODY is different. I also sometimes take very tiny baby sips while eating, which is a big NO NO and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but I do it because I just can't not drink. But I don't always do this, it depends on what I'm eating. Sometimes it's barely enough of a sip to wet my tongue but I do it out of habit, if I gulped any Fluid while eating I wouldn't be able to continue to eat. You get used to not gulping down 2-3 cans of soda while you are eating pretty quickly! (this is what I used to drink on a regular basis). Your new eating habits will mostly change out of "can't" rather than "want", which will in turn make you not want to eat or do certain things anymore. At a good fill level, you will not want to drink alot because you can't. This was a big worry for me because I'm a big drinker.. But after 9 months of band life, I'm more than used to my new habits with drinking and other things. So don't worry too much about it, your mind and body will adjust over time. After a while your body will know what you are comfortable with.
  2. JerseyGirl80

    Protein Drinks Stage 1

    The brand is PRUE Protein.
  3. Oh boy, I'm no longer "morbidly obese" I'm just "severely obese" lol.. That really doesn't sound as good as it is..

  4. JerseyGirl80

    Water Pills?

    I wouldn't recommend over the counter water pills, I heard they can cause kidney problems. I've taken them years ago, before I was banded, while crash dieting, it's only a temporary fix to flush the water out, they're not really helping you lose fat weight, just water weight and after a while they didn't even work anymore. I'd just wait it out and deal with a little bloat. Just drink lots of water, fluid flushes fluid and maybe avoid sodium around your time. Do it the natural way. It's only water weight, it isn't fat so you probably shouldn't worry about it too much. The possible side effects down the road from taking water pills isn't worth it. Good luck!
  5. JerseyGirl80

    Protein Drinks Stage 1

    I'm not a fan of the powders. I buy the cans of Pure Protein they come in chocolate, vanilla (don't like this one), cookies n' creme and strawberry. They have 23grams of protein, 1.5grams of fat, 6 carbs and 1gram of sugar. . I get them at Target, they're about $7-$9 (depending on store location) for a case of 4, they're a little pricey but they're convient, they also have them at Vitamin Shoppe. I have them for breakfast everyday. I either drink them straight from the can or put them in the blender with ice and frozen fruit, sometimes I add milk or nonfat low sugar ice cream, they're pretty yummy.
  6. Down 8lbs since my last fill 2wks ago.. I hadn't lost anything in almost 3 months.. This last fill really made a difference.. YAY!

  7. JerseyGirl80

    Post-op breakfast difficulties

    I'm 9 months post-op and still have trouble eating breakfast. I've been sticking to Protein Shakes, on occasion I can have eggs or oatmeal. I play it safe and stick to my shakes (not much of a breakfast person anyway). It's normal for the band to feel tighter at different times of the day by the way, so it's possible to always have trouble with breakfast. When I want to eat but don't feel like I can, I'll drink a little bit of something hot or eat some Soup to "open me up" . I'd say it seems 6 days post-op might be too soon for you to be eating anything but liquids like broth soups, Jello and maybe applesauce. Even the soggy rice krispies could clump up and stick to itself making it hard to flow past the band. I started with mashed potatoes and egg salad when I got to my mushies stage (Doc suggested anything you could mash up easily with a fork for that stage). I didn't really start even creamy soups til about a week after surgery. books or suggestions may be good as a guide, but every BODY is different, you will learn what your body can handle over time. Be careful, you don't want to be vomiting at all let alone so soon after surgery when you're still healing. Take it slow, sip slowly and I'd suggest maybe drinking a hot berverage first thing in the morning, this usually helps me. Good luck!
  8. JerseyGirl80

