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Cleo's Mom

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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Good one!:thumbup:
  2. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    All the holier than thou republicans in congress couldn't wait to cut ACORN's funding after the gotcha undercover episode. Let's see if this story gets legs. If you watch Fox news you probably won't see it. What these men did was a felony. They should go away for a long time. What will be more interesting is how far up this felony wiretapping episode goes. Who knew what and when did they know it? Remember that Watergate was first thought to be a 3rd rate burglary until...well, the rest is history as they say.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    More republican hypocrisy: One of these is the guy who concocted the "gotcha" undercover plan against ACORN. Let's see if this gets as much media coverage: The FBI, alleging a plot to wiretap Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu's office in downtown New Orleans, arrested four people Monday, including James O'Keefe, a conservative filmmaker whose undercover videos at ACORN field offices severely damaged the advocacy group's credibility. FBI Special Agent Steven Rayes alleges that O'Keefe aided and abetted two others, Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan, who dressed up as employees of a telephone company and attempted to interfere with the office's telephone system. A fourth person, Stan Dai, was accused of aiding and abetting Basel and Flanagan. All four were charged with entering fedral property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony. A witness from Landrieu's staff said O'Keefe was present in the office and claimed to be "waiting for someone to arrive." Yet, they claim ACORN broke laws. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? No, it's just another hypocritical republican. No shortage of them.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    Throwing up all the time

    If you can't keep anything down then you need to go to the ER. You can become dehydrated quickly. Once there, they can at least hook you up to an IV and do an upper GI to see what is going on. You need to identify the problem. Your surgeon should be concerned with your symptoms. I am assuming you were unfilled due to these problems. Something is obviously blocking you. General surgeons do not do bariatric surgery unless they have been trained and do it in addition to general surgery. But to just find a general surgeon who does is not likely. Plus you wouldn't want an inexperienced surgeon to be addressing your problem. You need to work with your new insurance and fight them to get this covered. This is not just a band problem, it could be an emergency situation that needs to be addressed. Good luck. P.S. Make sure you get the results of any tests they do in the ER if you go. Plus get all of your tests results from before, during and after your surgery. Call your doctor's office and ask for them. It is your right.
  5. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Those words coming from the pastor sound like satan to me. He has the blood of that woman's abuse (and similar women) on his hands. I wonder what he would have said to a man who came to him with that problem? For something that outrageous, I'm afraid I would have walked out and never returned. How dare he? Men have been abusing women forever. And to think that they get a stamp of approval from someone who claims to be a man of God. Just another example of how religion is used to justify something that is wrong. It makes my blood boil.
  6. Cleo's Mom

