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Cleo's Mom

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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    That's right. Those who are smart can see that we've had four months of positive job growth, regardless of how few jobs were added this past month. They were on the plus side, which contrasts sharply with the 700,000 jobs being lost each month under the bush regime. Those who are anti-Obama will just focus on how many jobs created were census jobs. Just another deflection from the fact that Obama's economic stimulus and agenda are working and the republicans have zip to offer.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about tree huggers?

    I have a cat, my son has a cat, my daughter has 3 cats and a dog - all rescues. We are all big animal lovers. My daughter just had her first child, my first grandchild. And I kept telling her how she would love him more than her pets. That her love for her pets would pale in comparison. She didn't think it was possible until she had him and now admits I was right. Now, about the kittens - there is a lady with a group that does rescues. I will PM you with the info. Good for you that you helped with that kitten.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about tree huggers?

    Not possible. Also, when it comes to animal rights and people rights (or their care) I don't believe it has to be an either/or situation. There is room for both. I support the ASPCA, the local food bank, a homeless shelter and a child through Save the Children.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I had an appt. with my oncologist today and while in the waiting room was reading an old (April) Newsweek. Imagine my surprise when I turned the page and saw this huge headline: Regulate, baby, Regulate. That's MY second mantra and someone stole it!! :smile: It was about the EPA. I'm sorry but if those who get paid to write articles keep stealing my ideas, I going to have to ask for royalties. :thumbup:
  5. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about tree huggers?

    We couldn't live without plants and animals. Our lives depend on them. So does our health. I support animal rights and contribute to them. I also contribute to human rights as well. I am not confused about what I am looking for. I don't believe people ought to abuse or neglect animals. And I advocate for more responsible pet ownership (spaying and neutering) and adoption of stray pets. It didn't take long for this thread to morph into another bible quoting, religious one. Yawn. :thumbup:
  6. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    This kind of talk about hate when somebody else uses it? YOU're the one who has been so quick to accuse the progressives of hate! You even started a thread using that word. So you have no right to call somebody else on it. Maybe you've reformed and don't accuse everybody of hate now but you sure used to, ad nauseum. We DO want Obama's progressive style and way of doing things. We DO. And our only complaint is that he isn't progressing fast enough. Your mavericks didn't get elected. Our candidates did. So stand back and wait your turn. We want major cuts in needless spending just like you do. And who in the world doesn't? Well the actual Republican legislators are who doesn't. They only talk about cutting spending. In fact they don't do it once they're elected. They still talk about it after elections but when they vote and draft legislation it's making the government bigger, not smaller. So be careful whom you vote for. If you think you're getting what they're promising when you vote for them, you'd better think again. As for offering a job to someone they don't want to run against someone they do want elected, get real. That's not just Chicago politics, it's the way politics works everywhere! That's what happens when people in politics become elected and powerful. They get to control things. For you to act like this president invented politics is just plain disengenuous and you're not fooling anyone with that talk. You're right on, BJean. When someone talks about the legitimate collection of federal taxes as stealing, or playing Robin Hood, this is from someone who distrusts the government now, because we have a democrat in the White House. I guess the collection of taxes under republican presidents was okay. And I might add, middle class, working americans are paying LESS in taxes under Pres. Obama than under bush. Also, she posts about pork barrel spending or waste as if that didn't happen under bush. Or wasteful spending, like it just started on Jan. 21, 2009. Or she'll go on and on about all this spending, but when asked to list one NEW entitlement program under Pres. Obama that isn't paid for, she doesn't have any. She ignores and believes that most of what we spend federal tax dollars on is somehow frivilous spending - which is defense, medicare, medicaid and social security. This spending happened under bush, too, and is mandated. She offers no solution for this mandated spending (neither do any of the tea party candidates - to ask for elimination of these programs is political suicide and they know it - so they are vague, as she is, about cutting spending) Sure there is waste and cutting it is a start but the real spending is for what I have discussed above. Also, she ignores that much of the spending Pres. Obama is doing is on bush's programs - the two wars, medicare part D and the lost revenue from the 2 tax cuts for the rich. She's all about - "you just wait and see" whether it's the "real" cost of healthcare or how marriage will be defined if we allow gays to marry. Let's just deal with the here and now and not some neocon's opinion about what might happen.
  7. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about tree huggers?

    No, a tree hugger is an environmentalist who understands the delicate balance of nature and the ecosystems. They understand that when you affect one small part of it, it affects the larger part, too. They understand that we get 1/2 of our medicines from the rain forests, which are being destroyed at an alarming rate. And they understand that we are the stewards of this earth and are entrusted to care for it, because everything isn't renewable. Extinct is extinct. I applaud them for their efforts. Now I know that they are the butt of jokes about some bug or species that they are trying to protect, but that comes from people being woefully uninformed about so many things, not the least of which is our environment. And it speaks volumes about the person making fun of them.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    Health Care

