Okay, I hope I don't get killed for asking these questions, but I do have a few. I will be getting surgery sometime in the spring, at Geisinger in Danville. I am super excited but my hubby is not. But anyway, I was wondering I am about 120 lbs over weight, Do you think I can lose that? I am so scared, because I am worried that this wont work for me and I have lost my chance of getting gastric bypass. I know it is just a tool and I am willing to work my a$$ off, as I have done for the last 13 years. But how much does 1 lose after wards. I am at 281, anyone around that weight that has any advice? I also have a question, Danville is about 1 hour away from where I live, what would happen if I got the stomach flu? I couldnt get in a car and drive while throwing up? I'm really worried about that, cuz w/ 3 kids it is bound to happen. My 3rd questions is, I have been having some horrible low back pain, like the kind that wakes me up when I turn in bed. Has anyone had this relieved after surgery?
thanks to anyone that has a moment to reply!
Thanks, Jamie