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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BRANDYK


    Dr. Heller

    Linda, I highly suggest you schedule a consult with Dr. Lomonaco, he's VERY sympathetic to bariatric patients and he makes you feel totally at ease.
  2. I started by looking on this board to see what doctors were recommended. Obesityhelp.com also has a plastic surgery section that has an area where the doctors are rated. What area do you live in?

    Dr. Heller

    I would suggest meeting with Dr. John Lomonaco also!!! I just met with him yesterday and he is fabulous. He spent a little over an hour just talking to me and making sure I knew exactly what was going to happen, etc. He is VERY sympathetic to post bariatric surgery patients and specializes in that type of surgery. I'm scheduling my appt with him today for a breast lift and some lipo, I can't wait!! Oh, and his prices are VERY reasonable.
  4. I'm so excited!! My consult is May 19th and I can't wait (though I'm not looking forward to a stranger having to look at my wobbly areas!!). I can't wait to find out what improvements he thinks are possible and how much it's going to cost.
  5. OMG they moved my appt to tomorrow!! I'm not ready! I need a few days to psych myself up for being naked in front of a stranger, lol. I'm so excited, I'll let you guys know how it goes tomorrow.
  6. TracyK how did your appt go? If you don't mind my asking, what are you having done and how much did they tell you it would cost?

    80's Trivia

    Boo Boo, I have a game my sister and I play. One of us names an eighties song and the other has to say what movie it was played in, and what SCENE. I'll start us out, New Order's Thieves Like Us.

    Any "Last meals?"

    I had a MONTH of eating like crazy, but my very last meal before my preop diet was a trip to Fudruckers and I ate a huge burger, chili cheese fries, AND I helped my boyfriend finish off a chili dog. :regular_smile:
  9. I'm so excited I don't know how I'm going to stand having to wait several weeks!!
  10. Lol, well it does suck being this tall AND fat!! Buying pants is hard enough when you are tall, but add fat to the mix and it's next to impossible!!
  11. I'll be there at ten in the morning :puke: How tall are you? I'm six foot one.
  12. hey guys, I've been on thyroid medication for a few years now for being hypo. I had my bloodwork done a few days ago and the doc called me and said the numbers were thru the roof and to immediately stop taking my meds. He wants me to come in after about 4 weeks for another blood test, but he said he thinks I'm going to be able to stop the medication since I have lost so much weight!!

    Dr. Lomonaco in Houston?

    I am so touched that you responded to my thread Dr. Lo, that shows me you really care about your patients!! I'm definitely going to schedule my consult soon and check into your seminar too. Thank you so much!!

    Dr. Lomonaco in Houston?

    Oh well, I don't care if it costs me thirty grand, I figure I've earned it!! I'm buying some home gym equipment this weekend to start working on my muscle tone, so my muscles will be nice and tight when I'm ready for PS and my results will be better. I've been doing tae bo but it's really just a cardio workout.

    Dr. Lomonaco in Houston?

    Jeez!!! The cosmetic surgery is going to cost me more than my band did!! I want to get my neck lipo'ed, upper arms tightened, boob lift and implants, back lipo'ed, and thighs lipo'ed and possibly lifted. I looked online last night and my guesstimate is about $18,000!! Oh well, I figure I deserve this once I'm at my goal weight anyway!!

    Dr. Lomonaco in Houston?

    Thanks for the heads up, I guess I'll call in a couple months to schedule a consult, I'm just scared of finding out how much this all is going to cost!!

    Dr. Lomonaco in Houston?

    Ok cool. The Montel show had the Big Medicine docs on yesterday and they showed footage from the show, which showed Dr. Lo. He seemed like a really nice guy who tries to make you feel comfortable. I guess I'll wait till I'm almost at goal and schedule a consult. I'm getting excited all over again like I did when I finally decided to do the lap band and had to wait several months to save up for it!! I'm hoping to be ready for plastic surgery by Halloween. Thanks for the info guys!!

    Redeeming my morning coffee

    I used to have three to four cups everyday with a TON of cream and sugar. Now I have nonfat creamer and Splenda during the week and on weekend morning I allow myself to have it the "bad" way.
  19. I think it all depends on who is sitting in the waiting room. I will usually try to strike up a convo with someone if they look friendly enough while I'm waiting, but if they look nervous or like they don't want to be bothered I leave them alone. The day I had my first fill I was so grateful a woman there started talking to me. I told her how scared I was and she calmed me down a little bit and reassured me it wasn't that bad.
  20. Sorry guys, I need to rant about something and get it off my chest!! Usually when I go in for a fill, I actually look forward to sitting in the waiting room and talking to the other people there, trading stories and progress with them. It's my only chance to talk to other people face to face that have a band. When I went in for my last fill not too long ago though, I was biting my lip and had to tune out the conversation that was going on around me. I know I shouldn't be judgemental but there were some ladies in there talking about how they eat big bowls of spaghetti, one lady was talking about drinking beer and soda all the time, one was saying she was there for her first fill and didn't think she really needed it because she had only started out with thirty pounds to lose anyway (I still don't beleive that because I don't think my doc would band someone with that little to lose). What made me the most angry was this one lady said she didn't care if she only lost a little bit of weight with her band, it wasn't like she was going to be out any money since her insurance paid for it. She flat out said she wasn't going to change WHAT she ate for ANY reason, she like the kind of food she liked and that was that. I was sitting there thinking to myself that if she had to spend her entire savings like I did she might have a different attitude about it. It just frustrated me to no end. I don't understand why people would have this kind of attitude towards this wonderful tool and chance they have been given. Ok, now I'm done, I feel better now that I have vented!!
  21. Hey everyone, I guess I just didnt' realize just HOW SAGGY and gross my boobs were going to get. I've been a double D for so long and I was so excited to go to a C as I lost weight. I still have a ways to go on the weightloss, and I swear a couple weeks ago they just deflated and went flat. Now they are just a couple of flat sacks and my nipples point straight to the ground. I refuse to look at myself in the bathroom mirror now after I get out of the shower. I made myself look at them last night and just started bawling like a big baby. At least when I was fat they were big and full, now they look just awful, like rocks in socks. Anyone on here who has had a lift and implant please post or PM me and tell me about your experience. I know I'm going to have this done when I'm at goal, how do I cope until then, I still have at least six months and I'm getting really depressed over this. My boobs were always the one thing I loved about my body and now I hate them. Has anyone else gone thru this and has surgery and ended up loving them again?
  22. LOL!!! You guys are all too funny!! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets frustrated with these people sometimes!!

    Exercise and LapBand tightness

    If I do a normal one hour exercise session I don't have that problem. If I do something like wash my car or work in the yard for a few hours getting all hot and sweaty, I seem to tighten up for the rest of the day. I thought it was just me!!lol!!
  24. I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but I'm the Farter in my relationship!! My boyfriend and I live together and he gets serenaded by my butt at least a few times a week. He thinks it hilarious. I guess I'm not the most ladylike woman in the world, but we both seem to think it's hilarious. I can fart way louder and longer than him and it drives him crazy that i'm better at than he is.
  25. Boo Boo, I forgot to tell you, you are at my goal weight girlfriend!!! When I get to that weight I should be a size ten/twelve.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
