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Cleo's Mom

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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Look when that top tax rate nosedived. When saint ronnie was elected.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    President Obama has not raised taxes. He has provided a tax cut for 95% of the wage earners. Additionally, when the bush tax cut for the rich runs out at the end of this year, then the rich will be back to paying their fare share that was reduced and for which we middle class had to make up with the two tax cuts for the rich under bush.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

  4. There is no doubt in my mind that those boys wore those tee shirts to cause trouble and push the envelope. They wore bandanas which is against the school dress code. I think they should have just been ignored because getting attention is what they wanted. And to stoke any racial tension.
  5. To whom is it acceptable? The school district? Did they endorse it? To the white population of that district? To the students in the school? Just who found it acceptable?
  6. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    from Justin Frank, MD That is best explained through a psychiatric model. Many diagnostic categories may be applied to Bush (and we can only speculate on them since one of his psychological obstacles is that he has no interest in or inclination towards introspection). But perhaps the most accurate and telling one is that he is indeed a sociopath. A sociopath is someone (to grossly generalize) who exhibits external and surface empathy and amiability, but internally cannot actually empathize with the pain and suffering of others. In fact, a sociopath may take hidden pleasure in being able to cause emotional distress, suffering, and even death to others, while -- on a day to day basis -- appearing as Mr. Affability. That, you might say, fits Bush to a "T." And that, you might say, is why he is willing to have everyone sacrifice for his own sociopathological "goals" (as unarticulated as they may be to even Bush) except for himself, his family, and friends. On December 27 of 2006, we interviewed the author of a book, Bush on the Couch, that has kept haunting us over the past couple of years because it is a kind of Rosetta Stone to the Bush psyche. Written by a nationally prominent psychiatrist/psychoanalyst, it gets to the core of Bush more accurately and perceptively than a thousand blathering books on foreign policy and political science. Bush on the Couch, by Justin A. Frank, M.D., deserves a wide audience. Because when Bush holds a PR press gathering, we don't need reporters, we need a room full of psychiatrists to analyze him. We have a sociopath who has his hands on the steering wheel of America -- and that is a very dangerous thing indeed. bush said he slept well at night with reference to the Iraqi war and also laughed about looking for WMD's under the oval office desk. How many soldiers died for those non-existant WMD's. With reference to none of these authors meeting bush. Well republican Sen. Frist made a diagnosis of Terry Schiavo from miles away and made outrageous (and wrong) claims about her abilities. Also, I did not see any of them saying bush had Down's Syndrome or autism.
  7. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    From Publishers Weekly Lifton brings his unique psychiatric and psychohistorical perspective to the heated issues of the war on terror and America in a unipolar world. Lifton defines superpower syndrome as an aberrant "national mind-set... that takes on a sense of omnipotence, of unique standing in the world that grants it the right to hold sway over all other nations." He examines parallels with other instances of apocalyptic nations, which he has explored in groundbreaking works about Hiroshima (Death in Life), the Holocaust (The Nazi Doctors), the Vietnam War (Home from the War) and global terrorism (Destroying the World to Save It). Bush's war on terror can be seen as apocalyptic, Lifton says, because of its call for an amorphous battle unlimited in time or space and encompassing the absolute eradication of evil. The perceived threat of group annihilation leads apocalyptics to "merge with God in the claim to ownership of death," asserting the right to "murderous purification" and to decide who lives and who dies. The U.S. response to Nazi violence was similarly apocalyptic, in Lifton's analysis, a battle "for global salvation through the flames of destruction," such as the bombings of Dresden and Hiroshima. The latter in turn fed into the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult in Japan in the 1990s. Similarly, the Bush response is "part of an ongoing dynamic in which the American apocalyptic interacts, almost to the point of collusion, with the Islamic apocalyptic"-an escalation that, Lifton believes, "has in it the potential seeds of world destruction." Yet escalation isn't inevitable, and with guarded hope, Lifton provides a complex yet clearly articulated roadmap to national self-reflection rather than international destruction. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc. bush said God told him to invade Iraq.