All of my kids but one are gone for the holidays to be with their dad, the one that isn't out of state went over to a friends house to spend the night and my husband is deployed. So I'm feeling depressed and lonely, and don't feel like cooking, or doing anything else really. Because I'm feeling sorry for myself I bought fast food, a spicy chicken sandwich.
I came home crawled into my bed turned on the TV and ate that sandwich like I wasn't banded!
I felt it land in my pouch and IT HURT! So I took a drink of the other thing I am not supposed to have when banded: POP! It was an explosive mix...literally. Pre-band I was always able to make it to a container of some sort before throwing up the contents of my stomach. However this time no such luck. On sec I'm drinking a pop the next.....lets just say spicy on the way down nice spicy on the way UP Not so much!
Despite the cleanup, and the slight burning in my throat, I'm glad this happened. I lost 15 lbs pre-band to get the surgery, but I haven't lost any weight since being banded, I had lost some after the fill but gained it back when I figured out I could eat again. I am not getting the message. I needed a swift kick in the bum and I'll probably need more.
I think I'm going back to the protein shake diet. 4 shakes, protein bars, and one meal. I'll supplement with vitamins ect.
I'm not a huge fan of food. I don't eat because I really like food I eat because I'm either hungry or bored. I liked the shake diet. I felt full now I feel like I'm always hungry. I wonder why that is?
New Years Resolution: Protein Shake Diet! Does it still count as a New Years Resolution if I start today?