    Why am I so nervous

    It's ok, I freaked out too. Especially the last few nights before surgery, it was before I was active on this site so I was desperate for someone to understand my anxiety and frustrations. So feel free to talk it out on here as much as you need to. All of us were probably afraid of failing like we've all done before. I think it's safe to say that all of us have failed at dieting, if not we wouldn't be here, and every single one of us have taken the same chance by having the surgery. None of us knew for sure if we'd succeed of fail terribly. I'm 9 months post-op and so far I think it was worth the chance. But you have to be ready for the change, and it is a big change but it's a gradual one, not an over night one. Over time you and your band will work together. I spent many nights crying and freaking out about giving up my favorite foods, failing like I did at so many other "diets", on top of all the other worries with having surgery in general, but I've made it this far, so far lol. Luckily my insurance paid all but $500, if they didn't I wouldn't have had my surgery. So I definitely understand you freaking out about the money. Look at it as an investment for the rest of your life. Down the road it may even save you on future medical expenses that would have been caused by weight. Try to calm down (I know it's difficult right now) and take a breath, keep your eye on the prize and you'll be amazed by the changes that are to come. Good luck to you!
  9. JerseyGirl80

    Feeling like a failure

    It'll be a year for me in December. I haven't lost as much as alot of people I see on this site, and that makes me feel a little discouraged so I know where you are coming from. Most of the weight I lost was in the first 4 months. I'm coming to find out that you have to be really patient, and it does take a while for the band to actually start working WITH you. Not all of us take to it at the same rate, it took a while to get to where I think I am now, hopefully my "sweet spot". Most of the year I thought the band was doing what it was supposed to be doing, but it really wasn't, I was still figuring it all out and still am, I guess.. if that makes sense, I was and am adjusting to my adjustment. Finally a week and a half ago I got a fill that made me feel like what I've been hearing everyone else on here talk about. Like, only being able to eat very small amounts of food, staying fuller longer, having to wait to drink, not being able to gulp down my fluids.. Where as before I was eating much less than pre-band but was still able to eat anything and everything without having to slow down too much or think about it much. There was a significant difference in how I was eating but nothing compared to how it's been for the last week and a half. I've lost almost 7lbs since that last fill, I hadn't lost any weight in about 3 months before that. And before that my weightloss was averaging about 4-6lbs a month, so they weren't huge losses, but they were losses. I've been good with my Protein intake, and cut back on carbs significantly. I've also started working out which is difficult for me because I absolutely hate it more than anything! But we gotta do what we gotta do.. For you to lose 40lbs slowly is a wonderful thing. It's great actually, considering you had back surgery and probably haven't been able to get around much. Of course we want it all off right now, but slow is better in the end. If you're anything like me you could have possibly gained another 40 on top of your original weight if you hadn't had the help from the band over the last year. Be proud of your 40 pounds and do not feel like a failure. My feeling is that the slower the weight comes off the better and easier it will be to keep it off. As long as you are losing and not gaining that in itself is a great accomplishment.
  10. Blah.. is anyone still out there hehe? I fell off the wagon all summer, didn't gain any but didn't lose either. Now I'm back and hoping to lose 20-25lbs by Christmas..

  11. 50lbs gone, finally! Felt like it took forever, I really gotta get my butt in gear!

  12. JerseyGirl80

    Frustrated in New Jersey

    http://www.njbariatriccenter.com/ I absolutely love them! I believe it's exit 140 on the parkway (Union location), probably a bit of a drive but worth it.
  13. JerseyGirl80

