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Cleo's Mom

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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Again, try to keep up. When you edited my quote and left out the part that said "...than most who post from a place of hate then go from there" - well that makes a big difference. I think we've all learned how the right wing edits things (videos) in this past week to mislead the public. Now, all that being said, I offered those sample posts BY OTHER POSTERS to show how much hate some of them start off with and then go from there. I never said they were yours.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    The social security yearly cost of living increase is tied directly to the cost of living index. This year (2010) there was NO cost of living increase for SS recipients because the cost of living did not go up. Now this is fact. So, where is all this paying more for everything? Housing prices have fallen. Gas is down from $4/gal under bush. I know colleges have raised tuition. But other than that I haven't seen large price increases. It's a buyers market. Those who have money can get deals on cars, houses, real estate, just about everything. And as far as haters, well I have posted enough pictures and posts from this forum to prove my point. You can say you're not a racist but I think the fact that all this president hating/bashing didn't start until we had a black president shows otherwise.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Which is exactly the reason I posted what I did about being "smarter" than most posters on the political issues. They don't want to take the time to research the facts. They come from an emotional place, often hate filled, and go from there. Like death panels. Or Obama raising their taxes. Or Obama is a socialist, Nazi, Muslim, not an American citizen. It's very frustrating.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I didn't say PG posted these. I offered her these examples to support my claim that many post from an emotional, often hate filled position. They are not interested in facts. Try to keep up. And where did I say to lay down our guns? I believe we have the right to defend ourselves. The pre-emptive strike in Iraq was not defensive, it was offensive and unnecessary. Now, you can defend that war, and that's fine because I know you support everything the military does. But most Americans want us out of both wars. Does that make them all "want us to lay down our guns?"
  5. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Most Americans support a comprehensive immigration bill that would include some path to citizenship for those here. There is no practical solution to deporting those who are not citizens but are here with their families and working. At least none that I've heard.
  6. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    No hate in the posts below. :cursing: And I guess the Nazis didn't hate the Jews, they just killed them because they didn't like that they weren't christians. Nothing personal, mind you. "Alright, listen up. We need to open our eyes. There are over 2 million illegal immigrants bedding down in this state tonight! This state spent $3 billion last year, on services for those people who have no right to be here!$3 billion! $400 million just to lock up a bunch of illegal immigrant criminals, who only got into this country because the fuckin' INS decided, "It's not worth the effort to screen for convicted felons!" Who gives a shit? Our government doesn't give a shit! Our border policy's a joke! So, is anybody surprised that south of the border, they're laughing at us? Laughing at our laws? Every night, thousands of these parasites stream across the border like some fucking piñata exploded...There's nothin' funny goin' on here! This is about your life and mine; it's about decent, hard working Americans falling through the cracks and getting the shaft because their government cares more about the constitutional rights of a bunch of people who aren't even citizens of this country! On the Statue of Liberty it says "give me your tired your hungry, your poor..." well it's Americans who are tired and hungry and poor, and I say until you take care of that, close the fucking book! 'Cause we're losing, we're losing our right to pursue our destiny, we're losing our freedom, so that a bunch of fucking foreigners can come in here and exploit our country! And this isn't something that's going on far away, this isn't something that's happening places we cant do anything about it, it's happening right here, right in our neighborhood...I see this shit going on and I don't see anyone doing anything about it...and it fuckin' pisses me off!! So look around you,this isn't our fuckin' neighborhood this is a battlefield, we are on a battlefield tonight..make a decision: are we gonna stand by the sidelines quietly while our country gets raped? "Fuck no!!" are we gonna ante-up and do something about it? "FUCK YEAHH!!!...you're goddamn right we are!!" Unfuc@ing believable!!! While we're at it why dont we put a Japanese war memorial at Pearl Harbor! We're not fighting for our(American)rights anymore. I think we should remove the statue of liberty and put a statue of Mohammed in her place(I dont know if I spelled Mohammed right and I dont give a flying mother-fu@#)!! Better yet, the Islamo-nuts are probably planning that as we speak! And Ive actually wondered why people "go crazy". We're being told we're doing the right thing, fighting for our country,the only good thing is we get to kill alot of these nut-jobs, man is that satisfying! Then we come home and find out there is a mosque at Ground Zero, the very reason alot of soldiers became soldiers! Man, right now I envisioning what a 50 cal bullet fired from a sniper rifle does to a terrorist, islamo nutjob piece of shit! Again, so satisfying and gratifying! My grandfather is "turning over in his grave right now"! And I also used the words disdain, contempt and looking down on and MANY of your posts about those receiving government aid are full of all of these. I rest my case. Case closed!!!
  7. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Cleos, I love you for I dont have any other friends! Back atcha! You bet.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    [quote name=loserbob; My point is' date=' everyone has their niche, mine happens to be plumbing, mechanical field. Cleos, you claim to help with running dem campaigns so I would hope you know more than most. You say your more educated than most and that might be a fact but it doesnt mean your smarter than most! You seem to have more interest than most about this subject. Smarter? Better informed? You say potAto I say pot ah to. From being on these threads for 2 years and reading all the political posts I think I can make that statement. I doubt most posters put in the time or trouble to study political subjects like I do. that is my full time "job" at this point in my life.
  9. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Here's what I actually said. Did you go to the Andrew Breibart school of editing? What I do know is that when it comes to political debate (which is what I post about) I am much smarter than most of the posters here who often start from a place of hate for ________(fill in the blank) and then go from there. Smarter than those who don't know any facts and just start from a position of hate. And as for being better educated than most Americans - well a little less than 30% of Americans have college degrees so what is not true or factual about this statement? And I would like people on these boards to be better informed about subjects before they post. I know that won't happen. Many subjects are emotionally charged and that is the position from which they start. These posters are not open to looking at the facts - they just want to post false information because that's how they feel. Like teabaggers who say Pres. Obama has raised their taxes when he has not. But the facts won't sway them because they hate Obama (do I really need to post the pictures??) and aren't interested in facts. That's what "just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man" means but I must have touched a nerve with you since you're still yapping about it. You must be having feeling of inferority or something to be so consumed with this. You know, the whole, I think thou protest too much thing.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I don't just watch cable news. I read on the internet and I read books, too. How do you get your news and form your opinions? And I research my facts in several ways. If you have something that disproves what I cut and paste, or any other facts that I post, then share it. If you don't, then don't dismiss what I have posted.
  11. Cleo's Mom