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Physician sees 'presenile dementia' in Bush's faltering speech By Jerry Mazza Online Journal Contributing Writer . September 18, 2004—In a letter to the editor of Atlantic Monthly, October 2004, Joseph M. Price, M.D. of Carsonville, Michigan, comments that James Fallows' July/August Atlantic article on John Kerry's debating skills ("When George Meets John"), "was interesting, but most remarkable was Fallows's documentation of President [sic] Bush's mostly overlooked changes over the past decade—specifically 'the striking decline in his sentence-by-sentence speaking skills.'" Dr. Price understands Fallows' initial "speculations that there must be some organic basis for the President's [sic] peculiar mode of speech, a learning disability, a reading problem, dyslexia or some other disorder." Quoting Fallows, Dr. Carson also agrees with him that "The main problem with these theories is that through his forties Bush was perfectly articulate." Yet, Dr. Carson stated he felt "that something organic was wrong with President [sic] Bush, most probably dyslexia, but . . . was unaware of what Fallows pointed out so clearly: that Bush's problems have been developing slowly, and that just a decade ago he was an articulate debater." He was as Fallows said, "artful indeed in steering questions and challenges to his desired subjects . . . [one] who did not pause before forcing out big words, as he so often does now, or invent mangled new ones." As Dr. Carson suggests, "Consider, in contrast, the present: 'the informal Q&A he has tried to avoid,' 'Bush's recent faltering performances,' 'his stalling, defensive pose when put on the spot,' 'speaking more slowly and less gracefully.'" Dr. Price suggests that "not being a professional medical researcher and clinician, Fallows cannot be faulted for not putting two and two together. But he was 100 percent correct in suggesting that Bush's problem cannot be 'a learning disability, a reading problem, [or] dyslexia,' because patients with those problems have always had them." The doctor. goes on to say, "Slowly developing cognitive deficits, as demonstrated so clearly by the President [sic], can represent only one diagnosis, and that is 'presenile dementia'! Presenile dementia is best described to nonmedical persons as a fairly typical Alzheimer's situation that develops significantly earlier in life, well before what is usually considered old age." Again, an observation by a medical professional. Who knows if he's right - but he is basing it on his observations. Again, I don't see anything wrong with this. It appears that there is a medical concern here.
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    A summary by Jack Dresser, Ph.D., with selected excerpts from two books: Bush on the Couch by Justin A. Frank, M.D. Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, George Washington University and The Superpower Syndrome by Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. Distinguished Visiting Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, Harvard University Psychiatrist Jerrold Post, M.D., founder of the CIA’s Center for the Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior, stated, “the leader who cannot adapt to external realities because he adheres to an internally programmed life script...has displaced his private needs upon the state.” Applied psychoanalysis is a discipline used routinely by intelligence agencies since early in World War II to identify such distortions and predict political behavior through psychological profiles of foreign leaders. Although lacking the data of direct doctor-patient interaction, such analyses have far greater external data available to draw upon. Dr. Frank has applied these methods to George W. Bush. Dr. Lifton focuses on the theme of grandiosity and unresolved personal self-doubt projected into our foreign policy. A Sense of Entitlement A lifelong “sense of entitlement” has been exhibited by Mr. Bush, described by Washington psychoanalyst Justin Frank. Dr. Frank has published a comprehensive study of Mr. Bush’s personality, based upon his many public statements, public actions, and the historical record provided by biographers, journalists, and others who have known him well and observed him closely over many years. Specifically, Mr. Bush feels and acts entitled to disregard the laws, rules and expectations governing ordinary people. This has taken many forms over many years. He did not have to “pay attention” at Yale, to wait his turn in line to gain safety from war in the Texas Air National Guard, to observe the law regarding intoxicated driving, to file required reports on his Harken Energy stock sales with the SEC, or to respect the will of Florida voters. His has become our national outlaw ethic. He disrespects U.S.