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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lilly43

  1. Lilly43

    Hey there November Bandsters!!!

    Hi Marla! I was banded on Nov 4. Congrats on your surgery next week It wasn't as bad as I thought.. just sore and gassy for a few days. Good luck! Sheila
  2. Hi All! I was banded on Nov 4th and things are going good so far. The surgery wasn't bad but I did have nausea/dry heaves and had to stay the night in the hospital. Dr. thinks it was a reaction to the anethesia. I'm down 15 pounds so far and the soreness is slowly going away. Only real issue now is the I'm STARVING on this clear liquid diet. Has anyone else had to follow a clear liquid diet for two weeks post op? I'm so tired of fruit flavored everything and broth. DH asked the surgeon if I could have protein shakes or powder in my water and he said not during the first two weeks Even so, I'm so happy that I have my band and am ready to rock it! Also, are any of you going to be posting on the Nov 2010 monthly threads? There are a few people over there posting, but not many so far. Good luck everyone! Sheila

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