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Cleo's Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    alli anyone??

    I had been on xenical (prescription alli) for 7 years before I started on the banding journey. I haven't taken it since I was banded on 9/22. I had fairly good results with it when I watched my diet. I just thought that if the band did it's job you wouldn't have the hunger you did before and would be more inclined to choose smaller portions of ( healthy) foods, etc...and feel satisfied.. Plus the exercise. I certainly have no desire to go back to the pre-band routes and diets like weight watchers - been there, done that. But that might work for some. Just not for me.
  2. My doctor says no liquids 30 minutes before and one hour afterward.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Please Help

    Mommyof5 - I'm not sure you can eat all of the normal foods again. If you read the posts here you will see that bread, pasta, rice, beef are not well tolerated by many. Carbonated beverages are forbidden. You have to be ready to eliminate these foods forever if necessary.
  4. What happens if you've had your fills and you get the stomach flu and you have to throw up - how does it come up through the band? Because the flu will be in the lower stomach (and probably pouch, too). Has this happened to anyone? :biggrin:
  5. What happens if you've had your fills and you get the stomach flu and you have to throw up - how does it come up through the band? Because the flu will be in the lower stomach (and probably pouch, too). Has this happened to anyone? :biggrin:
  6. Cleo's Mom

    Trouble with food intake

    Here is where I am confused. Another poster (1 year post-band) was talking about the terrible pain she had from eating a few small bread samples from a bakery. Others concurred with their experiences. Yet some of you talk of eating toast or half a sandwich. Naturally, I would like to be in the latter group after I get filled. What makes the difference?
  7. I haven't had that experience because of the banding. But anytime you have numbness, nerves are involved. Either being compressed or damaged or something. It might have involved the way you were laying on the table but thigh pain the way you describe it could be a bulging or herniated disc. Do you have any back pain? If it doesn't go away or gets worse see a doctor.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    This is BS

    Judith - I couldn't agree more with you about many people on these boards being judgemental and often critical. These boards should be for advice and encouragement. Like you my eating pre-band was not that bad. No fast food. No 12 cans of coke a day. Not much in the way of junk food. People who had that kind of eating patterns will lose much more weight and faster. I am losing slowly and that is fine with me. I had lost nearly 40 pounds with my own dieting (since 2005), then the 6 month diet and pre-surgery diet and another 20 post-surgery for a total of 60. Don't forget that the more weight you lose the fewer calories you need to maintain that weight (150 fewer calories for every 10 pounds). Our bodies really fight to keep weight on from our days of when food was scarce.
  9. Cleo's Mom

    thoughts in my head

    I am 57. I am the third generation with an obesity problem. I don't know my ancestors before that. This includes both parents and both sets of grandparents. My father's mother was born around 1895. No fast food. No prepared food. And they did a lot of manual labor. And she was obese. Same for my mother's parents. (born 1895 and 1901) Both grandparents obese. And they all lived through the depression. Including my mom. But only the girl children (my mom & her sister) became obese. My mom had 2 kids - me and my brother - both of whom became obese as adults. My mother's sister had 3 children - all were/are obese (1 died). Her oldest daughter had two children - one normal weight (boy) and a girl who was obese almost from birth (breast fed only) and was a clone of her mother. So, I look at my family and its history and you cannot escape the genetic factor. Yes I think our western diet is to blame but our society has moved from agricultural to industrial to a service (sitting all day) economy and nothing is going to change that. We do need to exercise more and that has been emphasized for years by the medical profession. And don't forget that for every 10 pound you lose, you need 150 fewer calories to maintain that weight. Our bodies are designed to hold onto calories from our time when food was scarce. Our bodies have not evolved to match our society. And the medical profession does define obesity as a disease even if you don't. If it didn't - insurance wouldn't pay for these surgeries. I will never beat myself up for being who or what I am. I am not a number on the scale. But I have taken steps to get healthier which is what everyone on this board is doing and they deserve the support of each other.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    thoughts in my head