-signed treaties to reduce global warming and nuclear proliferation, and refuses to support the International Criminal Court. This fits the romanticized American outlaw image, but is an adolescent response to problems needing complex adult solutions. Violating a principle common to all human societies, Bush entitles himself to lie without guilt. He has misled, misrepresented, and lied outright and continuously throughout his public life. This has been witnessed and described by many observers. There are volumes of documentation by writers of impeccable reliability recounting the Bush practice of saying anything to control the perceptions of others and get what he wants. Bush’s Orwellian descriptions that totally misrepresent known facts reveal his perceived exemption even from the laws of reality, suggesting disordered thinking. He also claims exemption from the laws of personal and public accountability. “I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation,” he told journalist Bob Woodward. Aggression and Cruelty This is a lifelong pattern. As a child, little George blew up frogs with firecrackers inserted into their bodies. Lacking scholastic and athletic abilities, he used unkind teasing in school. In college, he hazed new fraternity pledges with branding irons on the buttocks. As Governor he mocked death-row inmates and smirked at their executions. As a political campaigner, he relies heavily on smug ridicule and mockery of opponents. The smirk – one of Mr. Bush’s characteristic expressions that has worried his political handlers – is a telltale indication of sadism. It reveals pleasure in inflicting or observing pain, defeat or discomfort in others while attempting to suppress more overt and unbecoming expressions of his pleasure. He is a profoundly angry, destructive man who, in Dr. Frank’s words, “needs to break things.” Dr. Lifton extends the analysis to the appointees surrounding Bush as well, all of whom avoided Vietnam service. Lifton describes the exaggerated aggression with which people may respond to "death guilt" or "survivor guilt" – the knowledge that facing a common challenge others suffered while you didn't. This is often associated with a sense of "failed enactment" at the moment of truth. When such a wound to self esteem is repressed, it often becomes “transformed into impulses toward further violence." This may well unconsciously haunt our entire tough talking Republican leadership who hid out as young men while others died. Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Easily mistaken for resoluteness, Mr. Bush’s impulsiveness, snap decisions, and disinterest in abstractions or complexities are all suggestive of adult ADHD. He is impatient and easily frustrated, with poor control of his emotions. On two known occasions, he has driven his car through property barriers in fits of temper. And of course, the continuing indications of dyslexia: Dr. Frank observes, “He may seem decisive, but his behavior represents the fall-back position of someone trying to manage the anxiety of not being able to think clearly.” Defensive Dyslexia. Mr. Bush has learned to use his legendary difficulties with language to avoid meaningful communication, to obfuscate meanings for tactical concealment. Unable to think and communicate with language in normal ways, he has learned to use it manipulatively – to attack, dismiss, distract and intimidate, to control rather than communicate with others. Most alarming is his genuine inability to think clearly and to develop cognitive models that even remotely match the complex realities for which he is responsible. Untreated alcoholism. Mr. Bush displays common characteristics of a “dry drunk,” struggling to protect self-esteem and cope with anxiety without the liquid crutch. Symptoms include inflated self-confidence, judgmental intolerance, denial of responsibility, avoidance of introspection, simplistic thinking, and compulsive daily habits that remove him from responsibility and stress. Without treatment, the alcohol is removed without the “ism.” Instead, self-esteem is now protected by his born-again Christianity, which permits escape from accountability for his past while avoiding the self-examination and restitution of a 12-step program. Many of his actions are “dry” efforts to reduce anxiety by avoiding his inner world. In Dr. Frank’s words, “Throughout his life, George W. Bush has taken many detours from the path to self-knowledge.” In addition, his annual physical detected nasal spider angiomas that might suggest continued alcohol abuse, and unusually low blood pressure typical of antisocial personality incapable of normal emotional responses. The Overall Diagnosis: Megalomania “The evidence suggests that behind Bush’s exterior operates a powerful but obscure delusional system that drives his behavior,” concludes Dr. Frank. Omnipotence and grandiosity are clearly reflected in Mr. Bush’s identification with God’s purposes and his flouting of international opinion and international will. Omnipotent fantasy is a self-esteem protecting mechanism from early childhood, outgrown in normal development that Mr. Bush lacked. This childish omnipotence is identified and described by both authors. Mr. Bush’s personal grandiosity has been projected onto our nation. His megalomanic narcissism and lack of ego boundaries is translated into a vision of superimposing our “Freedom” throughout the world, welcomed or not. Jealousy, a centerpiece of Bush’s psychological struggle since early childhood, is the motive attributed to “the enemy” through projection. The Bush grandiosity fits seamlessly with the neoconservative agenda, which explains Bush’s choice of Cheney as Vice President and neoconservatives Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith to the top three civilian DOD posts, as well as Richard Perls and Elliot Abrams in other key administration posts. After collapse of the Soviet Union, these neoconservatives resurrected the 19th century’s grandiose images of Manifest Destiny, the right to impose ourselves on others, that perfectly fits Mr. Bush’s megalomania. In Dr. Frank’s