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Cleo's Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    Fills, frustration, and failure

    hopeendures: The way I read your problems - this is a medical emergency and I would contact the hospital executives regarding getting this repaired at no cost to you. Don't take the $5000 to mean it is in granite. Of course they are going to tell you that. Many hospitals have patient advocates. If the hospital won't give you any recourse, then contact your state consumer protection agency. If they are no help, contact an attorney who handles defective products or medical malpractice. Sometimes you can meet them the first time for free. Contact your county bar association to find out. My point is - take control of this situation and don't continue to live like this. Keep a journal of all that has happened to you since this all started and get copies of all your medical tests, including operative report, and the CD's of any upper GI's. Then become proactive. Good luck.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    Nectar Proteins

    Change my post to say "fruit punch, orange and raspberry" - sorry.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Nectar Proteins

    Try New Whey liquid protein (it comes in a tube) and mix it with the same flavor of crystal lite. I have tried the berry, orange and raspberry. It also comes in grape. It has 42g of protein in 3 oz. Good luck.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    My Lap Band does not work

    Sharp - I was only my doctor's 23rd banding patient. While he might be a good surgeon it has become apparent to me these past 6 months that he has little experience with the problems and complications of the band. It's a one size fits all philosophy. Sounds like your doctor is similarly inexperienced. That is why I am going for a second opinion to a doctor who has done hundreds if not thousand of bandings and works out of a hospital of excellence. I want a new, experienced set of eyes to look over everything that was done and said to me to see if I'm on the right track. Then I'll decide whether I need to change doctors. Good luck.
  5. Cleo's Mom

    My Lap Band does not work

    Sharp; You got some good advice from Jodi and NC but let me add my experience. I got banded in Sept. 08. I have lost a total of 70 pounds but only 10 from the band. The rest was either on my own or all the pre-and post-surgery diets and liquids only. After my second fill of 1cc which put me at only 3cc's in a 10 cc band I started to develop pain when eating, reflux, and heartburn. My doctor tried to tell me it was from my eating wrong and to just eat protein and throw the rest of the food away and just take my mulitvitamin. Well, first of all I didn't get the band to live off of protein alone. He ordered an endoscopy which showed my pouch was small and high and the band tight - plus a hiatal hernia. Still not satisfied, he ordered an upper GI which showed the band very tight, the pouch and esophagus swollen and motility very limited and slow. Without waiting for me to come in the next week, my doctor called me in the same day for an unfill. Once he saw the GI pictures he knew I was in trouble. Trust me when I tell you his attitude was completely different when I went in. He removed the 1cc and I feel much better. No more reflux or pain. Now - here is the hardest part. The band has NEVER controlled my hunger - not with 2cc's and not with 3cc's. And yes, I know the difference between head hunger, hunger, satiety and thirst. So, I have resigned myself that the band will never control hunger for me and I will have to just continue to eat healthy foods in smaller amounts. Anytime you have the symptoms you have, you are probably too tight. You are eating slider foods. When your new insurance kicks in, why don't you get a second opinion from a different doctor - one who has a lot of experience. Even if you have to travel far for this second opinion, it will be worth it. Get copies of all your test results, especially upper GI's (get the CD, not just the report) and see another doctor. If you and your friends aren't doing well it sounds like he is not addressing your issues. My philosophy about the band is this: The band is supposed to help you get healthier and feel better not make you sick and result in reflux, heartburn, pain and other problems. When it does, you need to demand answers and solutions. Good luck to you.
  6. Cleo's Mom

    clear liquids

    A clear liquid is any liquid you can see through - decaf tea, chicken broth or bouillon, jello and sugar free popsicles are also considered clear liquids. By the time I was done with two weeks on this (post-op) my cat's food was looking good. LOL
  7. Cleo's Mom

    Gastric obstruction anyone?

    How do you know your have inflammation? Does it go hand in hand with being tight and having problems eating?
  8. Did anyone on here get their banding done at Excela Health, Westmoreland Hospital or one of their other hospitals? :w00t:
  9. Cleo's Mom

    Anyone experience this?? Vomiting blood?