    Hubby's Comment

    My thoughts exactly Jenn. NJGirl32, Apparently your husband just doesn't get it. We make it through those tough pre-op weeks because we know what the pay off is, if we weren't getting a band we'd never survive those weeks of starvation!lol Remember, you're doing this for you, not him. The whole thing is a learning process for you and for him, hopefully he will learn over time what the band is, does and means. It sounds like he can be very discouraging. No offense to you at all, but if my boyfriend had that attitude about it he wouldn't be in my life. If it was easy to lose weight and keep it off for everyone we'd all be thin and the lap band wouldn't exist. Most of us have struggled all our lives or most of our lives with weight. I've done weight watchers 6 times, and gained whatever I've lost back and then some each time. I got the band for more help, to have "portion control installed" because I obviously couldn't control myself at times. Now that I'm banded I'm doing WW again, not to lose weight either (obviously it helps but I'm not feeling like I've hit rock bottom and have no where else to turn as I've done so many times before when I signed up for WW.) I'm doing it just for the support and the accountability, it keeps me motivated. Sorry, I'm going a little off topic here.. Anyway, I've heard negative things like this from co-workers, strangers, "friends", or shall I say THIN people or jealous/insecure FAT people, and it really annoys me! Just do what's right for you and what you want, don't lose focus on that! Good luck to you!
  14. JerseyGirl80

    Frustrated in New Jersey

    Where in NJ are you located? I use Dr. Goyal at NJ Bariatric Center in Union, I believe they also have an office in Hoboken. So far I've had a wonderful experience with them. Great bedside manor especially Dr. Jack, maybe I'm biased but her being a woman puts me a little more at ease. But Dr. Jack, Dr Goyal and Dr Forrester are all great personable doctors. They have a wonderful caring staff, even down to the billing personal, if you are self pay they really try to give you options you can handle. Very nice and supportive on site nutrionists, they also have support meetings once a month. I have a realize band, they deal with both realize and lapband patients. I don't know if they take patients that were previously banded under other doctors though, but if you are in the area it's worth a try. Good luck to you!
  15. JerseyGirl80

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I just recently went back too for the accountability. I've lost some weight since going back, I'm not eating all my points but I'm eating much more than I was just focusing on the "band diet". It is quite strange, I just think I'm paying more attention to the quality of the foods I'm eating. I was never a calorie counter whenever I've dieted pre and post band but have always been able to take off weight when I payed more attention to my choices. I love WW, always have, but after months of losing, all 6 times I joined prior to surgery, I'd always fall off the wagon and send my portion control out the window. Now I've had portion control installed lol so I'm hoping this time I'll be more successful. Geez, 7 times at WW, that's so bad! lol
  16. JerseyGirl80

    BANDED THE 10TH and Now What?!?

    Congratulations, this is an exciting time as well as a frustrating one. From what I've been told by my Docs and other members on this site, and speaking from experience, the first month or so should be focused on recovery and getting to know your band not really the weight loss. I didn't get my first fill for 6 weeks after surgery because I was still in the healing process. The limbo you're feeling can last a few weeks or even months, everyone is different, some of us never experience that feeling, some of us are losing and never need a fill and some of us need several. You must be patient you are only a week post-op . I lost 12 pounds my first week (fluids only) my second week (mushies) I gained a few back, but luckily they came off the following week. Do not get too hung up on the weight loss so early in the game, weight is a crazy thing and can go up and down until the band is working with you. The weight is not magically going to fall off, this is a process. Although you may feel perfectly fine, you are still healing inside. My doctors said no heavy activity or lifting for 6 weeks, I too felt I could move around like normal so 4 weeks after surgery I decided to take the garbage out and I hurt myself, so be careful. Just take it easy, get to know your new tummy and allow yourself to heal. My advice to you now during your limbo period is to be careful with the food choices you make. The majority of any weightloss between now and when you reach your sweet spot might be on you. A month after surgery I was able to eat as much food with as much ease as I did before my band, that was scary, but after a fill (and now 3 fills) I can only eat half to a 3rd of what I ate before and it's wonderful. BTW my first fill was 4ccs and 1cc for fills #2 and #3. They were all 4-6 weeks apart. I now have 6cc's in an 11cc band. Good luck to you and remember to be patient.
  17. JerseyGirl80

    What is your greatest NSV?

