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Cleo's Mom

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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Because discrimination based on gender is also a protected class in the civil rights bill. So if the women of color thread was racist then that makes the men's room and powder room sexist - which is discrimination based on gender.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    With regard to the 2 bush tax cuts for the rich that have contributed to the deficit because of lost revenue - let me go on record right here, right now, that there won't be one republican supporting letting these tax cuts expire at the end of the year taking us back to the fairer tax codes under Clinton. Nor will there be one teabagger who supports it or protests to let it expire. You'll see Mr. Coppertone and mcconnell yapping about a tax increase on the american people (translation: on their rich friends) when in reality it isn't a tax increase but rather going back to the fairer tax code before bush's unnecessary tax cuts to the rich.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    And I am sick of YOU constantly yapping about Pres. Obama's spending and the deficit. If it weren't for bush's reckless policies and his taking care of his rich friends with tax cuts, Pres. Obama wouldn't be stuck cleaning up his mess. As he said - the republicans drove this economy into the ditch and now they want the keys back? NO WAY !! :biggrin: And it doesn't matter where GM got the money from - it's less money in their coffers and more in the government's. And that's what's important. If I give someone two loans, the first for $1000 and the second for $500 and they spend the $500 and then repay it using the $1000, I am out only $1000, not $1500. It still counts.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Rand Paul does not believe that government should be involved in private business at all. Therefore he believes that a private business should be allowed to discriminate, if they so choose, on the basis of race, gender, religion, disability. So Rand Paul would be okay with a "No Blacks or Jews Served" sign in a public restaurant. I am not. I want the government overseeing the safety of the food I eat, the Water I drink, the place I work, the medicines I take, because we cannot trust the evil, greedy corporate america to do it. That has been well documented. They will disregard any safety feature to take a short cut to the quick buck $$$.
  5. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    PATTYGREEN: THIS POST IS FOR YOU. PAY ATTENTION. I have posted this before and you have ignored it. Study it closely. Take your time. Now, answer these questions: 1) Do you see how much of the deficit is from bush and how much from Pres. Obama? 2) How do you think the programs bush enacted are currently being funded? 3) Do you think the funding of bush's programs (none of which were funded when he passed them) ends with the election of Pres. Obama? 4) To refresh your memory - those programs were the 2 wars, the medicare part D, and the loss of revenues from his two tax cuts to the rich. Those wars or programs didn't end when Pres. Obama got elected. So how do you think they are being paid for now? Do you think they just disappear? Here are the costs of these wars and programs of bush: 1) 2 wars: $974 billion 2) Medicare part D (10 years) - $1 trillion 3) Lost revenue (2 tax cuts - over 10 years) - $3.9 trillion These numbers are staggering and bush had no way to pay for any of them. They were unfunded. But they still have to be paid for - THUS THE DEFICIT WE HAVE NOW. WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? GEEZ!!! BUT SINCE YOU CAN'T ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS, YOU WON'T AND YOU WILL JUST IGNORE THIS, WHICH IS WHAT YOU ALWAYS DO WHEN CONFRONTED WITH THE FACTS. SO STOP BLAMING PRES. OBAMA FOR BUSH'S DEFICITS. IT IS BUSH'S FAULT, BUSH'S FAULT, BUSH'S FAULT, BUSH'S FAULT, BUSH'S FAULT, BUSH'S FAULT.
