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About nicolero

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  • Birthday 03/27/1971

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    New Brunswick
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About Me

I am 39, will be 40 in March. I recently gave birth to a son, Alex, and decided that Alex deserves to have a healthy Mommy. I had been thinking about having surgery for a long time, and had consulted with a surgeon 2 years ago. They called me during my pregnancy to finally schedule surgery. I had decided after waiting a year for a phone call about surgery that if i was going to try to have children it was now or never. I got pregnant right away, and so when they called me about surgery, I told them i'd call them after my son was born.


My son is now 3 1/2 mths old. I saw the surgeon again on Monday of this week (November 29th) and I will be having surgery in the Spring. He wants it to be at least 6 months after my son is born, to give my body full time to recover from labour and delivery. I am excited!

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