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Cleo's Mom

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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. This is just simply not true. I never heard one thing about there being a deduction out of everyone's paycheck to pay for healthcare. I did hear about a tax on those making over $250,000 or a tax on the insurance companies for their cadillac tax plans. But that is a select group. Please provide proof of where in the proposed bill it said all people would have money taken out of their paychecks.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    GoWearFit or BodyBug

    Thank you. But why did one poster say she has the armband and is getting the wrist band later?
  3. And who did those calculations? Joe the plumber? Once again, I will trust the CBO.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    GoWearFit or BodyBug

    Can someone explain to me how the go wear fit works? Do you wear an armband and a wristband. Does one measure calories in and the other out? Or maybe you can direct to to a site that explains it because I haven't been able to find one. Thanks.
  5. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Now, here's an independent conservative who "gets it" unlike the mean-spirited conservative republicans who are in lock step (all highlights are mine): Fed up with the Republicans 'Independent conservative' DOUGLAS MACKINNON calls on Republican leaders to denounce the bigots in their midst Sunday, January 31, 2010 With his book "The Tipping Point: How Things Can Make A Big Difference," mega best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell outlined real-world acts or issues which eventually became "tipping points" for action. With that immutable law of gravity in mind, I wonder if the latest outrageous, insulting and demeaning remark made by a Republican official at the expense of the poor and minority community will finally be the tipping point that forces the GOP "leadership" to scream enough is enough to such affronts. In case you missed it, Republican Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer of South Carolina compared people who take public assistance to stray animals. Stray animals. With regard to such people -- more often devastatingly poor children in need -- Mr. Bauer said in part: "My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed ... You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better." Are you kidding me? Is this 2010 or 1810? Are we talking about desperately hurting, frightened and humbled human beings here, or are we talking about livestock, or worse, the "possessions" from a shameful and destructive chapter of our history? For the record, I grew up on welfare. Many times as a child, I was homeless, malnourished and petrified of what pain and humiliation the next day would bring. By the time I was 17 years of age, I had moved 34 times -- all of those moves being forced evictions with my family's belongings many times strewn across the sidewalk for all to see. During many of those evacuations across the city of Boston and the face of New England, I encountered a number of people on "public assistance." Most, of course, being fellow innocent children who were hardly responsible for their plight or the fact that their parents "didn't know better and bred." Shame on those children for being the result of "that type of behavior" and for being hungry and in need of "ample food." Ironically -- at least for most of my liberal friends -- from that horrific environment, I chose to become a Republican. The simple reason being that the GOP's core principles of self-responsibility, smaller government and lower taxes spoke to me at the time. After 20 years in the "political" business, I officially gave up on the Republican Party and morphed into an "independent conservative." Like most politicians from both sides of the aisle, many Republican elected officials tend to put self-preservation or the interests of their party well before the needs of the people or their nation. Fine, as depressing, deflating and dangerous as that is, I get it. That's the increasingly heavy burden we all carry which is grinding our future into a fine powder. That said, an honorable way for any politician to stop or at least slow that suicidal progression is to challenge and rebuke those in his or her own party who gleefully turn the grind stone and shame themselves. That the lieutenant governor of South Carolina has done so is not in doubt. Unfortunately, what is in doubt is the resolve of Republican leaders to condemn Mr. Bauer's hurtful and obscene comparison while demanding an apology. To Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Sarah Palin or any other Republican who occupies a leadership position within the party, I would tell you they don't come any more urgent or righteous than this. Mr. Bauer's disgusting attack upon the dignity of poor and minority Americans is a disgrace and must not go unanswered. If Mr. Bauer's rhetorical assault is not "the tipping point" for Republican leaders to forevermore repudiate such vile language and bigoted and ignorant individuals, then theirs truly is the party of yesterday. Their demise will be dictated by hubris and simple math. The complexion of America is growing darker and more diverse by the day. Soon, this minority will be the majority -- a majority which will remember who stood up to be counted when others looked the other way. Douglas MacKinnon, a novelist, is a former White House and Pentagon official who also served as press secretary to former Sen. Bob Dole.
  6. Devana, I thought you might be interested in this. I read it in the paper today. It said that Harry Manx, a musician from British Columbia, offered this definition of his countrymen: What's a Canadian?: And unarmed American with health insurance.
  7. I will give republicans credit for being able to get their message out with lies. And selective amnesia. It works. How else could you name something that would allow for more pollution the "Clean Air Act"? How else could you portray a real, actual war hero (Kerry) as a traitor and some draft dodging bush (yes, that's why his dad got him in the national guard) chicken-hawk as some great veteran? Swiftboating has now become part of American lexicon. How else can you keep saying that despite the worst terrorist attack that took place on our soil happened under bush that "he kept us safe"? How else can you criticize Pres. Obama for taking 3 days to respond to the Christmas day threat when it took bush 10 days to respond to Richard Reed the shoe bomber? How else can you criticize Pres. Obama for wanting to have civilian trials for the terrorists when bush did the same thing and they were convicted - and which was praised by Giuliani then but of course not now? How else could you criticize Pres. Obama for spending to get us out of the failing economy when bush turned a budget surplus into a deficit? And the democrats let them get away with these lies. The only democrat who I have seen stand up to them and tell it like it is - is Alan Grayson. I really like what he has to say and how he says it. If we want to make sure that our country isn't taken over by the right wing extremist who want to take us back to the failed policies of the bush administration - then we must make sure we get OUR message out.
  8. No, don't reprint it. It wasn't true the first time and it won't make it anymore true the second time. Again, you just make up stuff. You have no proof for anything you print.
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    from about.com Roe v. Wade is the historic Supreme Court decision overturning a Texas interpretation of abortion law and making abortion legal in the United States. The Roe v. Wade decision held that a woman, with her doctor, could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without restriction, and with restrictions in later months, based on the right to privacy. Where does it say in the constitution that corporations are people with the right to vote, own a gun and get married? You only say the SCOTUS is supporting the constitution when you like its ruling, when you don't, well then they just got it wrong, I guess.
  10. You contradict yourself. First you say a government run healthcare public option would put private insurance out of business because it would cost less. Then you say that anything the government does costs way more than what it would with private industry. :biggrin:
  11. Cleo's Mom