    Karen - obesity is a very complex condition. Of course it is always about calories in vs out. But the more this condition is studied the more they are finding that genes and hormones like leptin and grehlin play a role in our appetite, our satiety, not to mention a whole host of other things. We are not like naturally thin people. How we see, taste and smell food is different. When our brains tell us to stop eating is different. Our metabolisms are different. That is why obesity is considered a disease. Going on a diet is like holding your breath - you can only do it for so long. The band is supposed to make you feel full and satisfied with a small amount of food. If it is not doing that then yes, it is the bands fault. What food you fill your pouch with is your responsibility. You have to eat healthier. It doesn't mean that once in awhile you can't have something you like - we're not monks, but the 6 month pre-surgery nutrition diet is supposed to teach you this. Anyone can overcome the band or by-pass. But that's not the point of getting these surgeries. Nothing is fool proof. Diets fail 95% of the time. Can you imagine doctors recommending any procedure to a patient with a disease that fails 95% of the time? But weight loss surgery is the only medical intervention that has proven successful against obesity and its related co-morbidities. For most people it works. But there are always exceptions.
  11. Cleo's Mom

    Weight Watchers

    For Weight Watchers you are just the number on the scale. They don't emphasize exercise. You may have developed more muscles (especially if your arm jiggle is gone) which weigh more than fat. So the scale doesn't always tell the whole story. If you are seeing inches gone then you are doing well. I am 57 and joined WW for the first time when I was 28 and weighed 137 (I'm 5'5"). I went off and on for years until I became a lifetime member. But in the end, if I was able to eat like that - then I wouldn't have a weight problem. But I couldn't - and most obese people can't - which is why so many join, quit and re-join over and over again. I wouldn't do the WW thing - but you have to decide for yourself. I think you're doing well - and never reduce yourself to a number on the scale.
  12. Cleo's Mom

    someone please help

    I'm with those who are telling you to stop beating yourself up. You already know what the right things to do are. The portion size, the chewing, exercise, etc... But you're hungry and you want the food that tastes good to you. So you eat it. You may need another adjustment - ask your surgeon. But if you can - buy a treadmill. Maybe your parents can help? For what you'd pay for a gym membership there shouldn't be much difference in cost. Everyone is different about the approach they take to exercise. If I had to go to a gym I know I wouldn't go. Others love gyms. I have a treadmill, it is there in my familyroom and I can go on anytime it is convienent to me and watch TV at the same time. Maybe you'd prefer to listen to music. I also bought some dumbell weights 5-15 lbs. Don't spend a lot of money on a treadmill - you just need the basics - adjust speed and incline. I have used mine for almost 7 years. You've done well so far. You just need a little encouragement and possibly another fill. Good luck and take care.
  13. Don't forget that with the 2 week pre-op liquid and 2 week post-op clear liquid only diet your metabolism is going into "starvation" mode - meaning it is going to slow down and protect and hold onto every calorie. So when you are in this slowed down metabolism and you start to add food - naturally you are going to gain weight. Hopefully you can start exercising at this point and get that metabolism stoked up again.
  14. I haven't been filled yet. But what I do is buy one of those rotissiere chickens. I remove the skin and cut off the chicken. It is more moist than chicken breasts. I add fat free chicken gravy sometimes then serve with mashed potatoes. Fortunately I have always preferred the dark meat of chicken and turkey. Good luck.
  15. Hi Shassy - I am from the Pittsburgh area, too. But I had my banding done at Excela Westmoreland Hospital on 9/22. We probably have similar insurance. You probably won't get a surgery date until you've met with the surgeon and then it's sent to insurance for approval. They won't schedule you without insurance approval. But they told me approval is usually within 48 hours. I have no idea how to do the weight loss ticker thing. I am not computer savvy. But I'm sure someone will tell you how. Good luck.
  16. I was banded on 9/22. No fills. Am on soft foods now. Since Sunday my port pain has gotten worse. It goes around to my back. I did not need to have any pain medication after the day of surgery. Then on Sunday I took a vicodin for the pain. Since then I have been taking tylenol PM (liquid) at night. I saw my surgeon on Monday and he said it's probably because I am doing more. It does hurt more as the day goes on. Has anyone else had it hurt this long.:smile2:
  17. Cleo's Mom