    Feeling Alone with no support

    As part of your pre-surgery work-up don't you have to see a psychologist? Talk to him/her about this and the fact that you refer to yourself as "meekwife". Learn how not to be meek, how to be assertive and ask for what you want, which is for your husband to be supportive. But even if he's not supportive, you are doing this surgery for YOU!! There should also be support groups for WLS patients at the hospital where you will be having surgery. Find out from your surgeon about these. And then go. Even before your surgery. Ask you husband to go, but if he won't, then go alone. How will you go behind his back to get traveling money? Is the hospital that far away? Good luck and remember you can always get support here.
  7. What about all those who were murdered in the inquisition by the "holy" men of the church? Do they have blood on their hands? For surely they believed they were doing God's work and driving out the devil. They could quote every passage in the bible, too.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Speaking of mean thoughts - here's another example of "compassionate" conservatism (an oxymoron if I ever heard one!!!) From the daily kos: A few days ago, it was Pat Robertson who let slip one of the old myths about Haiti. God had cursed it, Robertson claimed, because those black slaves had made a deal with devil to get rid of the French. Don't think that Robertson made that story up on the spot. He had picked it up somewhere: from his FFV family, as he studied for his Yale Law degree or sitting at the knee of his U. S. Senator father. Now comes Andre Bauer, Lieutenant Governor (edited--thanks to comments) of South Carolina, with the following wisdom, also oft-repeated around the dinner tables of the wealthy: Read the unbelievable things he said after the break: "My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed," Bauer said, according to the Greenville News. "You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better." This gives new meaning to the republican agenda of "Starve the Beast".
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    But none of that matters to those extremists on the right with their phoney outrage. We all know that NONE of the things they are protesting happened under bush, because if they had they would have been protesting them then. :cursing: It will be interesting to see if the teabaggers, who claim to be "ordinary" americans from main street, and who claim to hate the wall street bailouts, come out on the side of main street or wall street with respect to: 1) supreme court ruling allowing wall street unlimited access to buy elections 2) Pres. Obama's crack down on wall street with increased oversight and regulations.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Were you similarly outraged when the republicans did it for their big give-away to big Pharma? No, of course not. More hypocrisy. From Slate: For two minutes, the Rude Pundit listened to Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas talk about the "back room deals" and "pay-offs" that got the straggling members of the Democratic caucus to go along with the compromise of the compromise of the compromise of the already-compromised-from-the-s­tart health care reform bill. And then within another minute, he found this on Cornyn's Senate website, which says that Cornyn "Helped create a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit for Seniors: Senator Cornyn was a strong supporter of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act, which, for the first time, provided Medicare beneficiaries with a prescription drug benefit and expanded health plan options." And then it took less than another minute to find out some of what it cost to get that 2003 bill passed, with the vote of Cornyn, the proud conservative with a voice that sounds like he's been kicked in the taint by a nervous mule he was standing behind. To pass the Medicare Prescription Drug bill, there was the $25 billion "rural package," which profited hospitals in southern and western states, with "rural" meaning cities like Corpus Christi, Texas, with a quarter million people. Hell, Chuck Grassley got $151 million for hospitals in Iowa. That's $151 million just for the hospitals, not for, say, a natural disaster f up the state's infrastructure. So compare that with the uproar over the $300 million that Democrat Mary Landrieu secured for Katrina-buggered Louisiana in exchange for her vote on 2009's health care reform. The Bush administration also got $900 million put into the bill essentially so that the White House could reward the districts of loyal Republicans with hospital funds. You wanna talk about bribes? Here's some m**g bribes: "Among them were two hospitals in the Texas district of Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a member of the conference committee on the Medicare bill. Ten hospitals in Connecticut, home of US Representative Nancy Johnson, another Republican member of the conference committee, also benefited. Pennsylvania, represented by Arlen Specter, a moderate Republican who had crusaded for health care money, had 13 institutions in the victory column."
  11. Cleo's Mom

