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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by xsingnblueeyesx

  1. xsingnblueeyesx

    Anyone on the pre-op diet?

    ohhh thats toughh!! im sry
  2. xsingnblueeyesx

    Anyone on the pre-op diet?

    im wondering if i should be concened because my doctor didnt put me on a pre-op diet. i did however had to loose 5% of my weight before insurance would approve my surgery. im wondering if this will count? i have talked to some people that say u need to lose some weight so there is room inside for the band, and to make sure ur liver isnt inflamed. i guess im lucky with the no diet thing but did u have to lose any weight proir to scheduling your surgery?
  3. xsingnblueeyesx

    One Week Pre-Op

    i am also just joininh the site and i am having surgery on tuesday nov. 30 and the doctor hasnt placed any restrictions on my diet. now im kinda nervous. What does the pre-opt diet consist of usually?

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