    Jilly - First of all you need to stop worrying about gaining weight. You were vomiting blood. That is VERY serious. Your doctor did the right thing by taking out that much fill. You need time for your stomach and pouch to heal and the two weeks on mushies will help with the healing. I'll bet that's all you'll need to get things back to normal. Even if your stomach is not 100% better, if it's improved, I'll bet your doctor will want you to continue on mushies to continue the healing rather than do another procedure. Your surgeon knows you are self pay so discuss alternatives to a new procedure if it comes to that. Maybe get a second opinion. I think you'll be fine - just take it slow and easy. And remember, it's about your health - not a number on the scale. Take care and good luck.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    2nd fill massive restriction.....?

    Soon: I got my second fill of 1cc at the end of January. My total fill at that time was only 3cc but I developed a lot of problems with pain when eating, reflux, heartburn and told my doctor. He did a "blame the patient" routine trying to tell me just to eat protein - forget the other foods, etc..He ordered an endoscopy and then an upper GI before he would do an unfill. Well, both tests showed I was tight. He wasn't supposed to see me until next Tuesday but he called yesterday (Thursday) after he viewed the upper GI film and wanted me to come in right away. Trust me when I tell you his attitude was completely different. I think he felt guilty when he saw the test results and knew I was in real pain, etc.. So he unfilled 1cc. We'll see how this goes. Do not tolerate this level of discomfort. Do not do a wait and see. You shouldn't have these problems. Yeah, I lost 5 pounds but at great cost. Read my posts in the complication forums about reflux, heartburn, hiatal hernia, etc. Good luck.
  11. Cleo's Mom

    Strange noises!

    Band; You're welcome. Also, when you see your doctor ask for some anti-nausea meds to have around to help with the flu, etc.. so you don't throw up.
  12. Cleo's Mom

    Strange noises!

    Regardless of whether your insurance will cover it or not you need to have this addressed. You can fight with your insurance later about whether it was a pre-existing condition (if you didn't have reflux, GERD, hiatal hernia or any of these problems before you got your insurance - then to me it wasn"t pre-existing- even if you had the band before insurance - many non-banded people have these problems). You can check out all my posts on the complication forum about reflux - my problems with it - and my husband's - who eventually died from esophageal cancer due to years of reflux, GERD, hiatal hernia, etc..I just got a slight unfill today because my upper GI showed the band was too tight. This is nothing to fool around with. When you said you could hear that squirting sound - I remember my husband having that. The vomiting might have also affected your band - maybe causing a slip. That needs to be fixed. Borrow the money if you have to - or take out a loan - the banks just got billions - ask for what you need. But don't put it off, even if you start to feel better. Take care and good luck.
  13. My surgeon got today's upper GI report and films and called me in after hours to unfill what he put in the second fill (1cc). I think he was concerned enough about what he saw not to wait until next Tuesday (the only day he sees bariatric patients). He showed me the pictures. He does not think the band is too high but it was too tight and was swollen and so was the esophagus. Everything was getting backed up. Hopefully the removal of the 1cc will help. Trust me when I tell you that he was a very different person today - not trying to blame me for the problems I was having by saying I was not eating correctly,etc.. But he doesn't think the gastro doctor read the scope correctly - he doesn't think I have a hiatal hernia although my last two upper GI's said I did. I am still going for a second opinion next month just to make sure that I have new eyes look at all this. Thanks.
  14. wannabthin: I had an endoscopy done in December 2004 and another done in June 2008 and an upper GI done in December 2007 - all pre-band and none revealed a hiatal hernia. Banding was done Sept. 2008. I had another upper GI done in January 2009 after my first fill and it revealed a small, sliding hiatal hernia. I had an endoscopy done two weeks ago after my second fill and the gastro doctor said my pouch was high, small, and tight and there was no place for food, water to go but up. It also showed the hiatal hernia. I had another upper GI today and the radiologist said the band was tight, the esophageal motility wasn't good, and there was still fluid in my stomach even though I hadn't had anything to drink after midnight (the test was 10 AM). All of my problems started after my second fill. And the hiatal hernia was not there before the band. I have the tests to prove it. If I had the hernia before the banding, my surgeon would have told me or it would be in the operative report. I have a copy. I also have reflux during the day, standing up, on occasion.
  15. I was supposed to see my surgeon today to get an unfill but he has emergency surgery (happens a lot) and since he only sees patients on Tuesdays - I will have to wait at least a week to see him. He wants me to have another upper GI before he will do an unfill and his nurse said something about him wanting to remove the band if it slipped. So, today I called another doctor in another hospital (a hospital of excellence) where this doctor has done thousands of bandings - for a second opinion. I have all my previous test results and will get a CD of this upper GI, too (my last one was Jan. - but after only one fill - all the problems started since my second fill). I was only the 23rd banding my surgeon has done and I don't think he has the experience to deal with complications. I don't want to have the band removed since I didn't really have any problems until the second fill.
  16. I don't know if this is the right forum to post but in the regular forum there are too many joyous bandsters who will put up with any problems because they are losing and love their band. I got the band because it was advertised on TV as reducing hunger. That has always been my biggest problems to successful dieting. I am 58 and I know the difference between thirst, hunger and feeling satisfied. And since I got the band I have been hungry before I eat and after I eat. Only now, eating is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. I have had two fills (my banding was 9/08). So, I am forced to stop eating before I am satisfied. And NO, IT IS NOT HEAD HUNGER!! I had lost weight on my own before this banding journey, then more weight on the 6 month diet, then more weight on the pre- and post-surgery liquids only. Total: 60 pounds. I was 186 two week out of surgery. I have probably only lost 5 pounds due to the band alone. I don't have as much weight to lose as others and at this point do not want to eat less than I am eating. (1000-1400 cal/day). I am having difficulty getting my veggies and fruits in as it is. Since my banding and fills I have developed left shoulder pain (surgeon said it is not related to band - had upper GI - everything was okay). I have also developed reflux at night despite nexium and sleeping reclined. And then there is the pain/discomfort upon eating. Yes I chew and yes I eat slowly. I tend to eat softer foods because of this. For me, it seems, the band was not a good fit because I didn't have as much to lose. I had already been eating healthy for 2 years before so the change in eating wasn't as drastic as for others. The weight is not coming off and I am still always hungry. Protein does not keep the hunger at bay. I find carbohydrates do but I don't eat a lot of them. Oh, and the main reason I wanted to lose weight was to improve my chronic back conditions. It hasn't Anyway, at this point, I am having buyer's remorse. Anyone else feel this way?:biggrin:
  17. Cleo's Mom

