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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BRANDYK


    Need opinion! Think I'm paranoid!

    Well, I guess I need to stop assuming it's somehow band related everytime I have a pain, lol. Turns out I tested positive for the ulcer bacteria. Doctor says from my symptoms right now I have gasteritis (dont' think I spelled that right) and not a full blown ulcer. So, I have a few weeks of antibiotics and antacids to deal with and I have to be careful of what I eat. Doc said the stress and trauma from the surgery probably made it flair up.
  2. Hey guys, I had neck and cheek lipo five days ago. The first two days I was ok, but as time goes on my stomach is killing me. I have mild to severe nausea at all times, I feel slightly dizzy sometimes, I'm eating just fine, as I normally do, BUT when I do eat, 30 min later I'm running to the toilet (and I'm not talking about throwing up). I usually have a cranky stomach for a few days after surgery, but this is way bad. Before I spend the money to go get flouro'ed, does this sound like a slip at all? Oh, and I did not have a defill before the surgery, I was pretty loose and due for a fill anyway. Could this all just be a delayed reaction to being knocked out? Oh, and I'm definitely not pregnant.
  3. I have an appt tomorrow, he thinks it sounds like my gallbladder or I'm too tight.
  4. Hey guys, I had neck and cheek lipo five days ago. The first two days I was ok, but as time goes on my stomach is killing me. I have mild to severe nausea at all times, I feel slightly dizzy sometimes, I'm eating just fine, as I normally do, BUT when I do eat, 30 min later I'm running to the toilet (and I'm not talking about throwing up). I usually have a cranky stomach for a few days after surgery, but this is way bad. Before I spend the money to go get flouro'ed, does this sound like a slip at all? Oh, and I did not have a defill before the surgery, I was pretty loose and due for a fill anyway. Could this all just be a delayed reaction to being knocked out? Oh, and I'm definitely not pregnant.
  5. Hi everybody. I haven't been on in a while. I lost my job due to lay offs a few months ago, and just got a new one last week. Well, during my unemployment, I was so miserable and depressed, worrying about money, that I ATE and ATE and ATE. Couple that with getting a big unfill due to extreme tightness right before my lay off, I have gained 20lbs. I kept telling myself I'd go to the doc when I had money coming in again and then kept putting it off because I was ashamed to go to my doc and have him see I'd gained weight. I can pretty much eat anything I want because I'm so loose. I have an appt tomorrow to get a fill, and I'm just going to die of embarassment. I hate feeling like this. I'm going to be so ashamed when Dr Spivak sees me.

    I'm so ashamed, I need a pep talk!!

    You guys are awesome, I'm heading off now for my fill and today I begin my lapband life again!!

    I'm so ashamed, I need a pep talk!!

    Dr Spivak has always been the sweetest thing, I'm not worried about him being mean or anything, I just feel like I let him and myself and my family down. I know I'm being stupid, I just can't help it. It's so hard feeling like I've lost some of the ground I've made, but you guys are right, I need to suck it up and get back on the horse! Thanks for all the words of encouragement :thumbup:
  8. hey ya'll, I'm getting closer and closer to goal, so now I'm thinking about plastic surgery. I'll definitely need a boob lift, arms done, neck, etc. I was wondering if anyone has used or knows anyone who has used Dr. Lomonaco in Houston? His site says he specializes in post-bariatric surgery patients. His site is Bodylifthouston

    Dr. Lomonaco in Houston?

    Nana, You are doing great!! It never hurts to make an appt now, besides, it'll take about three months for them to get you in. They can always have you come back in closer to your surgery date for pics before surgery. This way you'll know what he can do for you and how much it will cost, and lock in his pricing in case he goes up anytime soon. His pricing is great, and his bedside manner is awesome. His staff is very sweet and you feel totally comfortable with him. I'm counting down till January when my surgery is scheduled. I tried on wedding dresses last weekend and I had major skin folds hanging over the top of my gown, it sucked!!

