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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by carolann0117

  1. Inspiration!!! Thank you!! I was banded on 12/27/10 and should be getting my FIRST fill as soon as I get back from my vacation ... in about 2 weeks. My weight loss right now is VERY slow..... and a bit frustrating!!! Thank you again.
  2. carolann0117


    I've had this little cough thing going on too since I've been banded. I don't have a cold and I'm not feeling sick or congested. I was thinking that is due to the anesthesia. My surgery was on 12/27/10... Hmmmm weird. I haven't even had my first fill yet.....so I can't believe that it's from being too tight. Anyone in this situation??
  3. carolann0117

    Memorial Day Challenge

    Have had NO fill yet....so weight loss recently has been slow......but at least it was a LOSS!!! Ya'll have a GREAT week!!
  4. carolann0117

    Had to Buy New Jeans :)

    AWESOME!!!! AWESOME!!!! Such a GREAT feeling. I too went shopping yesterday and realized I am NO LONGER in Plus sizes!!! Yahoooooo!!!
  5. carolann0117

    Carb withdrawals

    You'll get through it!! I know at the time it seems impossible...but you'll be fine. My toughest part was 10 days before my surgery....it included Christmas!!!! It seemed like it was going to be the end of the world. I also was "DREAMING" about food. Hang in there.... in a short time, you'll be wanting a fill to help slow down your hunger.
  6. Depending on the size of the pill. Smaller ones I can take whole. I have a very LARGE Rx.. that I cut in half. I'd rather take that one whole since it's time released.
  7. carolann0117

    Just had first fil

    I haven't had a fill yet.... and am planning on my first to be the end of April some time. There are 2 reasons I'm waiting so long to get my first fill; one is that my insurance will only cover it if it's at least 90 days after my surgery and two, I'm going on vacation in early April. My doctor told me that he will have me on liquids for 2 full weeks after the fill (reason why I'm waiting til after my vacation). I haven't seen anyone else on this board having to be on liquids for soooooooooo long. I wonder why my Doc is so strict with this................ ??
  8. carolann0117

    Memorial Day Challenge

    not a great first week for me. No loss! but sorta what I expected since I didn't have a chance to work out last week. I always seem to put everything and everyone ahead of me and my needs. This week, I have a mini goal to work out a minimum of 4 times.
  9. carolann0117

    Can you feel/see your port?

    My port is also under my left rib. I can barely feel it.. Sometimes when I lean up against my desk at work I can feel it. But it's really not bothering me. However..... I was wondering... hmmmmmmm what if i ever need the Heimlich maneuver or every have an air bag hit me???? I know it seems terrible to even think such things.... but ... wouldn't it dislodge my port or hurt it some how?? Was something I thought about and just wondered .... I guess I should have some sort of ID in my wallet to let emergency peeps know my situation. I'm sorry..... don't mean to get weird about this. Anyone else have such things go thru their minds?
  10. My Dr. recommended that I take Zinc and Biotin in case I noticed hair loss. Might want to check that out with your Dr.
  11. carolann0117

    soft drink

    Seems like this is one thing that all of our doctors agree on. My Dr. told me after being banded, I will NEVER EVER drink carbonated drinks again. I was a diet coke addict.... now I'm loving crystal light. I'm not missing the soda.
  12. carolann0117

    Pool, Jacuzzi, Hot Tub.....

    I would wait until ALL of your incisions are completely healed ~ NO sooner!
  13. SO AWESOME!!!! Congrats!!!!! Feels so GREAT to get into smaller clothes. Yesterday I tried on a shirt getting ready for work and realized it was WAY too big for me. I haven't worn it in awhile...thinking it was going to be too small!! Thank God I had some XL tops already that I keep from a few years ago. I'm starting to build a pile of clothes in the spare bedroom to pack up for the Good Will. I'll need to go shopping soon.
  14. carolann0117

    Need Help/Advice

    I find my weeks are much more success if I dramaticly reduce my carbs and I walk at least 45 minutes 3X a week. I recently read the book, WHY GET WE FAT" by Gary Taubes. The author makes a point that really hits home. In our parents' and grandparents' days, dieting meant that you cut out deserts, breads and potatoes. In other words, you went on a low carb diet. He also gives the history of how we went away from low carb and made the switch to low fat in the 1960's, with disastrous results. We are far fatter and unhealthier than we have ever been. Taubes is not a medical professional, but a well respected science writer. Why We Get Fat is not a diet book. It is a well-documented insight into how a move back to "old fashioned values" might make us healthier. I know everyone is different, but having problems myself with carbs... I found some helpful information. I don't think I could ever be completely carb free.... but cutting down has helped dropped a little more weight. .... by the way........ I'm feeling MUCH better and active now that I'm cutting down on those carbs.
  15. carolann0117

    LOL moment

    very sweet!!!
  16. Just had my 2 1/2 month follow up with my Dr. I still have NOT gotten my first fill ~ to my surprise. I told the Dr. that I am now finding that I could over eat if I allowed myself.... and thought that might be a sign I'm ready. However, when they told me that my insurance will not cover a fill until 90 days after my surgery date and that if I got one sooner, it would cost $250. Hmmmmmmmmmm I just found a new motivation for NOT over eating!! I'll just have to hang in there a little longer to save myself the $$. He also told me that he wants me to go back to liquids for 2 weeks after the fill. So... no problem for me to wait. I'm planning a vacation in early April and will wait until I get back to do that fill. I'll just have to keep reminding myself of that plan when I'm finding myself over eating. Anyway, the whole Dr.'s office gathered around me as I was leaving.... some didn't recognize me in that I lost most of my 37 pounds around my face and shoulders. They also snapped a couple of pics for my file. I like that they are keeping pics in my file to also "show" my progress. I guess.... I'm really starting to enjoy this journey now that I'm starting to see some significant results. I know I can do this!!
  17. carolann0117

    Finally off the plateau (LONG)

    Good post! I'll have to keep this in mind if ever I should find myself in the same situation. Thank you!!
  18. carolann0117

    Where is your saggy skin?

    Angie~ what's the name of the cream you use on your neck and chin?
  19. ditto on KOHLS..... I always seems to find something there..... and their sales are awesome!!!
  20. carolann0117

    Where is your saggy skin?

    I'm only 2 1/2 months into my journey and lost most of my 35 pounds around my shoulders and face. Yes.. I've now got only ONE chin, however, I've notice my neck is not looking good. I'm 54 so I guess I should expect some aging! I am dreading what my arms are going to look like when I lose more weight.... a scary thought! Starting to do weights; hopefully that will help.
  21. carolann0117


    I'm tracking my food, calories, and exercise on the droid using the Calorie Counter app. It's GREAT!!! It even has a scanner to scan packaged food. Really cool.
  22. carolann0117

    Memorial Day Challenge

    I'm in!! Thanx!!!
  23. carolann0117

    I am failing

    I noticed that I have a better week if I walk at least 3Xs (tread mill or a DVD) for 45 minutes and seriously cut down on my carbs. I also keep a journal of all my food..... makes me be accountable because I know I could eat MORE. I'm sure you'll be fine... just need to re-focus. What you've lost so far is a SUCCESS!!!
  24. carolann0117

    How many calories a day?

    I'm also 5'2" and am trying to stay between 800 - 1,000. My Dr. is OK with my success so far... and still haven't even had my first fill yet. However, I'm now finding it a little more difficult and know I could definitely eat more. Dr. apt on the 12th and thinking I'm going to ask for my first fill.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
