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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by carolann0117

  1. carolann0117

    Bandsters for the week of December 27 ~ let's chat!

    I'm worried about Christmas too. I'm hostessing and making lasagna for 15 people. I'm on clear liquids til the 27th ~ my band date. The Dr.'s assistant said I could sneak one bite of the lasagna and to have a dry salad. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it yet. I don't want to cheat just because it's Xmas..... OLD habits die hard!! I think I'm just gonna do dinner as a buffet style and keep a low profile.. I'll be BUSY... in the kitchen... If anyone asks... I think I'm going to tell them that I'm having my hiatel hernia fix on Monday and the Dr. wants me to do liquid diet for 48 hours before. I've decided to not tell anyone about being banded yet. Just me and my hubby know. I'm looking forward to others' ideas!!
  2. carolann0117

    Bandsters for the week of December 27 ~ let's chat!

    Hi All!! I'm scheduled for the 27th. I only have to do one week of clear liquid pre-op. Today was my first day. This is pretty hard... I guess I'll just have to take one day at a time. I'm only allowed, crystal lite, LOTS of Jello, tea, broth, and I'm sneaking in a small V-8. I feel like if I don't get some "nutrients" I might pass out. I'm really nervous too! and have to keep wrapping my brain around that this is the first day of my NEW eating habits for the rest of my life. I know I'll be so much happier and better yet, healthier! I too feel I might be missing something... I want to know everything, even though I've already done tons of research. I'm so glad to have found this group so we can share!!!
  3. carolann0117

    1st day of pre- op diet

    I start my clear liquid diet tomorrow. I'm a bit anxious and nervous about it. My surgery is planned for Monday, the 27th. It seems that many here on the site have to be on their liquid diets for a much longer period of time. For me, it will only be 8 days. I wonder why there are so many variances. I'm also a bit nervous about dealing with Christmas. I'm hostessing. I just have to wrap my brain around the whole thing and stay focused!!! Merry Christmas everyone..... and for us... it's going to be an amazing 2011!!!
  4. carolann0117

    Dec 29 band date

    I get banded on the 27th. I'm sooooo nervous and scared too!!! I had to undergo some extra medial tests... and then all of a sudden all the test came back OK. I just the call about being banded this past Friday. I just was expecting it all to happen so fast. I sorta had my mind set on being disappointed and have to wait til Jan or Feb. Surprise Surprise and a Very Merry Christmas present!!!! Starting my clear liquid pre-op diet tomorrow. I'm nervous about that too. I just have to wrap my brain around this whole thing ~ quickly!!!. Good Luck on the 29th!!! I'll be checking to see how you did here on the blog! :-) I'm sure we're both going to bring in the New Year with JOY and HOPE!!!!
  5. I just found out yesterday that I'm having my band done on Dec 27th. I was told to start my Pre-Op diet on Monday ~ only clear liquids. Needless to say... I was pretty surprised. I was under going some additional medical tests ~ they came back OK and the next thing I know I'm getting banded in a week. I guess I wasn't getting my hopes up and came to terms that I'd probably have to wait til Jan. WOW... I just have to wrap my brain around the whole thing. I'm hostessing Christmas and I guess I was already thinking that Christmas was going to be "NORMAL". I wasn't going to tell ANYONE about being banded expect my husband, so now my plan is to tell them the dr. put me on a very STRICT diet because on Monday, he wants to repair my hiatal hernia (which is also true). Anyone have any ideas on how they are going to hand the Christmas dinner thing?? Also, please share some of the things you're "eating" on your Pre-Op liquid diets.
  6. carolann0117

    The BIG secret!!

    I found out today that my problem was a MINOR case of Diverticulitis due to a diet with poor fiber. So I'm good to go for the lap band. My doctor is scheduling me for Dec 27th. I was shocked it's sooooooooooo soon!!! Start my pre-op diet on Monday. That is making me a little nervous, scared, excited, nervous, HAPPY, and did I say ....nervous!!! I've decided to keep this just between me an my husband for now. I'm sure I'll "fess" up soon though. I'm just gonna take one day at a time for now.
  7. carolann0117

    The BIG secret!!

    Had to get an Upper GI today. I'm still not even sure if I'm a 100% good candidate for the lap band. When I had my endoscopy 2 weeks ago...they saw something leaning into my stomach. They best way to describe it would be...... if you were looking down into an inflated balloon (your stomach) and you took your finger and pushed into the side of the balloon; you would see an indent. That's what they saw from the endoscopy. I'm not feeling any pain....just at times a little pressure. We have to figure out what "that" is before we can go further. On Friday, I had a contrast CT scan. Hopefully, I'll get the results of both tests before the end of the week. I'm not toooo nervous about it... I'm keeping the faith that it's nothing to worry about.
  8. carolann0117

    The BIG secret!!

    How did you surgery go Heather? Hope you're feeling GREAT! Let us know. ~ Carol Ann
  9. carolann0117

    January 2011 Bandsters....??

    I'm hoping for a January date too. The original plan was for December, however, when I got my endoscopy, they found something weird leaning into my stomach. We're not sure what it is yet and have to make that determination before we can schedule date. I had a CT scan on Friday and have to go back on Tuesday for an upper GI. I have NO pain, so I don't think it's anything too serious. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Hopefully, I get the results back by the end of this week. UPDATE: got my results back today (12/17) and found out I had MINOR Diverticulitis. Just have to be careful and need to add more Fiber to my diet. The big surprise was that my Dr. is making my date Dec. 27th!!! Wow.... soooooooooooo fast. I'm so excited, nervous, happy, nervous, glad, and.... did I say nervous!!! :-)
  10. carolann0117


    Amazing on how much I try to avoid the camera.... I usually run when I see one coming. I just hate getting my picture taken, because it's a reminder of how awful I look. I can't believe I've gotten this big!! The past 10 years have been incredible and truly stressful. My health has gone to pot because of it all. Now that I have two grandbabies...... I NEED to get healthy again. Let the journey begin.....................................
  11. carolann0117

    Getting Healthy

    pics of my health journey.
  12. carolann0117

    The BIG secret!!

    wow.... this was my first post here... and already I'm sooooo happy with all the support. I think right now, I'm going to keep this "secret" to myself and my husband. However, it makes it alot easier knowing I have all of you to vent with!!! Thanx so much for your encouragement, support and words of kindness. I'm gonna like it here!!! --> HeatherinCA ~ looks like you're being banded tomorrow. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes. I'm also in Southern CA seeing a Dr. in Beverly Hills.

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