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Cleo's Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cleo's Mom

  1. Cleo's Mom

    Little known facts about you??

    1. Were You Named After Anyone? A 50's soap opera star 2. When was the Last time You Cried? Yesterday 3. Do You like Your Handwriting? No 4. What Is Your Favorite Lunch meat? Low fat ham 5. Do You have Kids? 2, son 28, daughter 25. 6.If You were Another Person, Would You be Friends with You? Yes 7. Do you use Sarcasm a lot? Is there anything else? 8. Do You still have Your Tonsils? Yes 9. Would You Bungee Jump? No 10. What is Your Favorite Cereal? Cheerios Crunch 11. Do You untie Your Shoes when You take them off? Yes 12. Do You think You are Strong? Yes 13. What is Your Favorite Ice Cream? Not a big ice cream fan - but I guess Cherry Garcia 14. What is the First thing You notice about People? Eyes 15, Red or Pink? Pink 16. What is The least thing You like about Yourself? Weight/body shape 17. Who do You Miss the Most? My husband - he died 4 years ago. 18. What Color Pants and Shoes are Wearing now? Brown pajamas and white slippers 19. What was the Last thing You Ate? SF pudding 20, What are You listening to now? Rerun of Roseanne 21 If You were a Crayon what Color would You be? Blue 22. Favorite Smells? Lemon, baking bread 23. Favorite Sports to Watch? Don't watch sports. 24. Hair Color?Blonde with highlights 25. Do You Wear Contacts? No 26. Favorite Food? Potato chips 27. Scary Movies, or Happy Endings? Happy Endings 28. Last Movie You saw? Raising Helen 29, Color Shirt/Blouse You are Wearing?Brown 30. Summer or Winter? Summer!!! 31. Favorite Dessert? Chocolate cake with chocolate icing 32, Favorite Place ever Traveled? Ireland 33, Where would You like to Travel Next? Back to Ireland 34. What Book are Reading now?Killing Game 35, Where were You Born?Pennsylvania 36. Big Band or Rap? Big Band 37. Interesting Fact about Me? I've never had a mosquito bite. 38. What did You Watch on Televison Last Night?A Hallmark movie 39. Beatles or Rolling Stones? Beatles. I saw them in person on Sept. 14, 1964. I was in love with Paul. 40. Do You have a Special Talent? Not really.
  2. Cleo's Mom

    I hate this, I really do....

    You said you came on here to find out if anyone had gone through what you did and what they did to resolve it. Well, if you read the replies, mine especially, you will see that people gave you some very good concrete suggestions. This was done out of concern and a willingness to help. But you did not seem to want help, just pity. And that's okay. But don't come up with excuses as to why you can't/won't do what are reasonable things to improve your situation and then single me out. Anyone who knows me on these boards know that I am not one of the mean, in-your-face type posters. Quite the opposite. But you pushed the envelope. If what you want is pity then title your thread: Just your pity, no suggestions. That's not what you asked for at first. I think you are making the right move by staying off these boards and relying on your friends - I sure hope they can give you all of the sympathy and empathy that you crave.
  3. Cleo's Mom

    Breaking up with my Mom

    As someone who has had more than her share of family problems, I can sympathize with you, Gloucester. I use a slightly different category for people than energizers and leeches. I call the leeches toxic people. I simply will not have them in my life. Even if they are related to me. Therefore, my brother, his wife, their children, my mother in law and her two sons (former brothers in law) are no longer part of my life. I expect people to treat me in an acceptable way. If not, they are out of my life. Unless, of course, they apologize and are willing to treat me in an acceptable way. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2002, my husband in 2003. He lost his battle in 2005 at the age of 56. When something like this hits you, you quickly find out who your friends are. And I am telling all of you a truth: YOU DO NOT HAVE AS MANY FRIENDS AS YOU THINK YOU HAVE. Life if too short to waste on those who don't have your best interest at heart. This includes relatives. Write your mother a letter. Tell her how you expect to be treated. Tell her what she does that is unacceptable. Tell her that you care about her but if she is going to continue to be part of your life then she will have to treat you in an acceptable way. Be specific. Then find a way to sever the financial ties. Whatever you have to do. Because you can't sever the emotional ties if you are financially tied. All I have now are my two kids, their spouses and a few cousins and a few good friends. But that is fine with me. I would rather have a smaller pool of people who do treat me right than engage in daily emotional battles with those who don't. My life is better for not having the toxic people in them. Yours will be too.
  4. Cleo's Mom

