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Cleo's Mom

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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Is anyone else having the problem of not being able to see the last post that is shown on the thread when they click on it? I have this problem from time to time. Or could it be because that person deleted their post?
  2. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    This post does not reconcile with the one in which you told me that I don't "get" anything spiritual and was blind as a bat. Sounds pretty intolerant and judgemental to me.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    Ask anyone whose young child was dying of cancer if their prayers were answered. Heard about any terminal cancer patients on their deathbed making any miraculous recoveries? No. And we're to believe this is all part of some plan? There was a horror that happened in my area about 3-4 years ago. A father was driving his van with his 3 year old triplets (2 boys and 1 girl) in the back. A wood chipper was improperly attached to a truck, broke loose, hit the van and killed the father and one boy and the girl. The other boy was injured. Mom was a teacher and got a call that day at work that dropped the bottom out of her world. Some plan, huh?
  4. Cleo's Mom

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    I know, I know!! They're wearing tri-cornered hats and carrying misspelled signs. Yikes!! :sad:
  5. Cleo's Mom

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    Have fun :sad:
  6. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    That's right. Let the rich finally pay their fair share so that the middle class doesn't have to shoulder their (rich's) burden. The rich have been getting richer and the middle class poorer.
  7. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I couldn't care less if you read my posts or not. I can only hope that it's really bye from you but you've said that many times before only to come back again and again and againnnnnn.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    That is my interpretation of God and life. You don't have to agree. It is my truth and what I believe and no one has any right to tell me my view is wrong. I have lived life and everything I said is a result of how I have lived and viewed life and my life's experiences and the experiences of those around me.
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    We need to let the tax cuts for the rich expire. If not, it will add to the spending and deficit. Allowing it to expire will help with the deficit. And if the tax cuts helped create jobs then why did the unemployment go from 4% to 8.1% under bush? ANSWER THAT- ALL YE DEFENDERS OF THE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH BEFORE YOU CUT AND PASTE MORE RIGHT WING CLAP TRAP!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Republicans are trying to wreck the economy Wed Jul 14, 2010 at 02:10:04 PM PDT Republicans aren't just rooting for failure anymore. They are actively trying to bring it about. Under the cloak of the Senate filibuster, they are blocking extended unemployment benefits in the hopes of tanking the American economy, believing that if they can make the recession worse, then they can win in this November's election. Today on the White House blog, Larry Summers posted another reasoned analysis explaining why it is so important that Republicans end their filibuster of unemployment benefits. The lapse in extended unemployment insurance benefits at the end of May has resulted in 2.5 million jobless Americans exhausting their assistance. If we do not reinstate benefits by the end of the month, this number will grow to 3.2 million. These losses are exacting an enormous human toll on families who count on these benefits as they continue to search for jobs. As the President recently remarked: “Lasting unemployment takes a toll on families, takes a toll on marriages, takes a toll on children. It saps the vitality of communities, especially in places that have seen factories and other anchoring businesses shut their doors. And being unable to find work – being able to provide for your family – that doesn’t just affect your economic security, that affects your heart and your soul. It beats you up. It’s hard.” It is also bad for the economy. But unemployment insurance puts money in the pockets of the families most likely to spend the money – which in turn expands the economy and creates jobs. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has identified increased aid to the unemployed as one of the two most cost-effective policy options for increasing economic production and employment. Missed unemployment insurance payments since May total over $10 billion – enough to have created 100,000 jobs. An abrupt and premature withdrawal of relief is not only something families cannot afford, it is something that the economy cannot afford at a time when the economy is at a critical juncture. The economy is finally creating jobs, but not nearly fast enough to close the 8 million-job gap opened by the recession. Summers's words are unimpeachably correct, but they will fall on deaf ears. The reason is simple: Republicans in Congress simply aren't listening to rational economic analysis. The only thing they care about is that cutting unemployment benefits hurts the economy and they believe hurting the economy will help them win the election. It's shocking and sad that a major political party would resort to such craven tactics for partisan gain, but it is what it is. And at this point, trying to sit down with them and talk as adults just isn't working. It's time to unleash the facts and call them out for what they are trying to do: wreck the economy to win a campaign. The only way to get Republicans to the table will be to make them pay a political price for their malicious obstruction, and the best way of doing that is expose them for who they are dailykos This is the republican agenda - failure for this president, failure for the American people and failure for this country so that they can win in November. And there are some who want to elect more of these people?
  11. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    One of the young right wingers made reference to my red color and another one about my cut and pastes. It just shows me that they have nothing of substance to rebut what I say so they have to attack me personally. I consider it a victory.
  12. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Thanks. Red has become my signature color on here. LOL. Some right wingers have called me on it. But I hear what you're saying. I will use green on the posts I think you'll be reading. Or maybe blue.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    Surgery cancelled!!!

