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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by renniemommie

  1. renniemommie

    keeping ur stomach?

    i wouldn't mind to have it to cremate then save for the rest of my ashes one day far away, course my family would prolly think it was trash! Overseas, Philippines? my friend had knee replacement surgery, they gave her, her knee back in a bloody ZIplock! She didn't know what to do with it then!! Ha! I understand though, maybe they burn that kinda waste up? I hope so...
  2. renniemommie

    Fill your own goddamn emotional void

    an intervention from food. I loved it and saw myself in it, if my buttered toast could talk! haha
  3. I hear ya, I've been there, though I haven't had surgery, but I will suggest to consider a medication, maybe at some point after surgery if this stays a problem, as compulsive issues are often chemical based and respond well to medication, I'd also keep up protein so as not to be as hungry. Good luck!!!
  4. My surgery got bumped from insurance/Dr mess-ups, I now am waiting 2 more weeks. I'd expect to spend one night, then they can check on you if things go wrong, etc, but i'd rather not stay 2 nights. My Dr. recommends one night. You can always speak up for yourself and insist to stay longer and be monitored more,etc. You know yourself best! Good luck!
  5. stop shopping at Lane Bryant Being able to tie shoes without feeling sick from gut Going back to Harry Potter at Universal Studios and be able to fit on that damm ride Cheekbones, my old friend and my favorite..losing enough weight to go jogging again!!
  6. renniemommie

    Going to Disney before Surgery

    I went to Disney this summer. I had no problems with rides, they are a little more easy to get in than other places. Size friendly park. (Space Mountain was tight, for my knees, but I did just fine too). I also can't say enough good about the people at Disney. It really is the happiest place on earth! One of the last outposts of good service, after 3 days there, Universal Studios felt like a slum! Don't even BOTHER with Harry Potter at Universal Studios. I suspect your about my size. The ride looks like a 3-point harness kiddie seat, a plastic thing between your legs and the whole thing is molded for a person, then they put the harness over the top, crushing your shoulders, there was nowhere for my thighs/gut to spill too! I couldn't get on, after waiting 3 hours (and trying out the "test" seat before getting in line) and that was the whole reason we went to Florida when we did, 2 weeks after opening! They got 2 clicks, had to get 3. I was horrified at my weight at that moment, but I wasn't too embarrassed, since I saw many others with the same issue, so many coming and going on and off and waiting for kids that no one notices. But, Damm it. I am hippy and never goes away baby gut and extra tall. Still I was surprised, I got in it just fine, then a family of Tomato people got on just fine! Grr. Wear the best shoes, my hubby wore the dorkiest shoes I've ever seen, but he felt great! If ya do get bumped, don't despair, it is all about to change for you anyway, it will be your excuse to go back, hubby and I will go back when we are more sure. (on the trip I was 265, 5 10 and extra curvy, at least 24 pants, 40DD, If could find my measurements I'd post for reference, it really is "certain body dimensions-some big fit, others don't). Have fun! I would love to go back!
  7. Surgery was supposed to be today, THINK it has been approved, as insurance nurse called me, tenatively for this next Monday, but I am going to wait two Mondays from now to get past spring break and a 3 day weekend of work. Was happy that is got postponed, now annoyed-ready to do it or not!

  8. renniemommie

    Another disappointed bandster

    Talk to your Dr or a Dr about revision, you don't know what they will say until they say it. What is the magic word to get it fixed? Mexico isn't that bad, cheaper and I've had other medical care there and would go back in a heartbeat for more (my insurance does cover, but they didn't approve by 4pm today-so I've been bumped), stories like yours make me happy that I didn't get a band. Good luck
  9. Waiting on final ins. approval at 4pm on Friday, supposed to go in Monday. Aetna needed more information, may have to postpone, secretly happy, getting really freaked! Mostly sure gonna go thru with this!

  10. renniemommie

    Okay, this is getting ridiculous!