    Clothes are loose Some clothes that didn't fit last year do now I had to get a ring guard because my ring kept slipping off I can cross my legs again I don't get as winded climbing stairs I can walk for hours (shopping) without any pains I can fit in Victoria's Secret panties I'm noticing men are paying attention to me again, this has been pretty exciting.. even though I have a wondeful man it sure feels good to be noticed again lol My 8 and 9 year old neices noticed that I'm smaller and they're excited about it, that kinda meant alot more than when adults notice. I can't wait for more NSV, I've only just begun. Thank you for this post, I was feeling a little bummed today as I feel like I haven't lost any weight in about a month, I'm getting frustrated. But looking at my list has reminded me of how far I've come.
  18. My Doc's also said no liquid calories. But, I always have Protein shakes for Breakfast as I am tighter in the mornings and don't have time to sit and baby my band so I can eat, I told them this and they are fine with it. I think really what they mean by no liquid calories is no sugary drinks/juices/milkshakes. I use Pure Protein brand pre-made shakes in a can. Sometimes I have them right from the can or add them to ice and frozen fruit in the blender to bulk them up. They keep me full until lunch. They're only 120 calories, 1.5 grm fat, 1 grm sugar and 23 grms of protein. I think they taste much better than any of the powdered ones I've tried. Although it is best to eat real foods when you can and not drink shakes, when you're hungry it's quick and easy and can save you from unnecessary grazing on crap foods in between meals. I actually like drinking them. I get enough protein with the foods I eat but on days when I'm extra hungry I grab a shake as a snack instead of chips or chocolate like I used to. Or sometimes I'll have a Chobani yogurt (which have 12-15 grams of protein depending on the flavor) for breakfast or snack in place of my shakes, so that's also an option. I get interragated when I see my doctor too, she actually apoligized and said she asks because she wants to know what to tell her patients when they ask certain questions. She said she can give them all the medical answers and advice she can but can never truely tell them what it's like to live with a band. She always wants to know what I'm doing food wise and how I'm feeling, blah blah. She actually said that alot of patients just don't "get it" and have a hard time with their bands. Thankfully I'm doing pretty well with mine, so far.
  19. JerseyGirl80

    What's your #1 food weakness?

    Anything fried and or crunchy! Doritos and chocolate! If I could dip doritos in chocolate I'd be in heaven!
  20. JerseyGirl80

    Beyond Discouraged

    I'm frustrated for you, but do not give up on yourself. I have to agree with elcee's post. Are you eating less of regular foods or eating less lower fat/higher Protein foods?, that could make a big difference. Or maybe just changing your food routine would help? You could possibly have metabolic endocrine problems that are causing you to store fat. I have PCOS, my doctors pretty much told me losing weight on my own would be next to impossible, which is the main reason I had surgery. Hormones have alot to do with our weight and so does diabetes. Alot of us become diabetic because we are fat, and the diabetes does a good job of keeping us that way. I am insulin resistant/pre-diabetic due to my PCOS, this problem I have had since puberty has sabotaged every single "diet" I've been on since I was 14, I'm 31 now. Before surgery unless I busted my ass working out and eating like a rabbit I'd gain weight. So far the band has helped me, this is why I feel your frustration. I can only imagine how upsetting it is to struggle with weight as you have, only to continue to struggle after gaining the courage and making the step to take control by having surgery. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Do not hide from your doctors out of shame. See them and try to figure out what you can do. Go to support meetings, manage your band. I would never tell anyone to have WLS regardless if it's the band, the sleeve or the bypass. But are you completely against bypass? Some people are extremely happy with their results. Maybe you have other medical problems working against you and the band just isn't enough to help. Don't blame yourself, you know what you have done, you know if you have worked hard or not and you know if you have made mistakes or not. Maybe the band did fail you because of medical conditions that you cannot control. Don't hide and don't let it bring you down. Speaking from experience being upset about your weight, hiding and feeling ashamed can only aid in making you put more weight on. I wish I could give you better advice or the right answers. But I do wish you luck and hope you find the answers you are looking for. DO NOT give up!
  21. I hope you're feeling better soon!! From reading around the site hunger is normal, it could even be head hunger. It takes a while to realize the difference between head and real hunger. I didn't start getting REALLY hungry for at least 3-4 days after surgery, but everyone is different. Jello and Protein shakes helped me alot in the begining, 5 months post-op and I still have them (Protein Shakes) for Breakfast everyday. I don't have any recipes, but sodium free bouillon helped alot too, it tricked my little belly into thinking I was eating because it tastes like real Soup. I sooo looked forward to this everyday while I was on liquids! Herb Ox is the brand I use (it's powdered, not cubed), (don't know what stores you have by you) but I've gotten it at Shoprite and Whole Foods. I'm sure other brands make sodium free bouillion too though. I still drink them in the afternoons when I get a little hungry, it helps curb my appettite. If you have questions or need any ideas of what to eat or how to make things taste better feel free to ask anytime! Good luck! Hope this helps!
  22. JerseyGirl80

