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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by carolann0117

  1. Hi All December 2010 Bandsters. It's been forever since I've been on this board. I was happy to see some of you are still out there. I seemed to have also stalled in my weight loss. I was definitely too tight from Sept - Dec.... plus I was eating all the wrong foods... (I should know better) About 6 weeks I got an un-fill and quickly gained 6 pounds in one month. Scared the crap out of me. My eating habits were so bad that I forgot how to eat healthy. 2 weeks ago I got a tiny fill and have since lost the 6 pounds I gained. I'm thinking I'm still a tad bit too tight...but I'm using this time to really get back on the program. I only have 20 pounds to go to hit my Dr.'s goal (30lbs to hit my goal). I also have to get back to my exercise and walking routine. I'm going to check back here more often to keep me on track!

  2. My husband took the journey with me..... but..... he WASN'T banded... he just felt bad eating in front of me and decided he would eat more healthy. He lost 80 pounds.... Seems like we got a two for one! He has actually lost more than me. How fair is that??? Oh well... I'm really proud of him!!

    I still have about 25 - 30 more to go...and he still needs to lose another 20.

  3. Yep!!! No doubt!! I was banded on Dec. 27, 2010... still have a 27 lbs = dr.'s # ~ 35 lbs = my #. The last 6 months have been very slow..... and I've been making some bad choices... I'm honestly shocked that I haven't gained weight. Went to Dr. this past Saturday and got another fill. I'm back on my serious routine and promised myself to get 20 Lbs off by Xmas. I've also been away of this site for a while.... maybe .... I have get back in the habit of keep coming here.... it keeps me motivated.

  4. wow... it's been tooooooo long since I've on this website. Maybe the reason for my stall.....Well... here's my status...I'm down 60 pounds... 40 more til MY goal and 30 more for my doctor's goal. This past Thanksgiving, I learned I had vulvar cancer..... Can't figure how I got that... sooooooo rare and very weird. I had surgery on Dec. 6th and found myself very distracted from keeping track of my food choices.... needless to say I really did enjoy the holidays... Cookies and all. I can't believe that I only gained 4 pounds.... My cancer is GONE YEAH!!! ... So I need to re-focus on getting to my goal. I went to the Doc. this past Saturday and got a fill. This is pretty tight... but I think I really needed it to get me back on track.... I lost 3 pounds so far this week.... My doc believes in liquids for at least a week after a fill. I'm not challenging him on that.. since I'm really trying to get focused again. I'm challenging myself to reach my goal by August. I want soooo much to be able to go sleeveless.... I still hate my upper arms. Anyone have any great exercise ideas for that?? :-)

  5. I've been taking Biotin for hair loss... I think it's making a big difference.

    In regard to not losing weight... and still working out like crazy. Could be your not eating enough and your body is going into starvation mode. I've had this problem too. Seems when I NOT eating... I don't lose. To me it's very weird, but true. Try to increase your calories to be at least 800 - 1200 per day and WRITE down everything you put in your mouth. I use my android and have an AP that is pretty cool. Let's me also log my workouts. Also, limiting your carbs will help.

    Keep us posted.

  6. I've noticed that my weight loss has slowed down a lot. grrrrrrrrrrrrr a little frustrating. I also learned to NOT eat raisins. WOW that was a really nasty one!!!! It was stuck for over 2 hours. I'm hoping to be down another 10 pounds before Xmas. However, I do have to admit that my exercise routine has suffered a little these last few weeks. I usually go to the gym during my lunch hour...but I have been so busy at work I haven't be able to go. I HAVE to get back to the gym MUCH more often. I also started a new program doing t-tapp. I really love the way t-tapp is making me feel. I can feel all my muscles tighten up. I am working pretty seriously on my bat wings.... that nasty saggy skin on my upper arms. I have a one of the exercise bands at my desk... so 3 - 4 times a day I'll do some stretches over my head with the band while reading e-mails or whatever. I would LOVE to be comfortable wearing a sleeveless top someday soon.

    Anyone else noticing a slower weight loss lately?? I'm getting anxious to go shopping for some smaller clothes.

    My Dr. thinks I'm doing GREAT, however.

  7. What on earth is skin brushing? I'm curious!

    Here's what I found on the internet...


    It is WELL known that the Skin is the LARGEST Organ in the Body, and is responsible for one-fourth of the Body's Detoxification each day, also making it, one of the most IMPORTANT Elimination Organs! The Skin is also known as the "3rd" Kidneys and the Lungs are known as the "2nd" Kidneys. TOXICITY can gather beneath the Skin's Surface from such COMMON Influences such as IMPROPER pH levels in Body Soaps, Skin Creams and Anti-Perspirants, plus Synthetic Fibers worn NEXT to the Skin with ANY of them contributing to a variety of Skin Problems and Conditions.

    When you do Skin Brushing, you HELP your Lymph System to CLEAN itself of the TOXINS, that COLLECT in the Lymph Glands. You use a Simple Technique to IMPROVE the Surface Circulation on the Skin and KEEP the Pores of the Skin OPEN, encouraging your Body's Discharge of Metabolic Wastes, and resulting in an IMPROVED ability to COMBAT Bacteria, plus HELPING your Skin to look and feel HEALTHIER and MORE RESILIENT! Skin Brushing is a PERFECT Treatment for SELF-HELP Enthusiasts.

    • Benefits:
    • TIGHTENS Skin.
    • HELPS Digestion.
    • REMOVES cellulite.< /span>
    • STIMULATES Circulation.
    • INCREASES Cell Renewal.
    • CLEANS Lymphatic System.
    • REMOVES Dead Skin Layers.
    • STRENGTHENS Immune System.
    • IMPROVES Exchange between Cells.
    • STIMULATES the Glands, thus helping ALL of the
      Body Systems to perform at PEAK EFFICIENCY!

