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Cleo's Mom

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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Fox News - another crack pot source? American Renaissance is hardly left wing. Keep thinking she was shot by a left wing radical who didn't think she was liberal enough. According to a memo obtained by Fox News with information compiled by the Department of Homeland Security and released to state law enforcement officials, Jared Loughner, the alleged shooter of Congressman Gabrielle Giffords, may have been influenced by a pro-white racist organization that publishes an anti-immigration newsletter. No direct connection, but strong suspicion is being direceted at American Renaissance, an organization that Loughner mentioned in some of his internet postings and federal law enforcement officials are investigating Loughner's possible links to the organization. The organization is a monthly publication that promotes a variety of white racial positions. "The group's ideology is anti government, anti immigration, anti ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti Semitic," according to the memo which goes on to point out that Congressman Giffords is the first Jewish female elected to high office in Arizona. A recent posting on American Renaissance's website on January 7 begins with an article entitled: "Exit poll: Whites are Different." The site goes on to list anti-immigration articles. Investigators are also pursuing Loughner's alleged anti-Semitism. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has taken command of the investigation. According to the memo, Federal Judge John Roll's wife told law enforcement that he was not supposed to be at the rally but was called an hour beforehand and decided to attend at the last minute. Roll reportedly ruled on a controversial 32 million dollar civil rights lawsuit in February 2010 that elicited death threats for him and his family resulting in added security detail being assigned to him as a result. Further, the suspect's mother works for the Pime County Board of Supervisors. The suspect reportedly has at least one arrest, but no criminal record, according to this internal memo based on information as of 6 pm Saturday night. Jared Loughner tried to enlist in the US Army in Dec 2008, according to Pentagon officials and Army records. He was rejected but the Army would not give the reason due to privacy laws. Loughner was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia in 2007.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    The sheriff press conference on the shooting. Go to the 10:45 mark where he nails it about the vitriol and what has happened in Arizona. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/ns/msnbc_tv-countdown_with_keith_olbermann/#40982747
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Trust a neocon to shoot the messenger. You don't agree with her father's facts so he is ignornant. What arrogance. What right do you have to call her father, who is privy to information you aren't, ignorant? Her father knows about the threats she receives for her pro-healthcare, pro-choice stance. And what the tea party did to campaign against her. Her office window was smashed. I'm sure there are other things he knows about that haven't been revealed to anyone but the FBI. And with what is known of this guy - her dad or the shooter (I don't know who you were talking about) - he is at best a democrat and at worst a full fledged psychopath? You would be wrong if you were referring to her father and I doubt the shooter's political party will be revealed but what do you want to bet he has some internet, anti-government rants? There is plenty of blame to go around for this horrible shooting. And like I said those whose words promote hatred of the government and guns as a remedy share in the blame. It doesn't take much for the unstable to go over the edge and those who are in positions of influence need to choose their words more carefully. But then that would make them politically correct and - horrors - they sure wouldn't want to be that.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    When a drunk driver kills a person we as a society not only hold him reponsible but the bartender who kept serving an obviously drunk person more drinks. That's the same irresponsible behavior from those on the right who started all this hatred of the government and promoting second amendment remedies. They too are responsible and owe this whole nation an apology.
  5. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    from correntewire.com: UPDATE Gawker has an eyewitness account: We spoke to an eyewitness, Steven Rayle, who was on the scene at the time of the shooting and helped to hold the suspect down while waiting for police. Here's what he said: The event was very informal: Giffords had set up a table outside the Safeway and about 20-30 people were gathered to talk to her. The gunman, who may have come from inside the Safeway, walked up and shot Giffords in the head first, "point blank". According to Rayle, who is a former ER doctor, Giffords was able to move her hands after being shot. After shooting Giffords, the gunman opened fire indiscriminately for a few seconds, firing 20-30 rounds and hitting a number of people, including a kid no older than 10 years old. Rayle hid behind a concrete pole and pretended to be dead. When the gunman apparently ran out of ammunition he attempted to flee, but a member of Giffords' staff tackled him. Rayle helped hold the gunman down while waiting for the sheriff to arrive, about 15-to-20 minutes later. The EMS came about 30 minutes later. Rayle said he was "stunned" by how long it took medical help to arrive Also posted on freerepublic.com and the atlantic. com I guess they're all crackpot sources too. You are so typical of the necons on the right. If something factual (like science, CBO reports, the unemployment numbers) doesn't fit with your views - well then just ignore, dismiss, mock or deflect from the facts.
  6. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Her dad ought to know: The New York Post has a story on the Giffords shooting, and her weeping father goes there. This is apparently exclusive, though you never know with the Post: Her father Spencer Gifford, 75, wept when asked if his 40-year-old daughter had any enemies. "Yeah," he told The Post. "The whole tea party." The dad, who was rushing to University Medical Center in Tuscon, said that politicians constantly faced danger. "They always get threat[ened]," Gifford cried.