    Band isn't what I thought it would be

    KD - I agree. I had an upper GI at the end of January (after only 1 fill) and it showed a small, sliding hiatal hernia. Then the endoscopy done last week after the second fill showed the bigger hiatal hernia and reflux and the band being up high either deliberately placed there by my surgeon or it slipped up. I am going to try to get in sooner than the 24th but he is only in on Tuesdays. I am either going to be partially or totally unfilled. And I see a second opinion in my future. Goog luck to you.
  18. Cleo's Mom

    Band isn't what I thought it would be

    BLG - If I didn't see that you were from Florida, I would think my surgeon did your surgery. Here are my problems as I see them for me: 1) My surgeon only did 22 bandings before me and is inexperienced with complications or how to deal with them. He blames the patient for problems - like yours - do this, do that. How many adjustments to eating do we keep having to make? 2) He denies that left shoulder pain is related to band. I have found clinical evidence online that shows it is related. 3) The band is promoted as causing smaller amounts of food to satisfy and reduce hunger. It hasn't for me. 4) Since the banding I have developed a hiatal hernia, reflux and heartburn. My endoscopy showed this. Before the banding and being 70 pounds heavier - I didn't have these problems. Plus the gastro doctor said my band is "up higher than others he'd seen, small, tight, and the only place for food is to go up". 5) I have an appt. on March 24th and am going to ask for the second fill to be removed. I only have 3cc in a 10 CC band. But all these problems came after my second fill. 6) My surgeon wants me to lose 100% of my excess weight even though the band is promoted as only helping one to lose 50% of excess weight. 7) I have lost 70% (70 lbs) of my excess weight - 10 of those pounds from the band and 60 from pre & post-surgery diets (inluding all those liquid only). 8) My husband died of esophageal cancer after a lifetime of GERD, hiatal hernia then barrett's esophagus, then cancer - so I will NOT deal with all this reflux, hernia stuff and jeopardize my life. No way. I will find another way to lose weight. You need to take care of yourself and take charge of your health. I read so many posts where people will put up with any complication because for the first time in their lives they are losing weight. The fear of gaining weight is powerful but living a normal, healthy life is more important. That's what the band is supposed to do - make up healthier by eating smaller amounts of healthy foods. It's not supposed to make us sick or miserable.
  19. Cleo's Mom


