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LAP-BAND Patients
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About readyforlife

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  • Birthday 10/17/1980

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  1. Happy 32nd Birthday readyforlife!

  2. readyforlife

    Another banded newbie

    I am scheduled to be banded on Monday, the 13th with Dr. Ganta at NAMC. I'd love to hear ALL about your experience with him and the procedure! At this point, I'm extremely excited but also really nervous. Browsing the forum always makes me a little jittery. I'm afraid that I haven't been strict enough in my pre-op diet. I have noticed weight loss, but no more than a few pounds. Riverat, the pre-op diet is low carb (30 g), low fat (10 g), and high Protein (70 g) for 2 weeks prior to surgery. Only Clear liquids 24 hours before.
  3. readyforlife

    New to board and need a mentor

    I am new to the forum and am being banded December 13th. I am 30, live in Texas, have three elementary-aged children, just finished my bachelor's degree, and am beginning a new full-time job on December 20th. I am so excited to be making these positive steps in my life. I would love to hear about your experience and your journey with the band, ladies!

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