  7. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Here's a fun little screenshot from your beloved dailykos, they were so kind as to remove this so they could bash palin for a bit, seems they forgot, this is the internet, once it's there it's there for good. Does this put blood on the daily kos' hands as well CM? Sharon Angle and other tea party candidates who ran against more moderate republicans in the primaries learned that. They ran on extremist positions in the primaries so as to garner those crazy tea party votes and they posted these positions on their websites and on videos. Then when they won and had to run in a general election they had to pull back from these extreme positons obviously forgetting that there was such a thing as the internet and videos to capture there positions forever. That's how so much of the republican hypocrisy is documented. And since you never site your sources we don't know from which right wing whacko source you quote.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Just another diversion from what is going on. Let's try to get your attention away from the current situation. Put you on the defensive. You neocons are such experts at that. Won't work. Most of the violence against the government and what it represents is by right wing extremists and you can post all the articles you want about left wing this and that and that doesn't change the fact. THOSE WHACKOS ON THE RIGHT WHO HATE THE GOVERNMENT ARE THE BIGGEST CAUSE OF DOMESTIC TERRORISM. Who was the last conservative targeted? Reagan?
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    It isn't a matter of being pro-gun or pro-gun laws. It's a matter of the way Palin, Bachmann and Angle promote the use of guns. It is reckless to put cross hairs on the targets of congressmen, or talk about second amendment remedies when you don't like the way things are going, or to tell your constituents to arm themselves and rise up. This is irresponsible and they and those on whacko talk radio and tv who promote all this anti-government rhetoric just fan the flames of the crazed minds in this country and they have the blood on their hands.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    The shooter was a law abiding citizen with a gun until he shot someone. Every law abiding citizen with a gun is just one shot away from being a criminal. And that's just what we need - a bunch of citizens in a crowd firing away. All that would have accomplished is a higher death toll.
  11. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    It took the EMT 30 minutes to arrive at the scene. I wonder if the angel of death - Gov. Brewer - had anything to do with cutting funding to them, too?
  12. My thoughts on the original post: I don't think the surgeons do a good job explaining the band at the required pre-op seminar. That is why so many are surprised that they will be hungry after surgery and before a fill. Or that they may have permanent left shoulder pain. Or that you could have significant pain after surgery Or that some would require the band to be so tight as not to be able to eat Breakfast in order to lose weight. Or - and this is the one no one would be told - that the band doesn't work for everyone like it is promoted. It is promoted as controlling your hunger. It has never worked that way for me (and others on here) at any fill level I was at. My inability to eat due to restriction did not translate into satiety. As to searching for things - I find the search feature on this forum to be very frustrating and not easy to find things. The old way was much better before they updated everything. So it could be that people want to find specific things but can't. And I am not a newbie. I have been around for awhile.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Update: The little 9 year old girl who was shot died. So very, very sad. And senseless.
  14. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    This should send a chill up the spine of every SANE, RATIONAL person: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/1/8/934297/-Second-Amendment-Remedies-(pictures,-continuing-updates)
  15. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    At first CNN was reporting that she was dead. Now they are saying she is in surgery. Nine people were shot and are in serious or critical condition, including a child. Congressman Giffords was one of 10 congressmen harassed for her pro-healthcare stance. The window of her local office was smashed. The constant, non-stop hate coming from the right wing talk radio and tv just inflames and provides the ammunition that these demented people need to carry out their fatal plans. Some on neocon forums are saying maybe she was shot because she wasn't liberal enough. Yeah, right. Keep thinking that in your half a brain. First a package to Napolitano blows up and now this. When will it end? When they finally get Obama? Case in point: Sarah Palin's website Up until about half an hour ago, this page showed a map with 20 crosshairs, then it got taken down, and now it's been completely re-made with no map of showing where to aim your gun at: Another case in point: Those tea party candidate (e.g. Sharon Angle) who advocated for second amendment remedies when they didn't like how things were going and whacko MIchelle Bachman who wants her constituents armed and rising up. They and those who voted for them have blood on their hands. Update: (3:50 PM) - they are saying she is expected to pull through but 6 have died. One of them shot was a federal judge.
  16. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Have you ever noticed that the neocons always know someone who knows someone who abused the system. All they can provide is anecdotal evidence that can't be proven. Don't confuse them with the facts. Most of medicaid goes to nursing home patients. These are people who require 24/7 and skilled care. Should we just throw them out on the street? You're right - there are no jobs because corporate America would rather sit on their 2 trillion dollars in assets and reap the tax cuts just given than hire more people. They will just continue to overwork the employees they have. As to China and India. They might not have as many corporate regulations we have but what about pollution to the air and water? They don't care. We should. What about the rights and safety of their workers? They don't care. We should. What about the salaries of their workers? Can they make a living? They don't care. We should. We are better than them and de-regulating is not the answer. Then we become like them. We have got to stop using the term "cutting spending" and start using the term "investing in America's future". That is what China and India is doing. That is how we compete with them. By investing in infrastructure, education, energy, research & development, technology, medicine. Make sure our nation is brought into the 21st century instead of going backward like the republicans want to take us. They want to undo progress and move us backward. And those in need in this country would starve to death if dependant on the generosity of others. BTW, loserbob, how did your wife's test turn out? Okay, I hope.