    Band ruptured

    When you say ruptured do you mean the inner tubing that receives the fill? When you felt that something was different did you feel less restriction? I hope that you get this problem resolved. I am sure someone on here has had to have their band removed and replaced and can tell you if insurance covers it. But I am sure each insurance is different. You have done so well. Congratulations. And good luck to you with this problem.
  5. Check how many calories a day you are getting. There are some good online sites like www.dailyplate.com that will help you to do that. Also, exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. Do something that you like. If you don't like it, you won't do it. I do the treadmill 5 days a week, on 2 of those days I also go to the gym and do weight bearing exercises and the other 2 days I got an exercise dance video with oldies songs that I like. I had to shake things up because the treadmill everyday just wasn't doing it anymore for me. That being said, I lost so much weight on my own and then with the 6 month pre-op diet and then all that liquid only before and after the surgery that I have only lost 15 lbs. from my surgery of Sept. 2008. But I have lost 75 pounds altogether. My weight loss might be 1lb a month at this point. If that. I have a 4cc band and was overfilled to 3cc's and had to have 1cc removed. But even when I was too tight and had pain, reflux and heartburn, I was hungry. I still am but I have to use willpower and what little restriction I have to help me. I do journal my food intake. That helps. But I know the band will not work for me like all these people who have found their sweet spot. I am also not willing to put up with the complications I had before to lose more weight. So I will continue to exercise and count calories and see where that takes me. Try that and see if it helps. Make sure your food is healthy, nutritious and provides variety. I believe you should have veggies and fruit each day, not just Protein. Some will tell you to drink a lot of Water between meals. You could try that, too. Good luck to you. I think if you make some changes you will start to see success.
  6. Cleo's Mom

    Please help - don't know what is going on!

    If the burning continues you can try a little mylanta or other liquid for heartburn. That might help. Let us know how the upper GI goes. Good luck.
  7. Cleo's Mom

    Please help - don't know what is going on!

    I don't think it's unusual to have burning in your esophagus after a stuck, pbing and throwing up episode. Everything has been irritated. Just take it easy with mushies and liquids for a few days. The lack of restriction could indicate a slip. But the upper GI will be able to tell you what is going on.
  8. Cleo's Mom

    The Governor of South Carolina.

    What I have a problem with are those who are so sanctimonious and holier than thou and condemn anyone who would do drugs, have affairs or -horrors! - want to enter into a same sex marriage and therefore threaten traditional marriage - all the while doing the very things they are condemning. Yeah, same sex marriages threaten traditional marriage while I guess infidelity doesn't. And those who do this pontificating are largely the born-again christian right who are largely republicans. Do you remember the line up of republicans running for president and how many marriages, divorces and infidelities they had among them compared to the democrats running? I guess that's why you didn't hear about family values during this campaign. And BJean - yeah I can live without them. LOL!
  9. Cleo's Mom

    The Governor of South Carolina.

    Well, well, well, Mark Sanford is telling more each day. Now he tells us he "crossed the line" with several other women but didn't cross the line to sex. Sounds like the Bill Clinton defense that the conservatives loved to mock. And he is trying to paint his affair with the Argentinian woman as some Shakespearian tragic love story. Soul mates who were meant to be - only kept apart by the minor inconvenience of his being married. But he's taking the high road (LOL), he's going to try to fall in love with his wife again. Good luck on that one. I'd throw him out on his hypocritical behind! He should resign because he used state money for his trysts and left the state without anyone in charge for 5 days.
  10. Cleo's Mom

    Salad? yes or no?

    My grocery store has this great salad bar and I make a big salad with dark greens and spinach (I avoid iceberg lettuce) and add onions, shredded carrots, beets, mushrooms, peas, HB egg, a little ham and then when I get home I put it through the slicer of my food processor. I'm not sure it's necessary as I eat salads in restaurants, but I do it as a precaution. This salad lasts for several meals. I use 1T of olive oil, red wine vinegar and seasonings. I love salads and could never give them up.
  11. Cleo's Mom


    Excellent advice! I moved on to another doctor, too, after I got a second opinion about my follow up care. It was an eye opener and I am now under much better and experienced care. And I'm not butting heads with the doctor anymore.
  12. Cleo's Mom

    Why do I feel like crap?

    Whatever doctor prescribed the Adderall should do complete blood work, including your thyroid function. You have some very specific symptoms that should not be ignored. Take care and good luck.
  13. Cleo's Mom

    I hate this, I really do....

    If you read her response you will see that she doesn't even know the name of the hospital where she got her band. And apparently she can't or won't contact her parents to find out. And she can't make phone calls anyway because apparently her child(ren) cry continuously during normal business hours. And she can't use a pro bono attorney on the chance that she might lose and have to pay court costs, etc.. So, you see she has an answer for every suggestion given here. It appears that she doesn't want help, just pity.
  14. Cleo's Mom

    The Governor of South Carolina.

