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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BlairE

  1. BlairE


    I haven't even been banded yet (Jan. 28th) but my doctors instructions after a fill are the same as finallyncontrol.... he said after a fill its the same as if you just had surgery where the stomach swells so we need to do the protein shakes for about 4-5 days and then ease back into eating. Maybe your stomach just isn't ready for a fill yet....I hope it all works out for you soon, its got to be frustrating...
  2. BlairE

    my poor husband

    Its 5 days till I am banded, my hubby has been a jerk all day (he gets this way before I have to have surgery.....nerves) so I came here to see whats going. I am so glad b/c this was the first post I read and have sat here lmao.... each and every one of these stories are so funny, it could be a Dave Letterman top 10 list .... things spouses say after weight loss.... thanks for putting the smile back on my face.
  3. my doctor has his patients all back on a liquid diet for the first 3 days after a fill, gives the stomach time to adjust to the new constriction w/out any extra stress......
  4. I specifically asked my doctor how we should handle the stomach flu if we ever get it.... if you know you threw up due to a stomach virus then call the office right away b/c they can call in a script for Phenergram suppositories which will stop the vomiting right away. Throwing up too much can make the band slip....
  5. then make the decision to do it for yourself..... when he starts to say something say what every child is told ..... if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all. What doesn't make sense is he wants you not to eat the bad stuff but yet he brings it into the house. Do you think that underneath it all he doesn't want you to succeed b/c he is afraid you will change towards him. When I first started the process of getting banded I told my hubby that when its done he can't bring it in the house anymore to where I can see it. His response was... "why, I am not the one getting surgery" ..... so I took him to a support group seminar. There he heard from other patients that it just wasn't me but many ppl who have the same issues. He seemed to go out of there with a little different attitude but I am not getting banded until Jan. 28th so I will let you know how it goes....
  6. I just had my pre op visit and that was one of my questions.... I was told that if we get the stomach virus to the point where we throw up then I need to call there office right away so they can call in a script for phenergram which will stop the vomiting. Otherwise you can run into the trouble that Jess55 spoke about.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS...... hope everything goes well and let us know when you have a surgery date...
  8. BlairE

    grrrrr so stupid.!

    I am sure you are not the only patient that has Tri-Care so they should already have an anethesiologist on hand... but I guess it would depend on his schedule if he is available the day of your surgery.....
  9. I went to my pre op appt. today and my doctor said don't stop caffeine all at once.... hence the headache... they said taper it down by 1/4 each day to allow your brain time to adjust. They said the ppl that don't do it ahead of time have a really hard time on surgery day. I use to drink 3 cups of coffee a day and am now down to a 1/2 a cup and haven't had a bad headache yet. Tried cold turkey before and thought my head was going to break in half from the pain. Much better this time...we are not aloud coffee at all for the first month after surgery, too acidic and your stomach needs time to heal.
  10. I have my pre op appt. tomorrow and I am so nervous b/c I haven't lost any weight.... I am not getting all my shakes in for the day and I think I am in starvation mode.... can they cancel my surgery for not losing any weight yet?????
  11. I FINALLY FOUND YOU....LOL... I remembered you were to have your surgery tomorrow but I can't get into the Chat room tonight. I was so bummed thinking I wasn't going to get the chance to tell you GOOD LUCK!!!! I know you will do great and can't wait to hear about it in the coming days. PS... I forgot you had a "Y" on the end of Steph and went through them and got nowhere...lol..now I know why...I will be thinking about you while I am at my Pre Op appt. tomorrow.....so glad I got to meet you in the chat room
  12. BlairE

    I messed up on pre-op!

    Chicabanded I am so glad to hear you say that about Pre Op diet....I am good all day long but right about 8pm I lose all my senses and have to have a bite of something, usually its at least protein but I feel so guilty and i am afraid I will not make it for surgery. Plus everyone in my house right now is sick with a cold and I won't touch any of them....I am being banded on the 28th...
  13. I am 5'4" and 250 and the nurse was telling me the other day that I need to get down to 240 before I could have the surgery..... why do I need to lose weight? I know i have to do the special diet before hand to shrink my liver and I should lose weight then but just curious if anyone else had to do this...
  14. BlairE


    and this is now......23 yrs later.......
  15. BlairE

    the beginning....

    I am being banded Jan. 28th 2011. I started out my marriage 124 lbs. and now I am 250!!! During the past 23 yrs. I have had 3 kids, 14 surgeries (most of them female) Fibromyalgia for the past 12 yrs and then 2 car accidents that ended in a neck fusion. Not that I can blame my weight gain all on these events but they did not help. I am looking forward to taking back control of my life again....
  16. BlairE


    on my wedding day..... 124lbs.....
  17. I started out like you.... afraid to tell ppl but then I was like..."what am I ashamed of" I am taking charge of my health the best that I know how. You tell them that your doctor brought it up as a possible solution and as you went along you knew this was for you. As far as how fast its going, they don't need the details b/c then they will think you are jumping into this w/out thinking it through. Tell them this has been in the works for a while now but until you knew you had approval you didn't want to say anything. I was nervous about bringing it up to my husband at first b/c I didn't want him looking at me as a failure. He surprised me bc he said he was glad I was willing to do whatever it took to get myself healthy. My mom flipped out and even went to her doctor to get his opinion so she could have the info to talk me out of it. Well that back fired b/c he was completely on board and explained how it was a good thing. Because it came from her own doctor she then accepted it.....Now I don't mind talking about it at all .... some friends I can't talk about it around b/c I think they are resentful that I get this option and they don't but hopefully they will come around after wards. Tell who you are comfortable with telling but don't keep it a secret from everyone....
  18. I have not heard it called "boot camp" but I am required to attend an all day Pre-Op appt. as well. I am out of Florida Hospital Celebration(Orlando) and the day includes classes on nutrition and exercise, hospital pre registration,meeting with the Doctor and an exercise physiologist to test my metabolism. All this lasts about the same amount of time as yours does. I look at it as a good thing, they are being very thorough.
  19. I had read a previous post about a week ago from a young lady who had done exactly what you are thinking about.... she went back on to her parents policy b/c of the new laws. When you have them check there coverage make sure you ask whats covered as of Jan. 1. At first she was told her parents policy didn't cover it but her mom then went to her HR dept. and found that as of Jan. 1 it was a covered benefit. The ins. company then realized they made a mistake and gave her wrong info. She is now approved. As far as your seminar goes, until you get your ins. issue settled go in under the pretense of self pay so you can get in the door and see what they have to say. I think they just want to see how serious you are about following through the whole process. If you have no insurance options they have many programs available for people to use for self pay. They don't expect you to pay the whole amnt. up front if thats what you're afraid of...Good Luck!
  20. Glad it went well Arks... keep us updated on your progress....
  21. Hey there... I am being banded the 28th of Jan. but one thing that has been bothering me is if I am going to have a lot of loose skin as I lose the weight like ppl do with gastric bypass?
  22. Good luck to all of you.... my big day is the 28th so I can only imagine how excited you are tonight. I don't know about you but I keep thinking about so many different things. The main one being that there is an actually end insight of not being overweight anymore. And its not a question of "IF" this works but "when" it works.
  23. BlairE

    Savory Choice brand broth

    I can't imagine just drinking chicken broth....but I will get back to you next week... I start my liquid diet on Friday the 14th so by then it will probably seem like dessert....lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