    1. How To Do Skin Brushing:
    2. Buy a NATURAL, NOT synthetic, bristle brush, since it does NOT SCRATCH the surface of your skin.
    3. Buy a brush with a LONG handle, so that you're ABLE to get to the areas of your body, that are NOT EASY to reach, when doing your own Skin Brushing.
    4. Skin Brush, before showering or bathing, at least ONCE per day, and TWICE, if possible.
    5. Do NOT wet your skin, since it will NOT have the SAME Effect, because this stretches your skin.
    6. Do LIGHTER Strokes over and around your breasts, but do NOT brush the nipples.
    7. Brush each part of your Body several times VIGOROUSLY, COMPLETELY brushing your WHOLE body.
    8. Brush the soles of your feet FIRST, because the nerve endings there affect your WHOLE body, next Brush your ankles, calves, and thighs, then brush across your stomach and your buttocks and lastly brush your hands to your arms.
    9. ALWAYS skin brush towards the heart.
    10. Do circular counter-clockwise strokes on your abdomen.
    11. Take a WARM bath or shower, which should always be followed by a COOL rinse at the end to INVIGORATE blood circulation and STIMULATE surface warmth.
    12. Wash your brush every few weeks in Water and allow it DRY.

  8. I'm currently checking out t-tapping www.t-tapp.com So far I'm really liking the exercises. Also, they advertise "boby brushing" to help with sagging skin. I'm trying it for a while to see what happens. I need to get those flabby, saggy arms fixed one way or another. Like Janiece said, I didn't work this hard to get in shape to have to "cover" up. I still want to lose another 40 lbs. so I figure while still losing, at least I'll try this. It may not really work... but I'll give it a shot.

  9. In December I will be celebrating my one year anniversary with the band and was hoping to reach my goal by then. Since I seemed to have stalled in losing weight during the summer and into September, I was losing hope. So... I gave myself a new goal.

    I have a work related cocktail party on in beginning of Feb. 2012... and I already found the most adorable tiny black dress. It's a brand new $260 designer dress I got on ebay for $50. Size 10 Petite!!! .... I received the dress in the mail this past week and it's just perfect!!! For giggles and kicks, I decided to try it on. WOW WOW WOW... ... I've got some work to do..... The dress is "PERFECT" and an unbelievable find. I never thought I'd find something that nice on ebay. Now I have to work hard to reach my goal of getting into it.

    I just got another fill on Oct. 1st and have lost over 8 pounds since. I'm feeling GREAT ... and now can see there is REAL hope of reaching my goal and getting myself comfortably into that dress. I'll have to try it on every other week or so to help keep me going. Once I get there, I'll be sure to change my profile pic on this site and show off that dress !! :-)

  10. Same happened to me. During August and September I lost only 2 pounds.....but I went down a size. Everyone had complimented me and could see that I was losing! (?? ) ~ only 2 pounds in 8 weeks??? I was confused, but so glad I was in a smaller size. You would think that exercise would be the reason...but to be honest... I wasn't as good as I should have been in that area during that time either.

    I just got another fill on Oct. 1st and have lost over 8 pounds since. I'm feeling GREAT ... and now can see there is REAL hope of reaching my goal.

    I have a work related cocktail party on in Feb. 2012... and I already bought the most adorable black dress. It's a brand new $260 designer dress I got on ebay for $50. Size 10 Petite.... I received the dress in the mail this past week and it's just perfect!!! Now I have to work hard to reach my goal of getting into it.

  11. Yes Yes Yes... that is what stuck feels like. I have gotten stuck more than a couple of times... and you'd think I would have learned by now. I usually don't have any problems with chicken.... or really anything so long as I cut it into teeny tiny bites...and remember to eat SLOW... that's the hardest part for me.... eating S -L-O-W when I'm hungry. EVERY time I try to rush a meal, I end up in trouble. Yesterday while at work, I tried to quickly eat a piece of shrimp for lunch. WHAT A BIG MISTAKE!!! OMG... I couldn't eat anything solid for the rest of the day... The pain was nasty and there was nothing I could do to move it. I guess shrimp will be OFF my list for a while. Went back to mushies today, just to give my belly a rest from yesterday's trauma. Will definitely be more careful now after that one!!

    Some days I notice I'm tighter than others.

  12. I too have been gone from this site for a while. I was on vacation in late August... and found it very difficult to get back to my routine in Sept. All in all.... I only lost 1 pound in 6 weeks ~ just glad I didn't gain. However, I had another adjustment this past Saturday and now have to get back into the swing of things. During my vacation... I made some BAD food choices...and found it very difficult to focus on GOOD eating habits in Sept. I'm BACK now!!! I have to lose 45lbs to get to my goal and it seems the wt. loss is really slowing down. I can't believe it's been 9 months already..... Wow... time is surely going fast. I was hoping to reach my goal weight on Christmas.......I'm not sure I'll be able to make it, but I'm going to really, really, really give it a shot.

    Hope you all are doing GREAT out there!!

  13. Weigh in this week..... 171. Was on vacation last week..... consider how bad I was... I shouldn't complain about only 1 # lost.

    Name, real or screen~ carolann0117

    Age~ 54

    Weight on August 1st~ 173

    Goal Weight for August 29th~ 165

    Exercise Goal for August~ exercise 4x per week / 40 minutes each day

    personal goal - get into the next smaller size jeans

    Date Banded~ 12/27/10

    Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 53

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