    Very good program. Several on these boards have gone there. It's a good hospital.
  14. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I guess that render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's thing doesn't play in Steward's article. Not surprising. They twist that bible quote to mean something else. I interpret it to mean the government has the right to tax and we are obligated to do so, but Jesus wants what is due to him, too. The deeper irony lies in the behavior of the Christian Right (who seldom are BTW). As this article illustrates, the CR will attack the government that has protected the diversity of faith to freely practice for over two-hundred years, but should anyone turn this coin over and suggest applying the law of the land equally to all agencies including the taxing houses of faith, the CR cries foul.Not content to be able to practice religion in places of worship and at home and to put religious symbols there, they demand that it be expanded to public places, like schools and government buildings. While they want THEIR religion in our government, they would never allow government into their religion.The semantics of what defines a non-profit and the difference between an income and an allowance ooze to the surface. The CR have a unilateral code allowing them the freedom to criticize but not be criticized. There are some people who when they offer a critique include a suggestion for improvement. It is not enough to simply find the rats and cockroaches, you need to DO something about getting rid of them or creating a place where the vermin will not invade. That is not the motis operandi of the CR. They may till the soil and spray herbicide but never do they plant a seed let alone nurture it to feed the needy, house the homeless, encourage the downtrodden. The CR often uses scripture to buttress or emphasize their position, but just as often to camouflage.Any bible quote that could be used to justify our government helping the least among us is interpreted by them to mean individuals helping neighbors not the government. But at the same time, any quote like the one about Caesar will be interpreted by them differently than supporting government taxation. They start with a political position (conservative - a/k/a mean spirited) and then interpret the bible to support that. Yet the tipping point is always money for them: they must have it, having it is good, not having it is not, depriving others from having it is acceptable, sharing or redistributing it is unthinkable. They feel entitled to amass it without government intervention or control, suggesting anything to the contrary is socialism. BTW before the Cold War, there was a strong and growing populist movement of socialists, led by Eugene Debs for one. American socialists were the champions for the labor unions and leaders in legislation to provide both rights and protections for our working class. They empowered the middle class and battled the elite in court, in the street, in the voting booths. The Soviets so corrupted socialism that it remains a pariah in the minds (though ever so narrow) of most Americans.The soviets were communists. A more socialistic government example is Denmark whose people pay 2/3 of their wages in taxes but everything needed in life - pregnancy and child care, education, healthcare and senior care is taken care of. This makes them the happiest people in the world because they don't have to worry about any of this. If we have to pay taxes why not pay for the things we need instead of the things we don't. How many people worry about what will happen to grandma with dementia now that grandad who took care of her died. Will she lose the home if she goes into nursing care? Yes, unless she has enough to pay $7000/month for care. Will she lose all her assets. Yes, eventually. In a country like Denmark they don't look on getting old as a punishment, a time of fear and a time of economic struggles and loss. We do. The system of taxation which began three thousand years ago is not perfect nor fair but until something better is suggested, it remains one of two constants. Well, make that three: death, taxes, and the Grace of God. The republicans have done a great job demonizing the word taxes. They really only have two things on their agenda: 1) cuts taxes for the rich (crumbs for everyone else) 2) de-regulate corporations
  15. Cleo's Mom

    Surgery cancelled!!!