    Manatee - I got reflux and a hiatal hernia after my second fill. But I only have 3cc in a 10cc Band. My endoscopy showed the above conditions. I am going to ask for the amount of the last fill to be removed. Do you think that will help? How did it help you? Thanks.
  20. Elusia - my goal is to make the band work but not at the expense of my health. All of this started after my second fill. I am only at 3cc but for some reason all these problems started after this. My surgeon didn't think the second fill was the reason so he wouldn't remove the fill. He ordered the endoscopy instead. Now, there is not going to be any negotiation. I want the second fill removed and one of two things are going to happen. The reflux will resolve and I will feel better or I will not improve and will feel the same. At least then we will have learned something.
  21. Thanks for all the replies. When I asked my gastro doctor about repairing the hiatal hernia he said nothing but negative things about that - won't be able to belch or ever vomit and some other bad things I can't recall right now. Made it sound like the repair was worse than the hernia. I think that if the removal of the second fill doesn't help I am getting a second opinion. If that opinion is that I have to have another operation either for the hernia repair and/or a new band placement, I will not be going to my current surgeon for that. He is inexperienced and it shows. I was his 23rd band and I just don't think he gets it when it comes to complications or reasonable weight loss goals or how to eat to reach them. I have a Lapband AP Standard - 10 CC. I don't think it is the band. I think the placement of the band is part of the problem. I may make an appt. with the gastro doctor to discuss the operative report and get his opinion. He was the doctor who used to do my husband's yearly endoscopies. So he knows my experience with all of this.
  22. Cleo's Mom

    Band isn't what I thought it would be

    Mustang - look at my two posts under complications about band placement and reflux and hiatal hernia for an update on my condition - after my endoscopy on Monday. Needless to say, doc and I have a lot to talk about.
  23. Cleo's Mom

    Reflux redux?

    Like me, you could have developed a hiatal hernia as a result of the band. An upper GI or endoscopy would show this. Plus, you should be on some PPI - like prevacid or nexium to help control the acid. I had reflux, not necessarily heartburn, and no other symptoms. Look at my two other posts on complications. Good luck.
  24. Cleo's Mom

    help any ideas.......

    nurse4: It sounds like some kind of constriction. Maybe the stomach or pouch has twisted somehow. I don't know, I'm just guessing. But being unable to swallow saliva and the pain indicates to me that something is swollen or constricted. If your band slipped up too high that could be the reason. Either way, it sounds like an emergency to me and that is where you should go and demand that they page your surgeon. He needs to get inside and see what is happening. If he is not available then demand to see a gastroenterologist who could do an endoscopy and look down there. I hope everything works out okay because that level of pain is not normal and a sign that something is seriously wrong. Good luck.
  25. Cleo's Mom

    Obama's stimulus package decision

    Well said, Green. Our health system is profit driven and has become only affordable for the rich, well-employed or Medicaid for the very poor. That leaves 47 million without health care. As an example. A man without health care cut off two of his fingers with a table saw. The index and middle finger. He saved the fingers. The hospital gave him the price for re-attaching each finger. He would have to pay out of pocket and was only able to afford to re-attach one finger. Is this not crazy? We live in a country where the greedy corporate heads take $350 billion of our tax money to bail them out for their bad financial decisions and then use $20 billion of that money for bonuses - and this man can't afford to get both fingers re-attached. What is wrong with this picture? Nothing, according to the heartless neo-cons. That's the free market. They want to eliminate the middle class in this country and go back to the days of the very wealthy and the very poor - and we are headed in that direction. My husband died of cancer and I am a breast cancer patient (we were diagnosed 11 months apart) so I understand your struggles with cancer. I hope you are in remission or NED now and wish you well. Those without health care die of cancer at a much higher rate than those with health care. No surprise there, but the neo-cons are just fine with that, too.

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