judgment, “the enterprise he is poised to add to his history of failures is the future of our nation. Our collective denial helped put him in that position...Our sole treatment option – for his benefit and for ours – is to remove president Bush from office... before it is too late.” About the Review and Reviewer Dr. Dresser is a behavioral scientist who served as an Army psychologist during the Vietnam era. He is not a psychiatrist or psychoanalyst, but feels these are important perspectives for public consideration, has attempted to carefully and concisely summarize their views, and recommends the reader to the works cited. It should be pointed out that Dr. Frank is a Kleinian psychoanalyst, but his observational foci and diagnostic conclusions would be consistent with other theories of psychological developmental as well. These were astute observations made about bush's public persona, behavior and style. Their suggestions of a diagnosis are just that - suggestions. Again, I find nothing offensive in what they said and in fact I think they intelligently summarize bush and his behavior in the context of their knowledge of these behaviors.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    From Publishers Weekly Miller, a New York University professor of media studies, has fashioned a devastating compendium of President George W. Bush's grammatical gaffes, syntactical shipwrecks, mind-boggling malapropisms and simply dumb comments. Page after page (after page) of quotations, suggests Miller, reveal that Bush is a man who, while not stupid, is prodigiously illiterate and woefully uneducated. Further, and compounding the problem, Bush could not care less about these shortcomings. How then, Miller asks, and this is his larger concern, did someone in Miller's opinion so obviously unqualified to be president convince so many voters that he was? Miller's answer is, in a word, television: Bush succeeded on TV not despite his "utter superficiality," but because his superficiality blended seamlessly with the vacuous culture of the tube. It was not simply that Bush's handlers were able to manipulate his image, attempting to construct out of his ignorance an anti-intellectual "good ole boy" persona, but that news professionals in the medium were all too willing to go along with this ploy. They went along because the pundits of TV have become, according to Miller, increasingly right-wing, thus natural Bush allies, but also because they no longer care to talk about substance, preferring instead discussion of "likability" and other attributes of pure image. While Miller is sometimes vague in his arguments, he has produced a sharp-edged polemic questioning the wisdom of how we elect our leaders. As President Bush has said, "It's not the way America is all about." Copyright 2001 I don't think mainstream america would disagree with this analysis. I don't. It was an image that was prevalent in the media that he wasn't very bright and had trouble speaking when off the prompter. I hardly find Mr. Miller's views to be extremist or out there, like those criticisms of Pres. Obama are.
  11. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I would be interested in where those articles are that claimed bush had autism or Downs syndrome. I have been following political news for over 10 years and while bush has been portrayed as not the brightest bulb in the pack and his inability to speak extemperaneously and his screw ups have been well documented and rove was called bush's brain - I don't recall any media coverage of these things being said about bush. Oh, there might be some extremist website but I don't recall them being discussed on mainstream media like all the birthers and deathers and other whackos on the right are.
  12. And those of us who don't want to see a particular brand of religion take over our government have to be diligent to make sure it doesn't.
  13. What takeover? All those things you mentioned with reference to christian symbols in our government are still there. The religious right, however, will not be satisfied until we have a theocracy and their brand of christianity is everywhere with the government's endorsement and promotion. My religious beliefs do not depend on my government endorsing or promoting it. Nor would I want it to. If my religious beliefs were so tenuous that I had to have constant reinforcement from the government, then it wouldn't say much about my beliefs.
  14. We don't cater to every faith. We allow every faith an equal opportunity to be practiced. The only problem people have with christianity is when the religious right tries to shove it down people's throats. Not satisfied to have the freedom to practice their religion in their homes and places of worship and private places, they want to endorse it by having it in our tax-payer funded places. It is irrelevant who or what the founding fathers were. They could not have envisioned a country where we had so many different ethnicities and religions. But what they did want is a country where the government neither established nor endorsed a religion. We might have more christians in this nation than any other religion but that does not mean that it should be a nationally endorsed religion and promoted in public places. There already are symbols of christian religion in public places and in our government, but it is never enough for the zealous religious right.