    Severe vomiting

    If you have been vomiting every night for 4 weeks have you contacted your doctor? If not, you certainly need to as this is not normal and it could damage your band and esophagus. Something is causing this vomiting and if it's not what/how you eat then you need to get this addressed ASAP. Call your doctor now.
  12. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Thanks, Will Be Healthy, for your support. What age level do you teach? I wish I had had someone like you for a teacher. I am sure you challenge your students. I am a retired elementary teacher (second career) and retired early because at that age parents want Mary Poppins and Mother Teresa and I am neither and I grew weary of weak kneed administrators who said "How high" when parents said "Jump". I also suspect that I struck a nerve with PG with this issue because I have taken the time to prove her posts wrong over and over again. And when I do, she never admits she was wrong. It's just ignored. That's why she comes after me more than anyone else.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Just go back and look at the posts about mexican immigrants or Muslims or gays and many of your posts about those on welfare or government aid and the hate will be self-evident to those without blinders. Hate, loathing, disdain and a sense of superiority. It's all there. So keep posting your silly right wing cartoons. Doesn't change a thing. :cursing:
  14. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Actually you've said many times that you are all knowing about exactly what the bible means. No other interpretations, including those of organized religions, could be correct if they differ from yours. And if you've been paying attention you'd see that my posts are almost entirely political and on that subject I do believe that I am more informed than most posters here because I make it my point to read about and listen to information about the political landscape in this country. I haven't seen many posters on the right who have the breath and scope of interest in politics that I do. Most post from an emotional base. You said you are the biblical expert. Why do you consider youself so? Just because you have studied it? Well, I study politics with the same passion that you study the bible. So how does that make me different from you when you think you know more about the bible and your interpretations are the right ones? You seem very prideful in your comments about the bible to me.
  15. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I am better educated than most american people. That is just a fact. I don't know what the educational level is of those who post here. What I do know is that when it comes to political debate (which is what I post about) I am much smarter than most of the posters here who often start from a place of hate for ________(fill in the blank) and then go from there. It isn't hard to spot their posts: The Muslims are all terrorists and shouldn't build a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero. People who receive government aid are lazy and just want cable tv and eating out. Mexican immigrants are all illegal taking good american jobs away from us. And the list goes on and on... I post facts and some opinion. And I am proud of my ability to do so. I spend a lot of time listening to and reading about the political landscape and what is going on. If others can't keep up, that's not my problem. But it is frustrating to me. And you should talk about pride when your arrogance is staggering. You're righteous, your biblical interpretation is the one and only correct one. All of your biblical views are right. The catholic leadership will have to answer to God at judgement day. And if you're not righteous enough (like you) your prayers won't be heard. Astounding that you could believe all this and then yap about MY pride. :cursing:
  16. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Republican Tea Party Contract for America: For the better part of the past year, Republicans have tried to come up with a new agenda for the American people with mixed results. However, with the Tea Party now the most potent force in Republican politics, and with the recent launch of the Tea Party Caucus on Capitol Hill garnering the support of Republican leaders like National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Pete Sessions and Republican Caucus Chair Mike Pence, the Republican Party agenda has become clear. Republican leaders and Tea Party-supported Republican candidates can now rally around the "Republican Tea Party Contract on America" as the blueprint for how they would govern. 1. Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Health Insurance Reform) Put insurance companies back in charge, repeal tax credits for small businesses, allow insurance companies to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions and to drop coverage when a person gets too sick and make prescription drugs for seniors less affordable. 2. Privatize Social Security or phase it out altogether Turn the guaranteed retirement benefits of America's seniors over to Wall Street CEOs by putting Social Security at risk in the stock market or, as some Republicans have called for, phase out Social Security altogether and end a program millions of American seniors rely on for their survival. 3. End Medicare as it presently exists Phase out and end Medicare as it presently exists for future generations of seniors -- ending Medicare's guaranteed healthcare benefits for more than 40 million American seniors -- and replace it with a voucher system which will result in higher premiums and fewer services for seniors. 4. Extend the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy and big oil At a cost of nearly $700 billion, extend the Bush tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and big oil, which are set to expire and which have and will continue to explode the federal budget deficit. 5. Repeal Wall Street Reform Roll back the toughest consumer protections ever enacted, allow banks to continue to grow too big to fail, and ensure that predatory lenders continue to utilize their most abusive practices. 6. Protect those responsible for the oil spill and future environmental catastrophes Cap liabilities for those responsible for environmental disasters like the Gulf oil spill and let companies like BP decide which victims deserve compensation for the disaster and what the timeline for relief should be. 7. Abolish the Department of Education Put the big banks back in charge of student loans and put an end to federal assistance for public schools. 8. Abolish the Department of Energy End America's investments in a clean-energy future and disband the organization responsible for oversight of nuclear materials. 9. Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency Gut the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act -- which together protect our kids from air pollution and keep drinking water safe -- and disband the watchdog that holds polluters accountable. 10. Repeal the 17th Amendment Take away your right to pick your U.S. Senator.
  17. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I absolutely am proud of my education for which I worked hard both in terms of studying and paying for. I certainly will NEVER apologize for it. I am also proud of my children's accomplishments for the same reason.
  18. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Will Be Healthy: I understand your posts. On these boards I sometimes feel like the character Gus, the Texas Ranger, from "Lonesome Dove" who was well read and who spent much of his time going after Mexican horse thieves and who said: "Just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man".
  19. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Have fun fishing. Maybe you'll catch a coherent thought. Mean enough???
  20. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    You see? You can't find biblical support for soul sleep but you keep promoting it. If someone else has an opinion for which you say there is no biblical support then their opinion can't be right. Hypocrite. And my interpretation of Jesus will come again is that after we die he is there for us to take us to heaven. That is his coming again. And people here on earth ask others to pray for them all the time. They ask their priest, ministers, neighbors for prayers when someone they love is ill, dying, etc.. So your mocking of asking a friend to pray for them is insulting. Asking Mary to pray for us is the same thing. The only difference is you believe her to be dead, and others believe her to be living in heaven with her son.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I quit posting because most of the stuff was bull$**t. As I have said before, when a posters got nothing, then they attack me personally and that's what was happening. Enough said. And I don't give a flying f**k who agreed with you or me. I don't need anyone to agree with my opinions. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, just not their own facts. And as for my saying the same things over and over - well, that's because some are slow learners and deny facts even when they hit them in the face.
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Conservative VS Liberal