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!!!

    My advice to you would be to get walking as soon as you can and drink as much as you can. I was up and moving in about 45 minutes after I woke up from surgery. If you do get gas pains, (if ok'ed by your Doc, use Gas-X strips) this along with the walking will help loosen it up and get it moving on out. The worst part of my surgery was the gas, the pain was terrible for about a week but I'd go through it all again in a heart beat. I survived lol. The only other pain I had was what felt like I did a million sits ups, just ab muscle pain. For me, recovery was alot easier and faster than I thought it would be. I hope it goes well and keep us posted! BTW I was so scared and nervous for the last 3 days before surgery, but once I was out on the table, it was easy breezy lol.. Good luck! You'll do great!
  23. JerseyGirl80

    45 lbs gone ... but

    My starting weight was pretty close to yours and I've lost 46lbs, alot of my tight clothes are still tight and most of my clothes that fit perfectly before fit almost the same now. I guess this is normal. I've also kinda been the same size in clothing for the last 10 years, and in that 10 years (not counting current weight loss) I gained 100lbs. So size can be a strange thing, I feel smaller but my clothes pretty much feel the same. Although I do need smaller underwear..
  24. I've done weight watchers with the band and without it, and I love it, I think when it comes to any plan it's best to eat your own food and not pre-packaged garbage. WW charges about $40 for a monthly pass or about $10 to $13 if you pay weekly, I personally think it's worth it because you learn so much it keeps you accountable, you make your own food choices and you buy your own real food. I've done Nurtisystem (before the band). I did it with 3 other friends and each one of us thought 90% of the food was disgusting. It was $300 for a months worth of food, so not worth it when you still need to buy all your own veggies, fruits and dairy products. We also maybe ate only a weeks worth of food because we all got sick from it. We all had stomach cramping, really bad and uncontrollable gas, and not to sound disgusting but it totally gave all of us strange colored diarrhea. I really don't know how anyone can go on TV raving about it when 4 out of 4 of us got sick from it. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  25. JerseyGirl80

    What is it like getting a fill?

    I don't want to scare you but my first fill hurt. The Doctor said sometimes the first time it's difficult to find the port due to scar tissue. I don't know if she just said that to cover herself, but she sprayed me with some numbing stuff and I didn't feel much at first but it was uncomfortable. She took it out and tried again. By the second stick the numbness wore off and it hurt, i felt everything including her struggling to find my port. She had to call in the head Doctor to do it, he found it no problem but his stick hurt too because, again, the numbing agent had worn completely off by then. So, with my first time I definately felt it and it didn't tickle, but Every Body is different so some of us will never experience that kind of discomfort. And for the record, I'm not a baby when it comes to pain, so if it hurt me, it hurt. But I survived and that little bit of pain was worth it. With my second fill I made sure I was nice and numbed up, I felt a little pinch but it was nothing really. My third fill was even better. So don't be scared, if it hurts just keep in mind what the pay off is and know that it gets easier. Good luck!

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