    Just Need to Vent

    You should find a nutritionist and doctor to do your fills who lives closer to you. You can call your insurance company - they may have some suggestions or do a doctor search of nearby hospitals. Make sure your insurance will pay for it. THEN.... file a complaint with the hospital where the nutritionist works. Every hospital has a complaint procedure. If you are not happy with the response, file a complaint with the state medical board. Make sure your complaint outlines everything you are unhappy with. If people don't complain about things nothing ever changes. Why would it? So, good luck.
  18. I get this pain under my left breast - on the rib cage about 2 hours after eating. I have been advanced to soft food and was banded on 9/22. No fills yet. Has anyone else had this? I follow the food plan and portions so I don't know what is causing it. Also - my surgeon wants me to lose 10-15 pounds in 3 weeks. I weighed 188 at my visit. I think that is too much too fast. Most diets say 1-2 pounds a week. What do you all think? Thanks.:wink2:
  19. I am three weeks post-op and saw my surgeon today. He advanced me to soft food (from pureed or mushies). I weighed 188. I was 196 on the day of surgery. He wants me to lose 10-15 pounds in 3 weeks. Doesn't that seem like a lot? Aren't we supposed to (as with any diet) lose about 1-2 pounds a week? I have been exercising. I have not had a fill yet. My other question. My port area still hurts. Is that normal? My surgeon said it's probably because I am doing more. Then I remember that my abdominal incision from my hysterectomy was sore to the touch for 3 years and my lumpectomy (for breast cancer) still is sore to the touch after 6 years. Thanks.:laugh:
  20. Thanks. Actually because of severe and chronic back problems and pain I cannot do crunches or any exercise that involves bending at the waist. I do the treadmill and have weights - but I'm even limited with those. I am 57 and am concerned that if I lose as much weight as he wants I might have sagging jowls and turkey neck! I want to look healthy not old - lol. I'm glad that you agree that that was too much weight to lose. I'll just do my best. Thanks again.
  21. stephyd - I'm going to approach this from a different angle. I think you need to be assertive with your doctor and insist on tests to see if something has happened with your band. Being sick every other day is not normal. If your doctor doesn't take your complaints seriously because he (like many doctors) has become complacent and approaches everyone with a "one size fits all" mentality - then contact patient services at the hospital. They have reps who can help you. Good luck. I hope you get better because I know this is not what you signed up for!
  22. I bought a case of new whey in a tube at GNC. It is a thick liquid and has 42g of protein in a tube. It comes in different flavors. I have tried raspberry and orange and I put it in a cup and add the same flavor crystal lite. You can't even taste it. So you have 42g protein right off the bat. Add a carnation instant breakfast for 13g protein and you're up to 55g. Should be able to get the rest in food.
  23. Cleo's Mom

    Swallowing Fish Oil

    I bought omega 3 fish oil chewables at GNC. They are orange flavored. But you can still taste something fishy. But they are okay. I chew 2/day.
  24. Cleo's Mom

    Who Now Could Care A Less About Food

    Why don't you buy one of those baby dishes you can fill with hot water to help keep your food warm? I have one and I fill it with boiling water (hot tap water is not hot enough) and it helps to keep the food warm. I'm on the mushies phase now so I don't have as much chewing. Good luck.
  25. I was banded on 9/22 and have been on clear liquids since. I was supposed to see the doctor today but he had emergency surgery so it was cancelled. So the nutritionist called later to say I was approved for pureed foods. Got to skip the full liquid only. Yipee!!. However, when I asked her if I should start drinking the whey protein she said I should have been doing that already. When I got home from the hospital I called the nurse and she said not to drink the protein until I saw the doctor. Lack of communication here? Anyway, I had frozen some pureed cream of chicken soup before and had that and some instant mashed potatoes tonight in my baby dish that I can add hot water to to keep food warm and ate it with a baby spoon. I also drank my 42g protein with some crystal lite (both raspberry flavored). I'm going to order a couple cases of that stuff. Hopefully I'll get the rest of my protein in food. Can't do anything with soy and I can't stand yogurt or cheese so it will be a challenge. Any suggestions?:wub:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