    I'd cut carbs. My sleeve is this week, but as I am now, calories don't matter much, so I count carbs before I even look at calories. Try to get 50 carbs or less.
  11. renniemommie

    COBRA insurance question..losing my Aetna

    Monday may be off, I am actually STILL waiting on insurance approval. There were more records ordered today from some confusing info in my paperwork. (did I mention the freaking change in bennies, now 20% of everyone and 1k at hospital from 100% coverage last year, so about 2K, 3K after co-pays, diet, psy, sigh...hubby is annoyed I didn't do this sooner!!) ANYWAY, if they don't call me in the next hour, I am going to consider it off for Monday. So, as I understand it, if my hubby loses coverage this Monday thru Hilton (as that is the day he is moving from full-time to either part-time as planned, or putting in 2 week notice, but not coming back in for any days, better for them to let him "keep" insurance those 2 weeks, as we are not on at new job yet either), I can have surgery the next Monday (as how it is looking)? Worry that hospital calls Aetna, who says I'm gone, before I can actually get to Cobra, so all gets postponed, either way, if approved, I'll get in soon, nice job giving me a window in which to work with Aetna!
  12. renniemommie

    Yay! I get my VSG instead of DS

    I haven't had any surgery yet, so I can't help, but I will say, yeah on the VSG!! I'd stayed fat before I'd done a DS. And we will likely we sleeved the same time! They say walk and sip, walk and sip..at least that is what I've seen. Sip. Walk. Don't worry about the drain tube, an annoyance to soon be over. I'm in the waiting on paperwork stage. I was really freaked about the surgery, but my friend who's had her gallbladder & appendix taken out said it shouldn't be that bad, you don't have the same pain receptors inside your stomach, her knee surgery was worse..I've had ACL knee surgery, so if so, this shouldn't be so bad! Cause the worst over ACL and childbirth was my freaking finger when the tip was shattered and I had to wait a week for repair-THAT hurt worse than anything ever-ever. Likely would have been better to cut it off! After talking to her, I feel so much better! (and the fact my Dr. has done 1,000 baratric surgeries thus far and hasn't killed one yet!). Good luck! Message me if you ever want! Colette
  13. renniemommie

    COBRA insurance question..losing my Aetna

    THANKS! That makes sense. So I might not get my surgery on Monday as scheduled (the job cuts your bennies the DAY you leave), but as soon as they send the COBRA paperwork and we pay (for just me), then it is On like Donkey Kong. Ironically, last year I had 100% coverage for this surgery, then they changed the plan and I've had to pay $1,000 hospital and $400 to Dr. plus since my hubby got a new job without WLS coverage, I also have to pay for 2 months Cobra to cover surgery and complications. Irony of ironies. But that is still cheap and about what I thought I'd have to pay before I started anyway. Last night when I was so down and thought I'd missed the timeline I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad, since I am afraid of surgery (dr's done 1000 baratric combined with no deaths), but also dammmm tired of lugging around at least 100 extra pounds, I'm realllly tired of that. Its like I am dragging around a crash cart on my butt all day. LOL and I am not even in medical! Colette!
  14. renniemommie

    Slider Foods

    They slide right down (cake, candy, breads, sweets), things that prolly made us all fat in the first place. White Fluffy junk!
  15. renniemommie

    Low-Carb Pre-Op Diet

    Mine was that, with also 7 grams of fat only (which I really couldn't do, low-carb/high protein yes). in 3 days when the sugar burns off you will feel better. Eat veggies (not corn!!) to fill you up. Crunchy zuncchni cut into circles, dip in some low-carb dressing-that helps me the most! Cauliflower and bell-peppers are crunchy too. Boiled eggs out the wazo, put mustard on them for spice. You'll be full at least, even though cranky. Tuna salad, mayo, lots of onion for crunch! 30 grams a day is doable. Write your veggie carbs down so they don't totally creep up on you. Forget shakes, I'm always hungry 5 minutes later, nice glass of water!
  16. renniemommie

    when does this get better?

    Drink or go to ER today. Period. Sorry Kid. Call the Dr.
  17. renniemommie

    unbelievable doctor visit

    Boy, I bet she's all scared your gonna tell the Dr. on her, and I think you should, that is unprofessional to be yelling that stuff down the hall like that, they all need to be careful what they say. I bet she felt sooooo uncomfortable-that might have made my day! Now the whole, not needing follow-up/diets fail thing is weird. Maybe look for a different baratric at least tell this Dr. that her behavior messed up your day and htyat she doesn't really seem to understand the Sleeve.
  18. renniemommie

    So....what's it like?

