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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pkmorgan27

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  1. Ah that makes sense. Because my Doc is having me on soft foods week 3-4. Maybe my body is just not ready for soft foods. I just feel something is not right. I went into the er the other night because I was having horrible chest pains. I really thought I was having a heart attack. I ate hummus that night and I think it had something to do with that. I just want to feel better. I really like my protein drinks and i know that if I have two of them I will fulfil my protein requirements for the day. Ugh I am happy about my weight loss. 240 in October/ Surgery Dec 3rd weight 230/ today weight 212! I think I have this doom and gloom thing going on. I read all these posts about how great people feel right away and how they are able to go to taco bell and eat a bean burrito and feel fine with no restriction. Its not that I want a bean burrito, I am just curious how they have zero restriction after surgery. I have not even had my first fill yet and i feel like I have 100% restricition. I wonder if the surgeon filled my band during surgery? Hmmmm. Unfortunately my Doc is on vacation right now. Thanks for all the replies for everyone! So grateful.
  2. For dinner soup, baby food, etc... I eat about two tablespoons of tuna today and felt good. Is my port still supposed to feel tender?
  3. Can you feel your port? Where is your port? What where you able to eat after 3 weeks? Thanks so much for replying back to me.
  4. Hello, I had the lap band procedure December 3rd, 2010 and I do not feel like I am getting better. It is still tender where I think the port is. It sticks out and I am not sure if it is swollen or there is fluid. I have a really hard time tolerating any food with out burping or feeling like I can not swollow. I just want to feel like I am on the road to recovery. Has any one had these problems? Or do I need to take a chill pill? Does it take longer to heal for some people or is something wrong with my band? Please help someone? Thanks, Tricia

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