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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by deedee72

  1. deedee72

    Pain in my side

    It feels more like a pulled muscle. I can feel my port, its right beside my belly button. I think I just need to allow myself more time to heal. Thanks for your reply and good luck to you!!
  2. I'm pretty sure its gas.
  3. My surgery is scheduled for 12/9 at 6am...I'm emotional for some reason. I dont really know why. I have been waiting for this day for years but now I'm terrified. Not sure if it's anxiety or fear of surgery. I feel like I could burst out crying at any moment. I have been on the liquid diet since 12/4, but I worry if my liver has shrunk enough for surgery. I worry if I will wake up from the anesthesia. I worry if I will recover fast enough to return to work on 12/14. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??
  4. If so...how long did it take to get approval? I'm currently waiting on their decision. I'm getting nervous. I dont want to come this far to be denied!
  5. deedee72

    Two days post op

    Could it be gas?
  6. My surgery date is 12/9 but I'm getting worried about the $$ part. I have BCBSNC for state employees. I have a deductible and coinsurance that has to be met before they pay 100%. I have met my deductible so now they will pay 70%, but I havent met the coinsurance. I'm having my procedure done at Rex Hospital and I'm not sure if they can set up a payment plan or bill me. I'm getting nervous now. I dont have $3000 ready cash.
  7. deedee72

    Anyone have BCBSNC PPO?

    Amber, This is what they required: BMI greater or = to 40 (no comorbities) BMI less than 40 but 35> (at least one comorbidity) 2 year weight history Nutritional evaluation within the last 12 months Mental health evaluation That was it! My surgery is 12/9!!! Good luck to you!!
  8. deedee72

    Anyone on the pre-op diet?

    I only have to do 5 days pre op diet. Besides all liquid I can have 1 cup of steamed veggies per day. My surgery is 12/9 so I'm going to start on 12/4. Good luck everyone....WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  9. deedee72

    Is that a good thing?

    I agree with Dave. Since the holidays were Thursday and Friday for most people, they may have gotten behind. I would say its a good thing. It takes a shorter time to say no. They will be calling with your approval soon!
  10. You are so right Dave! I called the hospital and got everything straightened out. It was a non-issue...phew!
  11. deedee72

    Anyone have BCBSNC PPO?

    New...mine was submitted on 11/9 and I was approved on 11/11. You should be hearing something back really soon. If they were going to deny you, they probably would have done so by now. Hang in there, you will get an approval shortly!
  12. Thanks Bob...very inspiring and insightful!! Congrats and Good Luck!!
  13. deedee72


    My surgeon and everyone in his office really stress exercising....have you been moving more? If not, that may be what you need to kick start your weight loss.
  14. *crossing my fingers for you* GOOD LUCK!
  15. I wouldnt pay anyone's opinion any mind. You are doing this for you and not them. Ever heard the saying " opinions are like a**holes, everybody's got one" The ones that are commenting are probably the ones that havent had to endure a struggle with weight or ones that don't understand the band. Either way...forget them. If I lived my life like others wanted or acted on others opinions, I would be in a mess right now!! good luck to you!! BTW...I live in Raleigh!!
  16. deedee72

    insurance approval

    I was approved after 2 days. With my insurance (BCBS) as long as my BMI was over 40, I didnt have to have any comorbidities. Good luck to you!
  17. I have two children. Ages 18 and 11. I have told my 18 year old just because she knows the struggles I have been having with my weight and my health problems as a result. Also, I need her to help me post op but I'm not telling my 11 year old. I'm not sure he would understand, and I dont want him to be worried about me afterwards.
  18. Thanks!! I guess I'm stressing over nothing!
  19. I have been through all the pre-op steps and insurance approval and have a surgery date of 12/9. My problem is I quit smoking on 10/19 and I have gained 7-8lbs from that. I didnt even realize that I was overeating. Now of course I'm worried that I may run into problems with surgery. My surgeon's office made it clear that weight gain before surgery is not acceptable. Any one else have this problem? Starting today I'm going to the gym and watch what I eat....
  20. deedee72

    Bye Bye Buffet!

    Fort Smith....you sound exactly like me! I also have the same concerns with being banded (12/9) I also quit smoking a month ago and I have gained weight...which the dr office really frowns upon. But eventhough I have gained a few lbs, I know that I'm better off not smoking. Drinking is another concern for me as well. I'm a social drinker so hanging out with friends is going to really be hard without my two other friends (cigarettes and alcohol) My ultimate goal is to get healthier, be around for my kids and feel better about my self. So in the grand scheme of things, how important is a cigarette or a drink? Not very huh? Good luck to you and keep up posted on your progess!! We can do this!!
  21. deedee72

    12 hours post-op!

    Congrats Ladybug!! Keep us posted on your progress!
  22. I found out I was approved on last Thursday. It only took 2 days to get the approval....being banded on 12/9!!

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