    Let's see if the people still have Kirk in the running. That's a republican for ya!
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    We didn't use these figures about the unemployment rate when bush was in office. The official unemployment rate is 9.7% - down from 9.9% in April. It is going to take awhile for the economy to rebound from 8 disasterous years of bush. Employment will be the last to improve. The GNP is about 4% a year, a good indicator. But everyone wants Pres. Obama to perform miracles. Clean up all bush's messes, get the economy on track, deal with (and pay for) bush's two wars, etc, etc,.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    The unemployment fell from 9.9% to 9.7%. You are referring to only the month of May job statistics when you talk about temporary census workers. In April there were thousands of private sector jobs added. And regardless of whether some of the jobs were census workers or not, we have had FOUR months of positive job growth, as opposed to loss of jobs. Of course the Obama haters would never focus on THAT.
  11. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Because we were told that we went into Iraq because it had WMD, which it didn't. Not to form a democracy. Then when we didn't find the WMD the reasons changed almost monthly. bush actually said we had to stay (and therefore more soldiers die) so that the previous soldiers who died wouldn't have died in vain.
  12. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Other than the healthcare reform, which people elected Pres. Obama to enact, Pres. Obama has not expanded any program from the bush regime. He had to add money to the economy to stimulate it. It has worked. We have had 4 months of job growth whearas we were losing 700,000 jobs per month when he took office. Could the economy be better. Absolutely. This whole socialist, welfare, etc.. accusations are tiresome and untrue. :tongue2: I have shown statistics, graphs, articles, and so much more that shows where the federal money comes from and where it is spent. The stimulus is a drop in the bucket. The majority is defense, social security, medicare and medicaid and a few other mandated programs. I have asked what tea party candidate has the nerve to say which of these mandated programs, or even the defense, they plan on cutting. That is the only way to cut spending. Picking on the poor and welfare is easy. It's an emotional topic. But cutting waste and fraud is a good idea, but again won't make a huge dent in the spending. Pres. Obama has ordered agencies to trim budgets by 5%. Now I know that will never satisfy the Obama haters, but it's a start. This is what I mean when I say that I best you with my posts. You speak in emotional terms and just throw things out, and it makes your posts seem irrational. I post legitimate data and try to explain how things are but when someone is so anti- this president and the federal government, it is an exercise in futility.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    The democrats in congress are doing something about this. If the republicans don't obstruct it, and it passes, Obama will sign it so, again, you know not of what you speak. When people elected republicans in the last adminstration they sure didn't do anything about it.
  14. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Not at all.
  15. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I didn't start this thread. And I didn't judge anyone on it. I expressed my opinion which I have the right to. I am a christian who loves her family, too. And I am fully grounded on earth. I certainly don't need preached to by you or anyone else on these boards. I didn't criticize you but you felt compelled to attack me personally. So it looks like you are the judgmental and hateful one here.
  16. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Good for you for bucking the adminstrator, but I'm sorry it came at such a high cost to you. I, too, bucked adminstrators, who were afraid of parents and when parents complained and said "jump" all they could say was "how high". They wanted Mary Poppins in the classroom who would tell parents how wonderful their children were. In other words, lie (when it wasn't the truth). I know there are bad teachers because I worked with them, but many of them were bad for the reason I stated above. They didn't want complaints from parents. So they wouldn't tell the truth about their child. Here are some examples: -I first started teaching in 6th grade. A failing grade was 0%-69%. If a student made a 30% on a test, that is what I gave him. The other 6th grade teacher would never give a percent less than 69% so that student that got 30% would receive a 69% from him. Guess which teacher had tons on his honor roll and guess which teacher had just the ones who deserved it? -when I taught second grade I quickly found out that the first grade teachers, wanting to be popular with the parents (and administrators) seldom retained students. The one first grade teacher would never put an F on a paper, even if the child deserved it, because it would be too distressing for the child, so this teacher also did grade inflation and wouldn't give below a D. -so I would inherit students in 2nd grade who couldn't read and who obviously were struggling and should have been retained in 1st grade. So, I would be the bad guy and have to tell parents the truth and of course they would complain to the principal. But not one parent of a child I retained ever told me they regretted it, most told me it was a big help and they did much better the second time. A lot of the retentions were due to students who were the youngest in the class and just needed another year to mature (physically and intellectually). -So, my point is that I wouldn't lie to parents about their children just to make them feel good. I told the truth about their academic progress and/or their classroom behavior (it always puzzled me as to why parents would think that I had all this time and energy to make up stuff about their kid, and them contact them if it wasn't true). And I did this in a professional way - indicating a plan that I thought would help their child be successful. My principal, who was very afraid of parents, said his goal was to eliminate parents complaints (read: do whatever you have to do to make this happen) and he once said of a teacher who won some kind of award that the best thing she did was get along with parents. Gee, and I thought the best thing a teacher could do would be to teach the kids. My final point is that yes, there are bad teachers, but teachers are an easy target for everyone because everyone's had one. And some criticism is fair. However, the right wing extremists hate the government, hate public schools, hate public school teachers and would never say anything supportive of them so IMO they have zero credibility.
  17. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Closing the hedge fund loophole The tax extenders bill currently being cobbled together in the Senate (the House passed its bill already) would provide some much needed tax break extenders for job creation along with benefits and health care subsidies for the unemployed. This is potentially the last chance this session that Congress has a chance to do much in the way of job creation. This bill doesn't do a lot for jobs, but what it does is critical. And to do it, it's going to take revenue--revenue in the form of closing a tax loophole for money managers, one that allows their income from money management to not actually be taxed as income, but as "carried interest" as though it were investment income rather than salary or wages. What does the resulting loss of revenue from that loophole look like? This This is an example of how the rich get richer at the expense of everyone else. Someone has to pay more when they pay so little.
  18. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I'm so sorry you feel intellectually inferior to me. Perhaps you can find someone to tutor you and try to catch up. :cursing:
  19. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

  20. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I am an intelligent, educated person. I can research things and make up my mind. Man is not my God, but my God gave me a brain to use, and a free will in which to use it. If you choose to believe that your God will provide everything for you and solve all your problems, and do all your thinking for you, that is your perogative. But don't try to insult me because I am a smart, educated, well-spoken person who bests you all the time on these boards.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    You are so right. The ones who do the most "preaching" and who are the most judgemental are the ones who are the worst christians.
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Exactly. Because we have lazy students who have lazy parents.
  23. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    God does not say to spank your children. And don't quote that spare the rod crap. I have read many interpretations that that is NOT what it means.
  24. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    So you have all 30 patients in one room at all times? Wow. Sounds like a terrible nursing home. No wonder they hired you.

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