Here I am, banded 8 days ago and finally starting to feel human again! How lovely to find a forum for British bandsters! The system is so different here compared to the US - we usually have to pay for ours!! Struggling a bit with the liquid diet - easy with sweet things (yoghurts etc) but having trouble finding anything filling in the Soup dept! Only another 6 days till I can have mush. WOOOOO!!
Had mine done by Mr Sigurdsson (?spelling) at Dolan Park hosp, through Hospital Group. It IS a bit like a production line, but no hassle at all - everybody very kind and professional, although the anaesthetist seemed to be wearing his grumpy pants.
What I'd like to know is if I'm the only one who's still uncomfortable after 8 days? When I've looked at the forums (mainly american) it seems as though everybody's up and running about after 3 days, with no pain whatsoever. I've been suffering with left abdo and shoulder pain since the op. It HAS got better by the day, but am I the only wimp around?
And is anyone else aware of the port? I can feel it when I'm sitting down - tender. Any old hardened bandsters out there able to offer any advice?