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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ginafur

  1. My dr. backed me into a corner......The lap band or the cigs~ I chose the lap band! The truth is, I want the surgery, the new lifestyle and the ability to exercise worse than I want to smoke. My doctor told me he would NOT do my surgery until I had been smoke free for 8 weeks. I went to my general dr., got Chantix and have been smoke FREE for 3 weeks. Never had one urge. I have to have a letter from my dr. to my surgeon stating that I am smoke free. Has anyone else had to stop smoking before the surgery and if so, how did you do it?
  2. Back in November, I called our insurance...United Healthcare. (We have the Choice Plus coverage.) I was told that my UHC plan would cover 100% of my surgery. I even asked if there were any prerequisites. The only one was morbid obesity, which I fit! My first doctors appointment was December 7 with a Dr in the UHC Network. I got there, signed in. The insurance lady called me back, told me she spoke to someone with UHC and that my insurance didn't cover any weight loss surgery. I went to the parking garage, cried my eyes out, and then called UHC. Spoke to someone that said yes, indeed, it did cover the surgery. I was so excited that I took my cell phone back into the office. The insurance lady talked to the UHC rep on my cell phone. Anyway, the dr's office asked for a fax of the coverage. We waited...and waited...and waited. I called back, to which this whole cycle restarted. Yes it is covered. No, it's not. I never got to even see the doctor that day. Devastated, I called, very angrily, and wanted answers. I spoke to someone that told me to have the dr.s office fax a "prerequisite" letter to UHC, stating WHY I needed the surgery. She said my plan did cover the surgery and any surgery for weight loss, under the morbid obesity section. The reason the customer care reps kept saying no was because it always said "Need additional informatiuon." Has anyone else has this kind of luck with United Healthcare? That day, the doctors office, to which I am not even a patient, faxed a letter stating I needed the lap band, due to morbid obesity. We are still waiting to see whether it's going to be accepted or denied. I will tell you that the surgery code # was put into my plan and it was covered. This is all just so devastating to me! The insurance lady @ the dr.s office told me a rep called her from UHC today, but really didn't know whether or not the surgery was covered. Said she would have to refer it over to the UHC nurse case worker. SERIOUSLY? How hard can it be to know whether or not this surgery is covered? I am really down at this point. The lap band feels years away~ :(Just wondering if anyone else has had this kind of luck, with a good outcome from UHC?
  3. YAY~ The doctor's office called this morning and the lady from UHC, she was a claims specialist, called and said I was approved~ No prerequisites, per my policy. I was happy, just hate I don't have anything in writing. My appointment has now been scheduled for Jan.10!
  4. What reason? Because your doctor sent a prerequisite letter?At least it was good news for one of us! The insurance lady said UHC is awful with the approval~ she said she's even had people have the lapband completed, then UHC deny coverage~ UGH!
  5. Hi everyone. I'm new to the forums. I have a quick question. I just completed the seminar and was wondering how long does it take from this point? I realize it's different for everyone, just trying to get a general idea. I have United Healthcare Insurance and have already spoken with them. I was told they cover 100% of the surgery which is a God send for me. So, just personally speaking, how long did it take from the first visit to surgery? Thanks in Advance!
  6. Thanks everyone! I am so excited, I can't stand myself~ Ready for this whole lifestyle change. Can't wait to actually exercise!

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