    I'm right with ya man, It is like me typing!! I'm worried about the cold issues and the drinking issues. I think the drinking will get easier and we will learn to drink more frequently (My tendency is to not drink water, then drink a bunch later to make up-like right now I could!). Some people have various longer term issues. I don't want to be one of them. That is a risk to be taken. But we can't continue the way we are either-at least I can't. No diet is butter and bread and french fries without consequence. What kind of change do you want to have, how do you want to live forever. Something has to give
  19. renniemommie

    5 days out...hard to drink!

    I'd be more concerned about simple fluid intake before the protein shakes, if it has been 10 hours or so and you have gotten but part of that shake in, you'll end up dehydrated quickly. I'm with KellyL, Good Luck!
  20. renniemommie

    Aetna insurance question

    You can call Aetna yourself and talk to them! I think, but don't quote me, that you could do a 6-mo dr' plan before hand with your gen Dr and that would count, I don't know about the 3 mo baratric dr plan right before.
  21. renniemommie

    Rhinoceros arms

    Bat Wing removal.. hehehe I bet it would all be one surgery? I'd take the scar myself! Course when you get into a Dr's office, just shake your Rhinos at them. hehe
  22. My pre-op 2 week diet (which my surgery had to be moved for) asks for 7 grams of fat, less than 30 grams of Carbs and about 60 grams of Protein. I can eat food, it is preferred until the day before. You'd think someone fat could count fat, but I have no idea how! I can do Atkins..but that's fat! Less food, grill my veggies and chicken? (over the sausage I ate this morning before I read the whole thing..day one failure!). I don't even know how much fat is in cheese, my old stand-by has in it. Ironically, the Dr. had examples of low-carb and high protein items on the sheet, but nothing about Fat-which I will tell him later would be helpful to have. Any obvious ideas? They also want me off Diet Soda, but don't seem to care about coffee. I am betting I best get un-addicted to Coffee too, other wise the Headache Fairy will crush down on me, although it is painful no matter how I do it, though I feel better without the Beast.. Thanks! Colette
  23. renniemommie

    Insurance Bennies Changed

    Last year, I was told 100% coverage with Aetna. I call today to check on hospital and bennies were changed with the new year. Now it is 20% of my Dr's fees ($425) AND $1,000 to the hospital. Money I DO NOT have! FK. Nowww what. Grrrrrr. . ..update:,They might bill me for the $400 to the Dr. I hope..course, my Dr. will likely just get it from me on my pre-op appointment. Also, I have to get Cobra since my hubby is about to lose WLS insurance, I'll probably do one month or two of Cobra, just to make sure I'm covered, since the new insurance doesn't have any. "Luckily" the Cobra is only $400 for just me, much better than the $1,200 we were expecting. I also found that I haven't been approved yet. I saw Dr. Monday, but they didn't fax it till Wed. Really? Wed? So the case wasn't opened till Thursday. I have told them every single time I've been in about my time line, we almost had a battle since I had a small balance due and they wanted to not see me til that was paid-which would have bumped my appointment even further. This should have been faxed on Monday. I talked to Emily before I walked out, guess I shoulda called. I'm just cranky, not following pre-op real well and generally stressed out.
  24. renniemommie

    Stomach tenderness at 5 weeks

    I read somewhere (I haven't had surgery yet) about scar tissue being worst around 6 weeks? Maybe you got some of that, would that be a symptom of a twisty stomach coming on? Call Dr, not nurse, Dr, that is why he gets paid the big bucks! IDK
  25. Your too funny, walking around the hotel with your ass hanging out... I don't want that either, big worry of being all saggy and Double gown or 'track' pants for me! My backside is particularly unattractive and I don't care how many times they've seen it before, they haven't seen mine! I'd heard that once you've had a kid you don't care anymore who sees you-that is not true! From my pregnancy and subsequent failed fertility treatments, I'm wanna do a victory dance when I get to keep my pants on! Good luck!

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