Hello everyone I have been lurking on here for years but this is my first post Well finally decieded to have lapband surgery! after researching it for three years, I had it done Dec 28 of last year my weight was 230 and I am 5'3. It was a outpatient surgery I went into surgery at 5pm at left the hostipal at 2pm the next day when I say that this is the best thing I have ever ever done! I had hardly any pain alittle gas but other than that it was great.... I am 198pds as of today and dropsing .. I had my first fill on feb 11 they told at surgery that they put in 2cc so they had it 2cc more so now I am at 4cc. and it does help with your portion control something that I was not able to do on my own....I just thought I would share my journey with you guys.....I know alot of you state that you have know restriction but I differently have restriction.. at 4cc I can hold up to 11cc in my band I am so excited !!!! I truely LOVE MY BAND!!!