OM, YES! I first called my gastric band Dr.'s office and they said the pain I was having wasn't related to the band. So I call my regular physician and she tells me to take gas relief pills or heart burn meds and if it is still bothering me in a few days to come in. So, a few days later I come in. She runs all types of test and everything is normal except the c-reactive test. Took almost a week to get an ultrasound...I too thought it was ovarian cysts or appendix since I was told it's not band related and the pain was that bad. Go in for a fill and they can't get Fluid back out..uh oh better have the doctor see me. Wait another few days and uh oh - yep there is a problem. GRRR, I am so mad right now. Now I have to wait for them to get the paperwork to the insurance to find out if its covered. Hello, I can't sleep at night because I can't get comfortable...sorry, I needed to vent.
I am glad to hear everything turned out ok for you once they finally repaired it. How long did it take you to get surgery once they figured out what was going on?
Thanks for replying!
TJ's Mama