  15. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Hey, Phil, welcome back. Where've ya been? Didn't you hear Joe the not plumber say that when he was young he stole a woman's silky undergarment from a department store and put it beneath his butt because he liked the way it felt? Maybe he's in the wrong profession. :scared2:
  16. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    First of all, you are the one who, when I post pictures of the racists, nazi, etc.. signs about Pres. Obama, you then post the ones about bush. When I post pictures of violence about the teabaggers, you post pictures of violence about those on the left. And then you accuse ME of doing this? What a hypocrit!!!! Secondly, you have posted offensive remarks about me: You have asked me "are you black or something"?, said that "makes me a racist", that I am "a racist and that I don't like white people" and told me that I am hateful. So, don't try to come off as some Pollyhanna to me with your "I would reprimand anyone who used those terms" You use plenty of offensive terms. And I'm still waiting for your source for the numbers about the healthcare costs.
  17. I say this so-called holiday should be celebrated by those who wish to celebrate it in their own homes. It is not an American Holiday and therefor should be left out of the schools. Kids wearing American flag shirts should be proud to do so, and them being asked to take them off was inappropriate. Your point was that Cinco de Mayo isn't an American holiday and should be left out of schools. Then so should St. Patrick's Day and Valentine's Day. They are not American holidays. So you should support them being taken out of schools and celebrated in their own homes. I guess you would be okay with latino students wearing mexican flag tee shirts on Columbus Day or Independence Day.
  18. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Absolutely! I won't let them get away with their lies, distortions, deflections, distractions or any of their other tricks. It's a full time job, but we liberals and progressives have to do it.
  19. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I will when Palin condemns rush for using it. And I'm still waiting for your source on those healthcare cost figures. Palin also used her platform to continue a call for the president to rid himself of his closest advisers. On Attorney General Eric Holder, she labeled his handling of captured terrorists -- "allowing them our U.S. constitutional protections when they do not deserve them" -- a firing offense. On Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel, she said his comments calling liberal groups "f-ing retards" was "indecent and insensitive" and cause for his dismissal. But the former governor went to great and sometimes awkward lengths to insist that when conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh used the same exact term to describe the same exact group, it was simply in the role of political humorist. "They are kooks, so I agree with Rush Limbaugh," she said, when read a quote of Limbaugh calling liberal groups "retards." "Rush Limbaugh was using satire ... . I didn't hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with 'f-ing retards,' and we did know that Rahm Emanuel, as has been reported, did say that. There is a big difference there."
  20. I don't think celebrating Cinco de Mayo is any different than wearing green on and celebrating St. Patrick's Day - which most kids do at all grades in school. My husband was a history teacher and he gave kids an extra point for wearing green on St. Patrick's Day. It was a fun thing and the kids enjoyed it. Just like wearing red on Valentine's Day and having parties in elementary school where you make a valentine box and exchange valentines. Neither of those days are american holidays or have anything to do with american history, but I support them being celebrated in schools, if those choose to.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    So-called liberal legislators (and btw - who were they?) do not make bank loans - bank managers do. And it is up to them to make sure that the person to whom they are lending money is a good risk. That's why they do credit checks of credit scores and ask a million questions about income, jobs, loans, etc...
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

  23. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    You left out nazi, muslim, communist, socialist. And by the way, the defacto head of the GOP - rush limbaugh uses the term retarded all the time.
  24. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    You're right, loserbob. Just look at the historic number of filibusters the republicans have done since Obama was elected. They won't even vote yes on their own amendments or on things they supported before Obama supported it too. Then they were against it. And Jim DeMint wanting the failure of healthcare to be Obama's waterloo. And rush cheering against America in wanting Obama to fail in getting the Olympics here. They hate the fact that a black man is in the white house. They hated Clinton, too, and went after him but it is so much more intense now. And no, the elected democrats did not act this way when bush was president. This kind of venom and pure hatred is historic. But since the republicans are pushing out any leftover moderates in their party, their party is now one of extreme right wing ideology and hatred- so their behavior panders to this base.