    The notion that liberals/Democrats/progressives are somehow given a free pass when they have affairs is BS. John Edwards was raked over the coals in the media. On the covers of tabloids He was on prime time apologizing. There aren't 3 people in this country who can intelligently discuss the Whitewater investigation of the Clintons by Ken Starr - which started the whole investigation, but everyone knows about the blue dress. Why is that? Because it was downplayed by the media? No one but the republicans in Congress/Senate cared that Bill Clinton lied under oath because it was a gotcha moment. For everyone else, it WAS about the affair. And if the affair itself wasn't against the law (which it wasn't) then why did Ken Starr use tax payers money to investigate it? I've never heard a justification for that. Because Paula Jones sexual harassment case was a separate issue. And once she got the money she wanted, she went away. And by the way, it wasn't the left who prevented Bill Clinton from being removed from office in the Senate, the republicans controlled the senate then and the reason he wasn't removed is because the evidence didn't support it. The Democrats/liberals don't have to go around claiming some moral high ground or phoney family values because they prove that they value families with their legislation - minimum wage, healthcare for all, safe working conditions, unemployment compensation, 40 hour work week, social security, medicare and medicaid. All these programs were brought to you by Democrats and they help the least among us and the working families. That's how they show their family values. They don't feel the need to judge others, as the republicans do - like rush, this sanford guy, newt, etc.. they all have quotes attributed to them condemning other people for things they were/are doing - be that drug abuse, having affairs (with newty it was when his wife was dying in the hospital) or other indiscretions. I've always said, and it is worth repeating, that if it weren't for hypocrisy the GOP (a/k/a Grand Old Phoneys) wouldn't have anything. The republican party in this country is imploding. I have been enjoying this show since the November election, be it the bizarre rantings of Michelle Bachman, or the silly talk of how people wear their hats by Micheal Steele, or Jindal's odd rebuttal to the State of the Union address. I suspect the show will only get better.
  15. Cleo's Mom

    Chest pain, nauseous

    I would go to the ER. Chest pain and nausea are signs of heart problems in women. Don't assume it is band related, although it might be. It also might be something that is not serious. But chest pain and nausea should never be dismissed or ignored. And as someone who got a second opinion and then changed doctors, I think you are well rid of a doctor who doesn't return calls and is disorganized. Good luck.
  16. Cleo's Mom

    I hate this, I really do....

    You can see that there is a sense of frustration at those who are trying to help and your unwillingness to take that advice. We can't do it for you. You have to become aggressive in your pursuit of getting healthy. Here are some concrete steps. When you have done them, then post again about the outcome: 1) Get your medical records from your doctor. All of them, including progress notes, all tests performed, nutritional counseling, etc. 2) Call Allergan at 1-800-527-2263 and ask to speak to someone about a medical problem. They have a list of doctors who do lapband surgery. Tell them your story about your doctor and ask for a referrel for another one in your area. 3) Here are two websites that offer free legal advice (there are many more) www.texaslawhelp.org www.texaslegalopinion.com You can research others, but it's a start and it's free. You might get some help as to what your options are. 4) Contact the patient advocate at the hospital at which you had your surgery. If you don't get any help, ask to speak to the hospital administrator. Ask if they have a complaint system in place (most do) and use it. 5) Don't just look into filing a complaint with the Texas Medical Board. Do it. This option is likely to take the longest in terms of results, however. When you have done all or some of these, let us know. In the meantime, I don't think there is much more concrete suggestions or support you can get posting here. Good luck to you. It is obvious that those who have replied to your posts care about you and your outcome, so please do what you need to in order to get the help your deserve.
  17. Cleo's Mom

    I hate this, I really do....

    Never Again - at the risk of sounding redundant - I and many others posted several suggestions. Most cost nothing but a phone call or an online search. Have you tried any of them? Because one thing is for sure, if you continue to do what you've been doing - you'll continue to get the same results. You have to be an advocate for your health. Stop crying and start making demands and phone calls. Shake things up. Keep going up higher and higher at the hospital, then call your state representatives, then your state licensing boards. These people are paid to help you. Get names of everyone you talk to and start keeping a journal of what you have done. The more contacts you make the more likely you will get a response. I'm not sure what more you expect to get from posting on here. You have many more options. Please take advantage of them. Then let us know how it went. Good luck to you.
  18. Cleo's Mom

    Can't control the hunger

    Like any other addiction this is not about being hungry, just like alcoholism isn't about being thirsty. Just as the other people have posted, I think your will need professional couseling. They can help you address your need to constantly eat because of your fear of hunger. I read the advice of Geneen Roth in Good Housekeeping every month and find her advice very telling and appropriate. You can find her on www.geneenroth.com. She addresses emotional eating and has written books on the subject. Maybe they could help. Did you discuss this with your surgeon, nutritionist or counselor before your surgery? If so, what did they say? You need to call them and get their advice. Tell them what you ate and ask what you should be eating at this point in your post-surgery recovery. You are in bandster hell right now, too, since you haven't been restricted to your sweet spot. That being said, some never find their sweet spot, and even when they do the satiety they find is different that pre-band. The feeling of "fullness" is different. You need to be prepared for that. I hope you get the help your need. And ignore any mean posts you get. There are those who think it is their job to be judgmental and "tell it like it is". Good luck.
  19. Cleo's Mom