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    We'll just have to see if american corporations with foreign investors will be allowed to use unlimited amounts of money to buy elections. This could actually work in the democrat's favor because they will be sure to point out the foreign investors of any corporations that contributes to the republicans. We do not extend first amendment rights to foreigners.
  12. I know. I had to go back and edit some of my posts. I do not want to have any of pattygreen's quotes attributed to someone else! :biggrin:
  13. How Obama's recovery bill helped our economy. Only 3 republicans out of the total house and senate voted for this, but as Pres. Obama pointed out MANY WENT TO RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONIES FOR PROJECTS PAID FOR BY THESE FUNDS WHICH THEY VOTED AGAINST. MORE GOP HYPOCRISY. It never ends!!! Here's my graph of BLS data for this recession: This Bureau of Labor Statistics showed how the job loss slowed down considerably after Obama got in. The unemployment would be around 15% without the recovery act. Also, in the last quarter of 2009, the GDP grew by 6% compared to a negative 6 when bush left office. A 12% difference. Great by any economist's analysis.
  14. From Pattygreen: So America… it is Obama & Co Full Steam Ahead for the Obama Progressive Socialism Train Ride to Hell: Never Own a Problem, Blame Bush For Everything – Full Steam Ahead Progressive Astro-Turfing and the DEM Rent-A-Protester Program – Full Steam Ahead Wholesale Personal Attacks Against Opposing American Voters – Full Steam Ahead more More MORE Progressive Borrow and Spend – Full Steam Ahead Presidential Lip Service to Government Transparency – Full Steam Ahead Ignoring Private Sector Job Makers – Full Steam Ahead Socialized Health Care – Full Steam Ahead Cap & Trade – Full Steam Ahead Open Gayness in the Military – Full Steam Ahead Increasing Government Spending and Size – Full Steam Ahead Attacks on the First Amendment – Full Steam Ahead Giving Islamic Terrorists Rights of US Citizenship – Full Steam Ahead Well, by all means let's go back to the bush/republican way of doing things: 1) ignore terrorist warnings 2) worst terrorist disaster happened on bush's watch 3) unnecessarily invaded Iraq costing 4000+ lives and increasing the deficit 4) no WMD's 5) no Iraqi/Al Qaida link 6) torture 7) rendition 8) secret prisons 9) Katrina 10) two tax cuts for the rich adding to the deficit 11) expensive medicare drug plan payed for by taxpayers (about a trillion $$ over 10 years) - a big give away to pharma 12) cadillac medicare advantage subsidized by taxpayers. 13) turn surplus into deficit 14) took more vacation than any other president 15) deregulate wall street contributing to worst economic meltdown since great depression. 16) rising unemployment 17) falling GDP 18) ignore the big problems (kick can down the road): healthcare, global warming, clean energy, energy independence And many more...
  15. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Obama's SOTU address hit it out of the park. Also, when he met with the GOP the other day, another win for him. Luke Russert nailed it...updated w/video by Julie Gulden Share this on Twitter - Luke Russert nailed it...updated w/video Fri Jan 29, 2010 at 12:14:31 PM PST Luke Russert just told Andrea Mitchell that a Republican told him, off record, that it was a mistake to allow cameras into the Republican Retreat Q&A with Obama. Luke summarized by saying that it gave President Obama enough time to strike down every single one of the Republican talking points. The beauty of it is the youtubes will be shown endlessly on ALL channels (except Fox). And speaking of Fox, they discontinued their coverage somewhere in the middle! Scaredy cats. Julie Gulden's diary :: :: Luke's tweet: GOP aides telling me it was a mistake to allow cameras into Obama's QA with GOP members. Allowed BO to refute GOP for 1.5 hours on TV. RussertXM_NBC Luke Russert He also said that the White House called last night and requested that the TV cameras be allowed. How smart was that?! The impact of this is going to be HUGE. We love it because he's our guy. To the folks out there who aren't as enamored with him as us, they will see the truth, even if they only see 1/2 of his answers...or 1/4 of his answers. There is now no denying that this President has brains and is using his brains for the good of ALL Americans. The Republicans just got hood-winked royally. Smart idea putting this on tv.
  16. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    We don't have 60 democrats in the Senate. We have 58 and Lieberman who votes like a republican and Ben Nelson also. Plus a few others. They are called DINOs (democrats in name only) and they should just switch parties. But it isn't just the healthcare that the republicans have blocked. It is everything. Only 3 republicans in the senate have voted for ANY of the agenda coming from Obama. But I can't wait to see the republican votes on the following: 1) financial reform for wall street (the pals $$ of the republicans) 2) tax on big banks who were bailed out to PAY BACK THE TAXPAYER MONEY. (and no they can't pass this tax on to us) 3) jobs bill (paid for by repaid bailout money). Let's get C-Span to televise THESE votes. Put it on pay tv - I would pay to see it.
  17. Cleo's Mom

