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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pamfran

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/30/1959

About Me

  • Biography
    Mother of two now almost adults and grandmother to two precious people
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    social worker
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  1. Happy 53rd Birthday pamfran!

  2. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary pamfran!

  3. pamfran

    Too Tight or Just Right

    Cher, have been looking all evening for just this information. Had the band placed in June, 2010 and am now down 40 pounds or so.. but since my last fill (puts me between 5-6 in a 10 band)over 6 week ago, I have had much more regurgitation, pain while eating, sometimes can eat only a few bites, sometimes a little more. Weight loss is good but am worried about being too tight vs. not eating the right things, eating too quickly or too large bites. Mornings are tight for me too. I am never hungry, and I like that but worry about nutrition and am starting to resort to protein smoothies. I have finally overcome the drinking while eating which also caused me to regurgitate. I eat the crap out of sugar free popcycles and wonder why they don't just add protein to them. I have even been wondering if my allergies may be causing me to secrete more mucous causing blockages in the stoma...I have been trying to figure all this out myself but prob. need to go back to my aftercare center for eval. The pain when eating some things can generally be relieved by throwing up what I just ate. Any tips, is there a list of foods I should definitely not be trying to eat???Also, I am taking a childrens gummy multivit. and am wondering if I need to be taking more than the recommended dose for chidren. Help
  4. pamfran

    HELP needed in Oklahoma

    Hi Steph, I have United Insurance that did not pay as well as a surgery for hernia repair. I went to TrueResults in Richardson, TX to go through a hernia repair/lapband placement at the same time. I did not know I had a hernia, but was told that 9/10 obese people have one an its a product of frequent overeating. Through True Results, they did a payment plan with me of 266 a month for 2 years in addition to what my insurance paid for the hernia repair. You migh give them a call. I was in Norman a few days ago and ate at Chili's with my husband. Ate one babybackrib and about 4 fries, all I could hold. Had my surgery on June 10 and am down 40+ pounds so far. Hope this helps.

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