  6. A chicken pot pie would be preferable and we all know where we can get the chickens to make it - Sue Lowden :tongue2:
  7. Those who support Rand Paul and what he represents are going to have a harder and harder time coming up with reasons they do so as time goes on: SCANDAL! Rand Paul MUST return Neo-Nazi funds NOW and DENOUNCE Stormfront.org Mon May 24, 2010 at 11:01:59 AM PDT This must be seen across America. Stormfront.org, which was founded to support David Duke for senate by another KKK Grand Dragon, Don Black, has been promoting and contributing to Rand Paul's moneybombs. Palling around with WhiteSupremacists much? That's a tweet from Don Black, head of the white supremacist group Stormfront. Wow. ~snip~ So, Trey Grayson should reject donations from Republicans who voted for the bailout........but it's okay for Rand Paul to accept donations from Stormfront? genuineGOPmom.blogspot.com I will state this loudly and clearly. Over and over at the top of my Jewish lungs. Rand Paul MUST return Neo-Nazi funds NOW and DENOUNCE Stormfront.org But he can't. More below the fold Democrats MUST turn 2010 into a referendum on Rand Paul. So, let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Paul Says Nazism’s Bad Because It’s Big Govt At a teabagger forum in March, Rand Paul was asked about claims that Nazis were supporting his candidacy. Rather than explain that, no, Nazis are racist skinheads, what’s he do? He says it’s a ridiculous assertion because Nazism was "big government." He went on to say, "there’s nothing about Nazism that would even appeal remotely to people who like what I stand for because I’m for limited constitutional government." Except Nazis ARE supporting, promoting and funding your Senate campaign, Rand! Would you like to comment? Yeah, just brilliant, Rand! Nazis support the extermination of the Jewish race, the most insidious sort of racism possible and everything that America has fought tooth and nail against since FDR's day, but that isn't as important to Rand Paul as the fact that Nazis, in his worldview, represent "Big Government"! I am sure my Polish Jewish ancestors in the 30's were more afraid of Big Government than they were of the gas chambers! Anyone picking up a pattern here? Strike #1. Rand Paul's campaign spokesperson Chris Hightower was fired for posting "Happy Nigger day" with Lynching pics at Facebook along with posts describing how he liked to go to the local mall in KKK garb. Strike #2. On The Rachel Maddow's Show and NPR Rand Paul, repeatedly, objects to Title II of the Civil Rights Act, stating that Businesses should be able to discriminate based on race. Upon learning of the controversy he had stirred by airing his pro discrimination views, he backtracks and goes into hiding/damage control. And now Strike #3. Rand Paul has received funds and promotion from white supremacists, Neo-Nazi's and KKK leadership via Stormfront.org And Mitch McConnell just embraced Rand Paul/Stormfront! Classic! dailykos diary His views are not what this country stands for. He is out of touch with mainstream america and must not be elected. I have volunteered to work for his democratic opponent, Jack Conway.
  8. Are the Men's Room and powder room threads sexist? Is the gay/lesbian thread anti heterosexual?
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I did hear something like this, but I can't remember if it was McConnell or Boehner (Mr. Coppertone) but I didn't know it was a memo passed out before a meeting. I think I heard that it was just discussed after Pres. Obama got elected. It just supports everything they've done since then. Just be against everything if Pres. Obama is for it. They would be against things after they were for them if Pres. Obama then supported it. So sad that these republicans are who some want more of elected. Very scary for our country.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Don't you worry. Me and plenty others will be going to the polls in November to get those out who are messing with the country and put in those who wont be overspending us into outer space! As I have posted before, much of the spending going on now is to support the programs BUSH enacted: his two wars (unfunded), his big (unfunded) medicare part D, and the lost revenue from the two big tax cuts to the rich (unfunded). Do you think the spending on these bush programs ends just because Pres. Obama got elected? Please answer. So what are the republicans you are going to vote for going to do to eliminate these? Please be specific because these things need to be eliminated to help reduce the spending. However, this is a separate issue as to how and where federal dollars go. Mine go to your state, yours goes to my state, etc... How do your republicans plan on changing this formula. Again, be specific. This is what I talk about when I deride the teabagger for not knowing anything about how our government works. Don't you know this? You really need to educate yourself about how our government works -not how you would like it to work. Liberals feel they are above everyone who is not in agreemnet with them. They often comment on the "stupidity" of their opposers. How immature! Not above. Just not about to make stupid, naive, uneducated or unrealistic comments about the government or how it runs or the realities of it. And much of what the teabaggers say is just plain uninformed and wrong and when they say those things and I correct it - it doesn't make me immature it makes me right. Right... in your own eyes.:tongue2: NO, right in that I post the facts. When you make uninformed comments like the teabagger violence is all in my head or that health insurance companies don't drop people when they get sick - the facts are easy to post and prove you wrong. That makes me right and you wrong. Period.