    SEX after banding

    I sometimes feel it, it mostly just hurt the first couple months after my surgery. You can fix that issue by laying on the bed with your legs/butt dangling off the side so he can just stand at the side of the bed and get down to business, that way he's not on top of you :rolleyes2:

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Dr S, Will the upper body lift also help the upper stomach (between the belly button and breasts)? The reason I ask is when I gained weight, it all went to my upper stomach and my lower belly has always been flat as a board. Now the skin on my upper stomach is saggy, but my lower is still just fine. Can my doc pull that skin tight too when he does an upper body lift/breast lift?

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    thanks doc!!

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Oh and one more question, should I wait until after I have a child to do an upper body lift?

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Wow, thanks!! I'll talk to my surgeon about it.

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Dr Schulman, I have surgery scheduled in January to have a breast lift and a "bra roll" lift, along with some lipo on my neck. I was also wondering if there's anything that can be done about the loose skin on my back that sits above my waist. Can that be removed also? I don't need a tummy tuck, my stomach and waist are fine, it's just everything above them that's loose and flabby.
  16. I still have 30-40 to lose, but I'm way stoked with my progress so far!!
  17. OMG!! if I send you a pic of myself can you photoshop my neck?

    Breast lift w/ Implants

    Well, my doc explained it like this. How does it make sense to try to tighten up something that has become all saggy, and then add more weight to it on top of that? He said it's best to get the lift, heal, and then get the implants, and he showed me some pics of people who got implants and a lift at the same time and the implants moved out of place.

    Breast lift w/ Implants

    I wouldn't suggest getting a lift and implants at the same time. I would get the lift, then the implants later. My doc won't do them at the same time.

    Dr. Lomonaco in Houston?

    Will do!! Look at it this way, if you can handle the band surgery, you can handle this!! We have been thru so much already, this will be nothing.

    Dr. Lomonaco in Houston?

    Josie, That's great!! I'm so happy for you!! I'm scheduled Jan 7th. I didn't want to do my surgery till after christmas so my fiance's family wouldn't see the bruises and such. Dr. Lo is doing lipo on my neck, lifting my boobs, tucking my bra roll. I'm going to go see him again next month to talk to him about actually tightening the skin on my neck (if he thinks I'll need it) and doing lipo/tucking on the two areas under my shoulder blades on my back (they look horrible). I can't wait till my surgery!! Let me know how yours goes!!
  22. Hey everybody, I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this. I live in Houston and this past weekend my boyfriend and I drove to Horsheshoe Bay, out by Austin Texas. As you may know, Houston is flat as could be, but once you get out by Austin, it's very hilly. My ears kept popping while we were going up and down the hills and that evening when I tried to eat dinner at the hotel I couldn't get anything but Soup down. The next day it was a little better, but then on Sunday when we headed home it started up again, to the point where I felt "car sick" the whole way home and kept burping. That evening and all day yesterday I was tight as heck and today it's a little better. I know this happens on airplanes but I wondered if anyone else had experienced this from riding in the car?
  23. Ladies, All I can say is that if your man truly loves you, he'd love you thin, fat, or any other condition you can come up with. I was worried that my guy would have issues with my weight loss (he won't come out and admit it but I think he likes big girls). The only issue he had was that I wouldn't buy as much lingerie as I used to because I didn't want to waste the money on stuff that I wouldn't be able to wear for very long!! He's been totally supportive and even lies to me and tells me how great my saggy ugly boobies look. (I'm having those fixed in January)

    Dr. Heller

    Linda, If you go to google and type in "lap band surgeons houston texas" it will pull up a bunch of docs. Dr Spivak was my doc and he and his office staff are awesome, I don't know anyone who has used any of the other docs in the area. Hope this helps.
  25. Dr Lo, I'm counting down the days till January when my surgery is scheduled with you for my perky new chest (among other things!). You are also doing lipo on my neck and I'm wondering if my skin is too loose, can you just tighten it up during the surgery, and how much more downtime/PAIN is that going to involve? Where would the scars/incisions be? Also, how much more Operating Room time would that add? Side note, I have several of the girls I work with making appts at your office for various issues. After I told everyone how wonderful you were during my consult they all want to come in and see you!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