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    And they did so with Roe v Wade, too, but you don't agree with that particular "upholding of the constitution" do you?
  19. bush signed every one of those deficit producing budgets - budgets that HE prepared and sent to congress. The deficits were caused by two (2) tax cuts to the rich, pushed through by republicans, and two wars that we didn't have the money to pay for so we had to borrow it from China. That's what caused bush to take a surplus from Clinton and turn it into a deficit. Now you and other neo-cons can try to re-write history but I will call you on it here. And this deficit, increasing unemployment, falling GDP, and an economy on the brink of a depression IS WHAT OBAMA INHERITED FROM THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.
  20. Chris Matthews sometimes says stupid things without thinking but he is an Obama supporter.
  21. [quote name=pattygreen;1405854 The HC plan is NOT deficit positive. This is how it was going to work: Taxes will be collected starting in 2010. Coverage will begin in 2014/2015. So' date=' by the year 2020 (collecting taxes for 10 years, but only covering people for 5 years) is the reason for why the plan would be deficit positive. But, based on 1 year of collecting taxes and 1 year of coverage, it comes up in the negative. So, for ten years you are deficit positive because you are collecting taxes for 10 years and only covering for 5 of those years. What's going to happen in 2020 and beyond when you are collecting taxes but only have about 1/2 of what's needed to cover the people? This is where we speak about rationing. Obama was deceitful in the way he presented it. But why should he worry. By the time his plan is drowning us and all the rationing of HC begins due to not being able to afford it, he will be sitting pretty and set for life as an X president somewhere.:biggrin: This is why the people are telling you that it is NOT going to help the deficit. It will ruin us! I know alot of you don't like to look at what you are proposing and what it will do to future generations, but we must. I'll believe the independent CBO report rather than some conservative, Obama-hating website analysis.
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    It's Alito who owes Obama and the american people an apology for mouthing "that's not true" when Pres. Obama spoke. Very unprofessional, inappropriate and unjudicial of him. And as far as that conservative interpretation of the supreme court ruling, well you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. It doesn't suprise me that you would side with big corporations - you've always advocated for them and big insurance. And why is it that you think the republicans embrace this decision? They don't give a rat's patuty about free speech - it's because they stand to profit from this ruling. It's the whole thing I said before about the republicans representing the rich and corporate america. And this ruling was the biggest example of judicial activism since they decided the 2000 presidential election. When republicans complain about judicial activism - which they do all the time- it means: Some judge didn't rule the way we wanted them to. More hypocrisy.
  23. The CBO report showed how the healthcare reform bill would reduce the deficit: YOU CHOOSE TO IGNORE IT. The jobs program will be paid for with PAID BACK BAILOUT MONEY (about $35 billion). Some of the rest of the paid back bailed out money will be used to REDUCE THE DEFICIT. The tax on the the big banks that received the bailout would be a REVENUE PRODUCER. And in next year's budget he is proposing a spending freeze for certain programs. SO WHAT DON'T YOU GET????? :biggrin: I heard all of this in his state of the union - weren't YOU listening????
  24. EXACTLY, BJEAN!! This is what I have been saying. The republicans and the tea party movement are not interested in helping solve american's problems, they are just interested in hating Obama, opposing his agenda and hoping to get more republicans elected to push THEIR agenda - which we all saw how well that worked under bush. Their agenda is what got us in the mess we're in. The teabaggers CLAIM to be anti-wall street and the bail out. They claim to be about jobs, etc.. They claim to be just grassroots, middle america... Well, let's see if they take to the streets to support the tax on the big banks to get them to pay back all the bailout money (and no, they can't pass this on to us because they would have to pass it on to smaller banks and they aren't permitted- so they would be in a corner - yeah!) And let's see if they take to the streets to support the jobs bill that will be funded with part of the bailout money that has been paid back.. What average american could be against that, right? I called both my US Senators today and also Harry Reid's office and here was my message: -forget bipartisanship - the republicans aren't going to agree to anything. -forget the message of hope, change and yes we can. -new message: just do it Pass the financial reform bill, pass the jobs bill, pass healthcare reform and use whatever procedural path you have and JUST DO IT. And if the republicans filibuster, then put them on TV. Now, that's transparency I can believe in!!!

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