  11. Good try (again) but wrong (again). Every station other than the BET is a WET.
  12. The government protected classes in the civil rights bill are : race, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability. Rand Paul's position is that a business should be able to have a sign that says: whites only or no jews served. I disagree. You don't. It's that simple. This isn't about what a business person BELIEVES, this is about what a business person DOES.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Originally Posted by Cleo's Mom Because local school budgets have always been comprised of federal, state and local tax dollars. No kidding?:smile2: I know it's how it works. Duh! I don't think it should work that way. Well, Duh, :thumbup: it does work that way. So, if you don't like it run for office and rewrite the constitution and all the laws that govern our federal government and how it runs. Because until you do, our federal dollars go where the federal government (our representatives) want them to go. This is what I talk about when I deride the teabagger for not knowing anything about how our government works. Don't you know this? You really need to educate yourself about how our government works -not how you would like it to work. Liberals feel they are above everyone who is not in agreemnet with them. They often comment on the "stupidity" of their opposers. How immature! Not above. Just not about to make stupid, naive, uneducated or unrealistic comments about the government or how it runs or the realities of it. And much of what the teabaggers say is just plain uninformed and wrong and when they say those things and I correct it - it doesn't make me immature it makes me right. Federal money is sent back to states for any number of reasons - education, roads, highway, bridges (i.e. infrastructure), medicaid, etc.. in addition to money that each congressman is able to get for his/her district. The state then uses the federal money it gets for education to supplement what it sends to each district. However, like most states that percentage has been declining, putting more burden on local taxes. So, all of us pay money to the federal goverment who then sends it to states and into individual congressional districts and individual school districts, based on need. I know that you just want to keep everything small and local but that is not how things work, regardless of how you would like it to work.
  14. Since whites have historically predominated television since it's inception, I have no problem with blacks having a BET. You do. I don't feel a need to remove them nor do I find them discriminatory. If they want to produce tv that features black people, let them. It's a free market and if it is in demand it will succeed, if not, it will fail.
  15. Why, did you get them closed down, too?
  16. pattygreen: I agree with this. You said you supported Rand Paul's position and this is his position. I never said I supported his position. This is where you said you supported it. "I agree with this"
  17. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Because local school budgets have always been comprised of federal, state and local tax dollars. This is what I talk about when I deride the teabagger for not knowing anything about how our government works. Don't you know this? You really need to educate yourself about how our government works -not how you would like it to work. Federal money is sent back to states for any number of reasons - education, roads, highway, bridges (i.e. infrastructure), medicaid, etc.. in addition to money that each congressman is able to get for his/her district. The state then uses the federal money it gets for education to supplement what it sends to each district. However, like most states that percentage has been declining, putting more burden on local taxes. So, all of us pay money to the federal goverment who then sends it to states and into individual congressional districts and individual school districts, based on need. I know that you just want to keep everything small and local but that is not how things work, regardless of how you would like it to work.
  18. pattygreen in green. Cleo's Mom in black, red and blue Of course I am not the least bit surprised that you would agree with this, And I am not the least bit surprised that you would feel that it's okay, if you're a minority, to practice discrimination in reverse. Huh? I never said I supported discrimination in reverse. I don't know where you get that from. I get it from you opposition to my former post on BET channels and a black democrat organization in my town For those who have been historically discriminated in this country and excluded from white organizations -I have no problem with them forming one of their own. So what if they have a black democratic organization? I belong to a women's political organization. We work to promote democratic women. We invite men to our politcal events, too. Try as you might to deflect from the bigger issue here, these things are not reverse discrimination. It's groups centered around those who have historically had a difficult time being promoted. A black owned business that excluded whites is just as wrong as a white business that excluded blacks. I support neither. You support both. I believe you are confusing me with someone else. I do NOT support both at all. You said you supported Rand Paul's position and this is his position. since you support the extremist positions on the right. Did the Women of Color forum exclude white women? Men of color? Was it called Women of Color ONLY as your white forum would have been called? Or was it a forum for women who shared some commonality, like the lesbian forum, the powder room, the men's room, etc..? And all the other forums that narrow down one's interests? Who has an interest or something in common with other people simply because of their skin color? How would a white women's thread be received, simply because I have something in common with you because both our skins are white? I am sure women of color can share experiences of discrimination, or problems finding make-up in the right shades, or how men of color view weight issues with them differently than white men do with white women, or where to find hairdressers who can address their hair care, etc... And these issues can't be discussed on any number of threads that are not called "women of Color" ? Like