  25. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    You just can't make this stuff up. I know that most of the guys on these boards who need "help" with their luggage while traveling think of rentboy.com as the first place to look. Another glaring example of hypocrites on the right. And this guy preaches that you can change gays to straight. Maybe that's what he was trying to do ...over and over again. Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "rent boy" May 6 2010 George Rekers and "Lucien" at Miami International Airport. The pictures on the Rentboy.com profile show a shirtless young man with delicate features, guileless eyes, and sun-kissed, hairless skin. The profile touts his "smooth, sweet, tight a$$" and "perfectly built 8 inch c**k (uncut)" and explains he is "sensual," "wild," and "up for anything" — as long you ask first. And as long as you pay. George Rekers and "Lucien" at Miami International Airport. On April 13, the "rent boy" (whom we'll call Lucien) arrived at Miami International Airport on Iberian Airlines Flight 6123, after a ten-day, fully subsidized trip to Europe. He was soon followed out of customs by an old man with an atavistic mustache and a desperate blond comb-over, pushing an overburdened baggage cart. That man was George Alan Rekers, of North Miami — the callboy's client and, as it happens, one of America's most prominent anti-gay activists. Rekers, a Baptist minister who is a leading scholar for the Christian right, left the terminal with his gay escort, looking a bit discomfited when a picture of the two was snapped with a hot-pink digital camera. Reached by New Times before a trip to Bermuda, Rekers said he learned Lucien was a prostitute only midway through their vacation. "I had surgery," Rekers said, "and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." (Medical problems didn't stop him from pushing the tottering baggage cart through MIA.) Yet Rekers wouldn't deny he met his slender, blond escort at Rentboy.com — which features homepage images of men in bondage and grainy videos of crotch-rubbing twinks — and Lucien confirmed it. At the small western Miami townhome he shares with a roommate, a nervous Lucien expressed surprise when we told him that Rekers denied knowing about his line of work from the beginning. "He should've been able to tell you that," he said, fidgeting and fixing his eyes on his knees. "But that's up to him." For decades, George Alan Rekers has been a general in the culture wars, though his work has often been behind the scenes. In 1983, he and James Dobson, America's best-known homophobe, formed the Family Research Council, a D.C.-based, rabidly Christian, and vehemently anti-gay lobbying group that has become a standard-bearer of the nation's extreme right wing. Its annual Values Summit is considered a litmus test for Republican presidential hopefuls, and Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter have spoken there. (The Family Research Council would not comment about Rekers's Euro-trip.) He has also influenced American government, serving in advisory roles with Congress, the White House, and the Department of Health and Human Services and testifying as a state's witness in favor of Florida's gay adoption ban. A former research fellow at Harvard University and a distinguished professor of neuropsychiatry at the University of South Carolina, Rekers has published papers and books by the hundreds, with titles like Who Am I? Lord and Growing Up Straight: What Families Should Know About Homosexuality. "While he keeps a low public profile, his fingerprints are on almost every anti-gay effort to demean and dehumanize LGBT people," says Wayne Besen, a gay rights advocate in New York City and the executive director of Truth Wins Out, which investigates the anti-gay movement. "His work is ubiquitously cited by lobby groups that work to deny equality to LGBT Americans. Rekers has caused a great deal of harm to gay and lesbian individuals." Rekers is a board member of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), an organization that systematically attempts to turn gay people straight. And the Huffington Post recently singled out Rekers as a member of the American College of Pediatricians — an official-sounding outfit in Gainesville that purveys lurid, youth-directed literature accusing gays of en masse coprophilia. (In an email, the college's Lisa Hawkins wrote, "ACPeds feels privileged to have a scholar of Dr. Rekers' stature affiliated with our organization. I am sure you will find Prof. Rekers to be an immaculate clinician/scholar, and a warm human being.") Rekers lectures worldwide, from Europe to the Middle East, on teen sexuality. Yet during his ten-day sojourn with Lucien to London and Madrid, he had no lectures scheduled. Both men deny having sex on the trip, and emails exchanged between the two before their jaunt are cautiously worded. "I'd like to propose another trip to Rome, Italy, for a week or more," Rekers wrote in an email dated March 21 obtained by New Times. "This is so exciting to have a nice Travel Assistant and traveling companion! Wow! I'm so glad I met you." "I called and talked to the reservation guy in London and reserved a room with two twin beds," Rekers wrote on March 26. "Now that I'm packed, tomorrow I'll work on completing my income tax return," Rekers wrote two days later. "Not fun... But I'll just remind myself that the fun trip is coming soon." In his interview with New Times, Lucien didn't want to impugn his client, but he made it clear they met through Rentboy.com, which is the only website on which he advertises his services. Neither Google nor any other search engine picks up individual Rentboy.com profiles, any more than they pick up individual profiles on eHarmony or Match.com. You cannot just happen upon one.

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