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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by rsbg1

  1. :clap2: WOW, what a GREAT DAY !!:clap2: I start mushies today and had my 1st real BM today!:nervous Things are going good for me , still no pain just a little gas pain now and then. I have a little bruising around the port area and only one other area, not bad 2 out of 5. If any one go's to TJ Mexico for there band and have to stay in a Hotel ,DON'T stay at the Palacio Azteca,( The Hotel Is Nice But) unless you like the noise from the street all night long and very hard beds..Ask you Dr. to stay some place different, if the hotel is included in the package . Ted

  2. Hi Pax10, and welcome :clap2: !! My name is Ted and I just got my band on Wed in TJ Mexico,and the price for my band was around $8,000 with free fills. Dr. Kuri is one of the BEST Dr.s in Mexico or the USA..they have been doing banding in Mexico longer then here..If you are thinking of getting the band check him out. 1-888-223-4046 or belightweight.com I'm very happy with the Dr.Kuri and the care from all the staff there, if I was to do it all over, I would do it the same way! Ted

  3. Hi, just got my band owned, all went well and got home last night. I found out I lost 8lbs since we left for Mexico even though Tue night after the tests there, we went across the street and had the best Mexican food with 2 margaritas each that we have had in a long time. No pain , so no pain pills needed , just a little GAS.. Dr. Kuri was great there were 3 of us guys that were banded on Wed .I got up and started walking right after they took me back to my room. After a few laps around I was walking faster and faster, The Dr. said that he hasn't seen anyone walk so fast and for so long in a long time, he also said this is the best way to get rid of the gas faster..Ted

  4. :clap2: Hey Guys, just got home about 45min ago from Mexico, as Jeff said were all doing real good . I still have no pain just GAS !! Farted all the way from Mexico!!:heh: Well got to eat drink slurp or what ever with my soup.. Talk later,Ted:)

  5. Hey ! Its 3:30am :faint: and were getting ready for the trip. Still have that cold but I'm a little better , were going to do a little shopping in Mexico for some of that good vanilla and kahlua :D they have there..Well its time to wake the wife and get this show on the road, we get back Fri. eve will try to say HI then..Later Ted :)

  6. thuts wyte !!!:heh:


    So hows everyone doning !! My cold is getting a little better now, my biggest fear is thay will tell me I have to wait.:faint:I'm thankfull for DRUGS.....:guess One more full day befor we go to Mex....:clap2: Ted

  7. Hey Jeff, I guess I'll see you Tuesday at the pre-op place in TJ,or you might still be at the airport waiting for the driver to get there..( Mexican time !! LOL ):rolleyes


    Thats great news Chris :clap2: :clap2: !!!


  8. Hey welcome Tarami !!!!:clap2:


    that video is great, can't wait to try it...


    I'm still sick, getting a little better I guess , been loading up on drugs..:D


    I guess I'm lucky, I didn't have to do the nutritionist or a physiologist with my Doc. That must mean he thinks I'm Fat and Nuts and don't need a second opinion on it..:guess.. LOL... Boy the weekend is here already and Tue will be here sooner then I think for the trip to Mex. I sure hope they have a extra long bed for me, I'm 6ft. 6in. tall and I really don't want my feet to hang off the edge of the bed all the time..later guys Ted

  9. Hi Christina, I'm from Oregon too, down neer Roseburg. If your In. co. don't go for it like mine, I had to self pay and I'm going next Tue. for my pre-op, then wed for the band. It's costing us around $8,000 us. but worth every penny when it works. My Dr. is Dr.Kuri and he is in TJ. Mexico. I have herd the sometimes he will GIVE a band to People if they can't aford it eny other way..This Dr. is one of the best Doc. in Mexico and the USA..Good luck Ted

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