I asked before, How would they feel if there was a 'white woman's" thread"? No, these issues could NOT be discussed on another thread because they would be issues shared by the experiences of their color. We have many forums on lapband that show that we narrow down our common thread. Pregnancy thread, men's forum, gay and lesbian forum. These issues are common to them and not likely to be addressed by those who don't share them. There is no need for a White Entertainment television since most of television is white. Name me one prime time network show that features blacks. There are plenty of TV shows featuring black people, so that arguement is done. There are more whites than blacks in this country, so naturally, there will be more of them on TV than the other. Outside of BET, please name any show whose main stars are black. Good times, the fresh prince of Belair,Sanford and Son, In living Color,The cosby show, girlfriends,The Jeffersons, Everybody hates Chris,The Boondocks, Living Single, What's happening, TRhat's myt Mama,Roc, South Central, Under one roof,The Monique Show,The Wanda sykes show,The Brian McKnight show, Fox's Bernie Mac, NYPD blue. Also, there are plenty of shows on TV that appropriately show a fair ratio of black, white and hispanic people together. Most of these shows are off the air and are in syndication and reruns. Also, not one is on any of the three major networks. You have to take a look at this historically. Historically, white people were not discriminated against. Ground zero for them was that all jobs, opportunities, etc.. belonged to white men. Then begrudgingly white women. For the most part people of color were to be relegated to those jobs servicing white people - maids, janitors, etc.. Then after civil rights was passed and blacks had the opportunity to get better jobs and improve their standing it was natural for them to want to organize around their new found status. So what that they have a BET? There's a Lifetime station for women and I don't hear the men complaining. That's because being male or female is not discriminatroy. Again, huh? Gender is a protected category in the civil rights bill. Maybe that's because there are a zillion sports channels.
  19. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Another ridiculous, simplisitc and unrealistic solution to a big problem. Urban decay in our city schools and you're going to try to get people who already pay taxes and who are poor and struggling themselves to fix up a school in disrepair? I am sure the needed repair goes beyond "scraping and painting". There are probably plumbing, electrical and structural (roof leaking, like BJean pointed out) problems, etc. So typical of your responses. Not the least bit grounded in reality. :thumbup:
  20. pattygreen in green. I'm in black and red. Of course I am not the least bit surprised that you would agree with this, And I am not the least bit surprised that you would feel that it's okay, if you're a minority, to practice discrimination in reverse. Huh? I never said I supported discrimination in reverse. I don't know where you get that from. A black owned business that excluded whites is just as wrong as a white business that excluded blacks. I support neither. You support both. since you support the extremist positions on the right. Did the Women of Color forum exclude white women? Men of color? Was it called Women of Color ONLY as your white forum would have been called? Or was it a forum for women who shared some commonality, like the lesbian forum, the powder room, the men's room, etc..? And all the other forums that narrow down one's interests? Who has an interest or something in common with other people simply because of their skin color? How would a white women's thread be received, simply because I have something in common with you because both our skins are white? I am sure women of color can share experiences of discrimination, or problems finding make-up in the right shades, or how men of color view weight issues with them differently than white men do with white women, or where to find hairdressers who can address their hair care, etc... There is no need for a White Entertainment television since most of television is white. Name me one prime time network show that features blacks. There are plenty of TV shows featuring black people, so that arguement is done. There are more whites than blacks in this country, so naturally, there will be more of them on TV than the other. Outside of BET, please name any show whose main stars are black. You have to take a look at this historically. Historically, white people were not discriminated against. Ground zero for them was that all jobs, opportunities, etc.. belonged to white men. Then begrudgingly white women. For the most part people of color were to be relegated to those jobs servicing white people - maids, janitors, etc.. Then after civil rights was passed and blacks had the opportunity to get better jobs and improve their standing it was natural for them to want to organize around their new found status. So what that they have a BET? There's a Lifetime station for women and I don't hear the men complaining. That's because being male or female is not discriminatroy. Again, huh? Gender is a protected category in the civil rights bill. Maybe that's because there are a zillion sports channels.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Republicans Block Democrats’ Efforts To Hold BP Accountable — GOP Leaving Taxpayers On The Hook For Bailing Out BP May 18, 2010 Today, Democrats took to the floor to explain the urgent need to pass this legislation to hold BP accountable and protect the American taxpayer, but Republicans blocked us for a second time in less than a week. Excerpts of Democrats’ remarks today are below. By blocking Democrats’ 2nd attempt to pass the Big Oil Bailout Prevention Act – which would ensure BP pays for the full cost of its disastrous negligence by raising the outdated liability cap from $75 million to $10 billion – Republicans are leaving American taxpayers on the hook for bailing out BP. point counterpoint We saw the republicans stand with the insurance industry and not the people, we saw them stand with Wall Street and not Main Street and now we see them standing with big oil (BP) and against the taxpayers. And yet there are those who want more of them elected. :thumbup:
  22. Cleo's Mom

    I Want My Country Back from.....