    Call your doctor. You shouldn't be miserable because of a fill. He might have put too much in. If he put so much in your first fill that you couldn't get water down, then he must fill aggressively. You might need a slight unfill. Some will tell you that after a couple of days the over-tightness will ease up. Call your doctor and see what he says. Never tolerate being miserable or in pain. Good luck.
  20. Ask your doctor how you will get in touch with him outside of normal business hours. Very important. My former doctor didn't even have an answering service. We were required to go to the ER and they would page him. Just one of the many reasons he is now my FORMER doctor.
  21. Cleo's Mom

    I hate this, I really do....

    Refusing to treat a patient who has medical problems that the doctor may have caused and then denying you access to other doctor's care by black-balling you sounds like the basis for a medical malpractice suit to me. I know malpractice attorneys who advertise here say you pay nothing unless they get money for you. Go online and search for medical malpractice attorneys in Texas. They often have an online form that you complete stating your problem. They then get back to you with their advice, which is free. Try that and see if you get any good advice. Also check on the neighborhood legal services which often provide free legal advice to those who can't afford attorneys. I remember when I kept getting a bill from a dentist for something that I didn't thing there should be a charge for (lots of other stuff but too long) and I called my attorney and she said to go sit in his office waiting room and refuse to leave until I got something on their letterhead that said the charge was dismissed. It never came to that but I was prepared to do that. Go to your doctor's office and tell them you want a copy of everything in your files including all anecdotal remarks and you aren't leaving until you get it. If you are reluctant to go to the ER can you contact Allergan and ask for referrals for other doctors and explain the problems you are having with your former doctor? Tell them you are contacting an attorney about your rights and your problems with the band. That should get their attention. Also, contact a patient representative at the hospital at which you had the surgery and explain the problem. Contact the hospital administrator if you don't get anywhere. And tell them you are going to contact the media and let them know how this hosptial and doctor are treating you. They won't want the negative publicity. I would become the biggest thorn in their side. Your health is in jeopardy and that is the most important thing. The way you have been treated is unacceptable. I hope that you are able to get this problem resolved. Again, good luck.
  22. Amlus: They monitor the oxygen in the blood with all those connections they have on you. The clip on your finger monitors oxygen levels, I believe. First, get a copy of the report. Then have it looked at by a sleep study doctor, not just the pulmonologist. If you do have restless leg syndrome, there are meds for that. I never heard of the REM disorder but you need to have it explained to you and ask about treatment for it. You paid $1800 for this so you have the right to answers and treatment. Good luck.
  23. Cleo's Mom

    I hate this, I really do....

    Never Again - I have some advice for you. 1) Get copies of all your medical records. You have the right to these. Make sure it includes all progress reports, disks of all upper GI's, the operative report, the make, model and serial number of your band - everything! 2) Find an attorney who specializes in medical malpractice who either works pro-bono or only gets paid if you win your case. Sometimes just sending a letter on legal stationary is enough for a doctor to re-think his attitude. Call your county bar association for names. There might also be some low cost neighborhood legal services. 3) Document everything from day one of your surgery as to when problems started, etc...what your doctor did and didn't do. 4) Definitely look into Medicaid. At this point, after all your vomiting and problems it is very likely that your band has slipped. You have the right to have this problem addressed. If all of the above suggestitons fail, go to an ER and tell them you are not leaving until something is done. You are also probably dehydrated. Become pro-active and assertive about this. I always live by the saying that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Speak up. Demand things. The worst that can happen is that you'll be right back to square one. But I suspect that things will happen. A very last resort would be to go to the media. Newspapers, tv news and tell them your story. It couldn't hurt. Good luck and let us all know how it goes.
  24. Cleo's Mom

    Anyone have osteoporosis?

    That's why I am going to discuss the IV infusion of the drug that is done once a year, I think. Thanks for the information.
  25. It came as no surprise to me today that my most recent bone density test showed that I had osteoporosis because two years ago I had osteopenia. Mostly this is due to my breast cancer meds which are anti-estrogen and hard on the bones. My weight loss hasn't helped either. Has anyone gone on Boniva, Fosomax or Actenol? And if so, are the pills hard to tolerate with the band? I don't have very tight restriction and haven't had any problems with pills. I just joined a gym and started weight bearing exercises to add to my aerobic exercising. Hope that will help. Thanks.

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