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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nursebethie

  1. for the past couple of days my abdomen has been really tender to the touch and it is not around any of my incision sites it is between the top incision and the big incision on my belly button i did not know if anyone else has had this problem i am 13 days post op i have an appt in the am but i was just wanting some input....also i have been so hungry on this mush diet and i have been eating more then i think i should..i just dont want to ruin a good thing i got going on.
  2. My port is where my biggest incision is right in the middle of my stomach i can't feel my port but they say people can congrats on your surgery and wish you the best of luck
  3. Hang in there I have already made it through the week of liquids and now im on the week of mush and i know how you feel about the eggs and mashed potatoes. But my diet plan says that at two weeks i am allowed to have soft foods such as fork smushed vegetables tuna fish and foods that are very easily chewed but it all depends on your doctor and the plan they have for you just hang tight you are almost there
  4. i was just curious about everyones post op diet the paper they gave me said clear liquids for two days then a full liquid diet for a total of one week. then a blenderized diet for one week like mashed potatoes, applsauce, oatmeal, eggs, ect.....then at two weeks a soft diet like noodles,fork mashed vegetables, cheese,tuna ect.... stay on that for two weeks then at four weeks do the normal diet. i seen some people on liquid diets for weeks so i was just seeing what everyone is doing
  5. nursebethie

    Post Op Diets

    yea i dont think im going to puree my food ill just stick to the already blinderized foods lol this is nothing compared to the pre op diet that was the most miserable week of my life
  6. nursebethie

    Stomach Pains When Eating

    well atleast i know im not the only one is there anything you have done thst helps
  7. i was just banded on the 26th of septembet and i have been having issues with stomach pains when i drink. im on the liquid diet and after i drink i get these horrible stomach pains i did not know if it is where my stomach is swollen or if something is wrong i still have gas pains as well any input would help. thanks

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