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    For all those who have been cheering the election of Scott Brown - did you know he was pro-choice? Oh, not to worry, he'll probably flip flop.
  12. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    When Sonia Sotomayor was being considered for supreme court nomination, the republicans were all over her for being a JUDICIAL ACTIVIST and worrying that she would be one from the bench. Well, yesterday's supreme court ruling, undoing 100 years of campaign finance regulations, was JUDICIAL ACTIVISM pure and simple but the hypocritical republicans (who will get the corporate campaign funds) of course embraced it. What's my mantra again?: If it weren't for hypocrisy, the republicans would have nothing.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Then who paid with their jobs in the 2006 and 2008 elections? Those pure, not for sale republicans?
  14. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    She does not have the votes from the LIBERAL democrats in the house to vote for the more conservative senate version of the healthcare bill. It's not a matter of being in a hurry, it's about being able to count.
  15. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Let's see how the neo-cons respond to this from the daily kos (with reference to the supreme court ruling): It also allows for foreign state-owned corporate political power. Browsing the list of the Fortune 500, you have to notice that many of these companies that do business with America have no allegiance to the American people. http://money.cnn.com/... Sony Corporation is Japanese-based and would love to have a say in federal and state electronic energy efficiency regulations. The United Kingdom's GlaxoSmithKline and Germany's Bayer Corporation would like to ease up on those US FDA guidelines. There was that British Petroleum deal with Lybia for the Lockerbie bomber not too long ago. But hey, it is a corporation - only human, right? UK's Aegis Defence Services would also like a seat at the Pentagon to plan the next series of wars. Maybe something in Nigeria will do, or better yet, Yemen. We don't want to upset South Africa's De Beers diamond company or Royal Dutch Shell's oil interests in the region. That's right for all the tea-bagging you cried about when screaming, "Freedom!" you neglected to see that knife coming from behind.
  16. Since you are not having the problems that the original poster presented, my advice doesn't apply to you. Duh!
  17. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Well, maybe there's some hope in all of the bad news these last couple of days: FOX News Poll: Obama Would Beat GOP, Tea Party Rivals By Landslide In 2012 Posted in Liberaland by Alan • January 21, 2010, 7:49 PMET • 16 Comments » Much is being made about Obama’s troubles these days, but a FOX News poll shows some encouraging news. Buried inside the new Fox News poll are some trial heats for the 2012 presidential election that look awfully good for President Barack Obama. Three candidates are tested against Obama: Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich. Obama smashes them all. He leads Romney by a 47-35 margin, Palin by a 55-31 margin, and Gingrich by 53-29 margin. Each margin includes a healthy lead among independent voters.
  18. Keep in mind that pain should not be part of the band experience. It is your body's way of saying something is wrong. Also, the longer you stay too tight the greater the chance of erosion. Your Iron level is low. That is telling you something. You need to address it. Also, feeling like you need to vomit after you eat is not healthy. Do not put up with any of this just to lose weight and reach a number on the scale. It is not healthy.
  19. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    It's all about the PR firms they hire to handle their message. I read a very disturbing analysis of how they work. They said they (PR firms) - by the time they're done - could get poor people to oppose estate taxes on the rich. That's how good they are. And the republicans and conservatives use this to their advantage way better than the democrats. If the democrats need to learn anything from the republicans it's how to get their message across. Reduce it to simple sound bite, instill fear, distort the truth (or outright lie) and there you have it. The republicans will obstruct and fillibuster EVERY thing on the Obama agenda and then will run in November on the democrats not having gotten anything done. And the stupid public will buy it.
  20. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I don't have a lot of faith in the general public either. They don't know the difference between TARP (the bank bailout started by BUSH) and the recovery act (under OBAMA) that gave 95% of them a tax cut. Yes, a TAX CUT. But all you see are the teabaggers with signs about Taxed Enough Already. Geez!!! And unemployment extension and help to pay for COBRA. And 7 different tax cuts for businesses. Republicans always like to talk about tax cuts (for the rich) but why don't they talk about the tax cuts under Pres. Obama for 95% of the working people? Well, we all know why. Never give credit to the president who you want to fail and whose agenda you block at every turn.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Corporations are NOT people. They can't vote. But they were given carte blanche to buy elections with the supreme court ruling by the conservative supreme court (2 out of the 5 appt. by bush). PEOPLE of all economic means have always been able to donate to campaigns. And corporations could do that with their PAC's which had limits on individual contributions. Now, however, there are no limits to how much corporations can spend. Now, the fact that the republicans are happy about this decision tells you what? That they are looking forward to their corporate friends buying their elections for them. But how can that be? They are pure and their votes are not for sale. Let's see how the teabaggers like this ruling. It should be interesting to see if they side with average voters or the big corporations. I think I know. They'll be known as the Exxon Tea Party Movement. Or maybe the GE Tea Party movement.
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Recouping money from the greedy banks who benefited from the taxpayer bailout and who have tons of money for bonuses for those who made the bad decisions, and it wouldn't affect small banks? Well, I think this is GREAT!! I don't care if they paid the money back or not. And I certainly don't give a rat's a$$ what someone who represents the Bankers Association says. To be clear: I am on the side of and advocate for: -working people -unions -the least among us -women's rights -environmental regulations -separation of church & state -healthcare for all, among other things I AM NOT ON THE SIDE OF NOR DO I ADVOCATE FOR; -corporate america(oil companies, banks, insurance, big pharma, etc..) -CEO's -the wealthy -the NRA Now, if you choose to advocate for the latter group, then that is your choice. But don't worry, with bush's conservative appointed supreme court ruling today, this latter group will be buying all the elections in the future. Now, let's see which group embraced that decision. Would that be the democrats or the pure republicans whose votes are not for sale? HMMM. I saw Mr. Coppertone himself (Boehner) saying what a great decision it was (I think I saw dollar signs dancing above his head as he said it, but I could be wrong).
  23. Cleo's Mom

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Pat Robertson also said 9/11 happened because of gays and abortion.

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