    West Penn or Magee?
  16. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    No way am I reading some long, conservative, bible-based bashing of our government. Our government is based on the constitution, not the bible. We pay taxes as part of our responsibility to contribute to our country and citizenship. If you don't want to pay taxes, go live somewhere else, but quit trying to justify your claim that paying taxes is stealing. The only stealing that is being done is by corporate america and the rich who are laughing as they line their pockets on the backs of the middle class whose ignorant members do their bidding for them.
  17. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    You always justify your views with your interpretation of the bible. Like saying Jesus was a right winger. Or that paying taxes is stealing. It doesn't say those things in the bible but you take what is in the bible and you interpret it to mean those things. The catholic church does the same thing.
  18. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Well put. Where've you been?
  19. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    While it is true that there are more catholics in the world than other denominations, it does not mean that they believe what the pope says over the scriptures. It's just that they have not been given the opportunity or have not taken the opportunity to read the bible and see for themselves that they have been lied to about alot of things. I was a Catholic once, but didn't have a clue that they were lying to me about many things. They falsely teach lies to their congregants and never once encouraged me to read the bible ever. (for they probably knew that if they encouraged bible reading with their people, their numbers would dwindle dramatically) There wasn't even bibles in the pews when I was growing up. There still isn't in many Catholic churches. There are no bibles in the church because you aren't suppose to read the bible while attending mass. You are supposed to participate in the mass with responses. You can bring you bible or rosaries and read it or say them before mass, but you are to participate in the liturgy of the mass and you can't do that if you're reading or praying the rosary. The church I belong to has bible studies. I have never seen anything that would discourage people from reading the bible. But I will say that in the history of the catholic church, that was true. The Jesuits, in the middle ages, didn't want people to read because they didn't want them to read the bible. I think the catholic church gets a lot of things wrong. Like holy days and the not eating meat on Fridays. But they claim to be able to justify everything in the church just like you do. They might not be able to make a direct quote from the bible - like the not eating meat - but they would find some passage that they would interpret than would allow them to justify it. Again, I am not defending the catholic church. Only pointing out that every interpretation of the bible believes that theirs is the right one.
  20. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    My state is barely hanging on to being blue. It is more purple, really. My county is very redneck and conservative and my car too has been keyed. I just got touch up paint. Bring it on. I will not be intimidated. My summer reading: Killer Politics (how big money and bad politics are destroying the great american middle class) by Ed Schultz Get Opinionated - A progressive's guide to finding your voice (and taking a little action) by Amanda Marcotte Toxic Talk - How the radical right has poisoned America's Airways by Bill Press So get prepapred for more truth to the lies!! Thanks for your support.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    But that wasn't your original point, which I accurately refuted. Your point was that there were more people who believed your version of the bible than the catholic (pope) version. That isn't so. And once again - your arrogance is staggering. The catholic denomination will have some answering to do when they stand before God? Wow!! I am not defending the catholic church. I believe the male hierarchy have been wrong about a lot of things. The history of the catholic church is fraught with corruption and it continues today. But that is different from saying that how they have interpreted the bible will make them have a lot of answering to do while you and yours will just pass on through. Please don't ever make any more references or cut and paste neocon op-eds about Obama's modesty or lack thereof until you look at your own arrogance.
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Thanks. I do what I can. I made a pledge that I was not going to allow any of that right wing crap and lies to go unanswered on here and it can almost become a full time job. LOL.
  23. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    pattygreen: It doesn't matter who made the bill. The new president owns it now. If he truly understands that we are spending too much and can't afford to, then any spending that Bush created should be eliminated by him. He's in charge. HE needs to end it. He said he was going to stop the war. Why hasn't he? He promised while campaigning. The person in the driver seat is the one who has to end the spending, dispite who made the bills. I am sick and tired of hearing about how Bush is at fault for everything. SO WHAT! DO something about it then. STOP THE SPENDING NOW!!! When does Obama own it? You think that the health care bill isn't going to cost anything? Wow are you in for a rude awakening. So, once again, you have nothing. There are half the number of troops in Iraq now than at the height (about 70,000 vs 140,000) so Pres. Obama IS bringing them home - responsibly - not the way bush put them in - irresponsibly. And in Afghanistan they will start coming home next summer. So, once again - wrong. Secondly - the medicare part D was a HUGE entitlement program for senior citizens. Please tell me who in congress (that's who voted for it) is going to vote against it. The republicans in the senate would filibuster getting rid of it since they're the ones who voted this big giveaway to pharma. Did you call your two senators and tell them to repeal this? Because, unlike healthcare, IT IS TOTALLY UNFUNDED. The two tax cuts for the wealthy during a time of war is totally irresponsible. We should all be paying the tax rate that we did under Clinton when we all did well, and he balanced the budget and produced a surplus. So, here's your job: Call your two senators and congressman and tell them to vote in favor of allowing the tax cuts to expire and to vote to repeal medicare part D, and to vote to de-fund the two wars. When you do that, get back to me with their response. And if there are any republicans running for congress or U.S. Senate call and ask their position on these issues. Otherwise, quit your complaining. All you do is bash Obama and complain. It is quite tiresome.
  24. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    There are about 593 million protestants in the world and I know they don't all believe your interpretation of the bible is the correct one. I was just reading in the paper about a protestant denomination that is considering allowing gay couples in committed relationships to be clergy. There are over 1 billion catholics in the world. Under the pope.
  25. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Again, and this is the second time I have asked for this, what is the big spending spree you keep yapping about? We know from my accurate charts and other info that the stimulus is just a small part of the deficit and spending. I have already shown that much of the spending is for a continuation of bush's policies - the two wars, medicare part D, and the two tax cuts -ALL UNFUNDED. Plus we have the mandated programs like social security, medicare and medicaid and unemployment (WELL, WE DID HAVE UNEMPLOYMENT UNTIL THE REPUBLICANS STOPPED IT CAUSING HARDSHIP FOR MILLIONS, BUT HEY, JUST MORE COLLATERAL DAMAGE ). So what is this big spending spree? Because if Obama is giving away free money I want to know where to sign up. And please don't cut and paste some long laundry list of this and that. I want you to show me some big new program (health care is paid for - let's not get into that again). I want you to show me some NEW program that Obama has started that he's spending all this money on, other than the stimulus. Can't be on old things that we were paying for under bush. It has to be something new and big. So, what is it????

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