  17. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. The recession (job loss) actually started in 2007. Under and because of bush. By the time Obama took office about 700,000 jobs a month were being lost. He slowed that loss down and then turned it positive. By the time the job losses ended about 8 million jobs were lost. During the last 12 months, due to Obama's economic policies, we have had positive job growth. Positive job growth means more jobs created than lost each month. It doesn't mean we have made up the 8 million jobs that were lost. That's going to take time. If you can prove that 6 million jobs were lost in 2010 please do so. And yes - bad economic policies, banks failing, bailout of them and massive job loses = bush Reduce job loses, create positive job growth, improved stock market = Obama.
  18. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Please provide proof from BLS that 6 million jobs were lost in 2010. What I found is this: Employed Dec. 2009 - 137,960,000 Dec. 2010 - 139,206,000 Doesn't add up to 6 million jobs lost. Must be that tea party math.
  19. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    I ask that you watch the video about half way down - from Austen Goolsby, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. If you can find any factual info to refute what he says or find anyone else who wants to go back to the policies that created the red bar - please post them: http://blog.markcz.com/obama-racine-midterm-election-warmup/
  20. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    If you look at what I said -I said they wanted Obama to fail and thus America. He is the president. If he fails, then so does the country. Nothing gets done. I stand by what I said, I proved it and you are backpedaling. As I said I would welcome socialism over whatever disastrous economic policies the decade of decline/loss under bush was. We had a great 8 years under Clinton and then when the republicans controlled everything - disaster struck. If their goal is to get the White House and Senate, too, it won't be any different. And as for unemployment figures. Of course you are going to go into complex analysis to paint it in the bleakest picture but it swings both ways. If it rises, then I will just say that's not an accurate figure, it's just that more people are looking for work who previously hadn't, yadda, yadda, yadda.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Cenk Uygur Host of The Young Turks Posted: July 23, 2008 12:20 PM If We Drill in the US, We Don't Get the Oil One thing has been driving me crazy about this drilling debate -- everyone seems to assume that if we drill for oil in the US, that we will get the oil. And hence, we won't be dependent on foreign oil anymore. But we won't get anything, Exxon-Mobil will. The oil that comes from that drilling will not be United States property (Republicans aren't suggesting we nationalize the oil companies, are they?). It will be the property of whichever oil company got the rights to that contract. They can then sell it to whoever they like -- and they will. They will sell it on the world market, so the Chinese will have just as much access to the oil that comes out of the coast of Florida as we will. The Democrats have done a decent job of beating back the argument that this will effect prices in the short run, or even in the long run. But no one has addressed the point above. The Republicans make it seem like we won't be dependent on foreign oil -- and that prices will go down in the US -- if we have our own oil. But it won't be ours. And it will be sold on the world market, so its effect on global oil prices will be even smaller. When we ask the question of whether there should be drilling off the coast of Florida or in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, we should ask the question this way -- would you be comfortable with the Chinese or the Germans or Russians or the Saudis drilling on American land? Because for all intents and purposes, they will be. Large multi-national firms like Exxon-Mobil are not US property. They sell to the world and their allegiance is to corporate profits. So, when they drill, they drill for the whole world, not just us. Some might find that heart-warming, but it certainly has nothing to do with the US having more oil or lower prices. This post is for those who think that the oil drilled in and offshore in the U.S. belongs to us. A common misconception.
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    Don't backpedal now. When I made the original assertion that the republicans wanted to block Obama's agenda before he was even sworn in, you said something to the effect that if I could show that any of them said that that you would vote for Obama or some such thing. These repubicans wouldn't have cared if he had claimed that America was in the north America - they would have disagreed. Like I said, they voted against bills that they proposed after Obama supported them. Now tell me - how is socialism? I exposed all this on other forums here in great detail. Socialism - another buzz word from the neocons. They like to say it as they pick up their SS checks on the way to their doctor paid by medicare. Anyway, everything Pres. Obama has done has helped this economy. Not as fast as impatient Americans would like - but 18 months of positive job growth is impressive. The stock market going from 6000 to 11000 points and helping those retirement and investment funds (that tanked under bush) to grow is also impressive. But people are still hurting and he has done what he can to help the unemployed with benefit extentions. Our unemployment would be 15% without the stimulus and other things Pres. Obama has done. He doesn't get credit for what didn't happen. If getting this economy moving in the right direction is socialism, I'll take it over whatever we had under the disastrous years of bush - a/k/a the decade of loss.
  23. Cleo's Mom

    Democrats vs republicans

    The method for determining the unemployment figure is the method. Period. You can always do extensive analysis of all the economic implications of this figure. But you damn well know that if it went up .4% the republicans wouldn't be looking deeply as to why. They'd blame Obama.

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