    REPUBLICANS OPPOSE TRANSPARENCY!! With all their yapping about "transparency" (read: they mean they want Obama to be transparent not them) - the republicans yet again reared their hypocritical heads today by voting against a disclosure act to even be discussed. What is this disclosure act you might ask? Well, you might remember the right wing activist supreme court ruled in Citizens United that corporations are people and could spend unliminted amounts of money in attempts to buy elections. This includes foreign companies. Imagine that! Foreign companies deciding our elections and I thought just the supreme court did that. The disclosure act would simply force these ads to disclose who paid for them - by having the CEO come on (just like candidates do and say I'm so and so and I approved this message) or having the name of the organization and their funding displayed. But NO, the party of No won't even let it come up for discussion. Why? Because they can't wait for their corporate friends to help them buy November's elections. Without revealing who they are. The republicans don't want you to know who their friends are. 80% of Americans OPPOSE the Citizens United ruling and only 18% support it, including our resident right-winger. But somehow the republicans will turn this around to their advantage, which fortunately for them doesn't require much turning since their base readily drinks the kool aid.
  23. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    Apparently you didn't make the distinction explained in the post about praying TO and praying THROUGH. And I asked a friend of mine who, along with her husband, are missionaries (evangelical christians) whose life's work is the bible and christianity. They have been to China and are now in Hungary. I think their knowledge and experience trumps yours. And they explained to me that after a person dies they are not constrained by our concept of time. Time is meaningless. Therefore, judgement day comes for them when they die. That is what I believe. And those people who go to heaven have eternal life. And your explanation of "soul sleep" is not in the bible.
  24. Cleo's Mom

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    There are two threads on R&R: How do you feel about a mosque at ground zero and Unfu**king believable both started by same poster. Both are irrational rants painting all Muslims as terrorists and being offended by having a 150 year old building two blocks from ground zero (which is being used once a week now by muslims) being expanded to be a mosque and community center. Other places of worship (christian) near ground zero are okay. Lots of hate on those threads, much like the immigration one.

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