    Very scary stuff. This is what I want my country back from. Some on these boards support this, which is the real agenda of the right - to go back to a two class system - the rich and the poor and eliminate the middle class and the power they have and are quickly losing: Sen. Sanders tells the ugly truth "We're an Oligarchy and I think it's getting worse" Sat May 22, 2010 at 01:29:10 PM PDT THE Question - Is America a Democracy or an Oligarchy? Sen. Sanders: "Right now, what ends up happening, is Big Money interests, whether in fact it is in oil and energy, whether it's in prescription drugs . . ." Dylan Ratigan: "BP" Sen. Sanders: "Whether it is in banking, these guys have huge amounts of money, and the situation gets worse with the recent Citizens United Supreme Court decision, and anyone who stands up to the big money interests can expect a huge amount of 30 second ads against them. That's the reality. Are we a Democracy, or are we an Oligarchy where the very powerful special interests exert enormous influence over our Government?" Ratigan: "What's your answer to that question?" Sen. Sanders: "I think we're an Oligarchy and I think it's getting worse." Sen. Sanders: "The middle class in this country is collapsing. Poverty is increasing and the gap between the very rich and everybody else is growing wider. And what's happening with the banks, is one of the reasons that that is occurring, so this is not esoteric. This is our standard of living. This is the survival of the middle class. There is tons and tons of data that back up the claim made by Senator Sanders that "Poverty is increasing and the gap between the very rich and everybody else is growing wider.", and it isn't hard to see when the average real wage (wage growth vs inflation) has been stagnant for decades while the average CEO salary is 100 times what it was a few decades ago/ Compare what Senator Bernie Sanders says about how Special Interests control congress and the disappearing middle class and growing poverty of the average American to Kentucky GOP Senate Candidate Rand Paul, who claims it is "Un-American" to criticize oil polluters, and then ask yourself, who is on my side? We have seen the failure of the Kaufman-Brown Amendment 33-61 to break up the Too Big To Fail banks, we have seen how the return of Glass-Steagal has failed, and how derivatives reform is likely to fail. Yet again, another vital reform is being watered down, only this time, it will directly lead to the next crash. And yet again, the rich shall get rich will get richer and every one else will get poorer. When Bill Moyers told America about the fact that 6 Banks Control Wealth = to 60% GNP. And asked the question "Is the U.S. at the Mercy of an Unstoppable Oligarchy?" there is one and only one Senator with the guts to tell us the ugly truth, and his name is Bernie Sanders. Is America a Democracy or an Oligarchy? Sen. Sanders: "I think we're an Oligarchy and I think it's getting worse." Damn right it's getting worse, the banksters have planned their Plutonomy and are betting on it. So what else can the non rich do but take the power back? dailykos
  23. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    I said repair first. Leave it to a conservative to read selectively. :smile: Also, this is just one part of a hallway. If it got to this stage of disrepair it's safe to say that the rest looks this way, too. And this happens mostly in poor districts. Since you don't want the government to help pay for repair then how should they pay for it?

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