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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ♥LovetheNewMe♥

  1. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Gotta Get Back With It....

    Kime, Stress plays such an important factor in our lives and always sabotages our good intension's. Like you I decided to have Lap band due to many medical factors, the biggest was watching both my father and eldest brother die due to complications of strokes in their late 50:s. I was 54 when I had my surgery. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with so much heartache and stress right now. I have a few suggestions for packing some snacks for your road trips and being on the go. I have found that if I carry stuff with me I am less likely to overeat and reach for the unhealthy or just settle for what I can get in the cafeteria, convince store or fast food restaurant. Stock up on some low carb protein bars and premixed shakes. These fit easily in your purse and you can reach for these if you can't eat a healthy meal. My favorite bars are, Oh Yeah, Nature Valley Protein, and Quest. Now they are not high in protein only about 10gms but they do satisfy that immediate hunger and prevent me from eating something less nutritious. In the shakes, that is really a taste preference. I prefer powdered shakes, I carry a small shaker container with snack bags filled with chocolate and vanilla, sometimes I put one of those flavored water packets into the vanilla powder to give it a fruit flavor. Low Cal cheese sticks, turkey pepperoni, almonds and soy nuts travel well also. I do not trust myself with the entire bag, when I am stressed I tend to want to graze. I measure all snacks when I bring them home from the store and place in snack bags, that way they are always ready for me to grab and go. Eating out, this can be that hardest for us, my favorite fast food restaurant is Chick Fli A, their grilled chicken nuggets, fruit cup and diet lemonade in the kids meal is just perfect. The are high in sodium but for a quick on the go meal in the car, you can eat it with your fingers and keep moving. Hospital cafeterias are the worst, I know I am a nurse. You would think as health care workers we would have healthy food around us but who wants healthy when stressed we all migrate to what reminds us of home. I grab a Greek yogurt or some oatmeal for breakfast. For lunch,low fat cottage cheese, individual hummus with the pretzel chips, natural peanut butter and 4 saltine crackers, an apple, banana, a small bunch of grapes. Berries like strawberries or blueberries are also nice choices. Those Oscar Myer lunch-ables with cheese turkey or ham and crackers is also a fast grab. Some of these are high in sodium and yes they are processed foods, but they will keep hunger at bay, you can carry most with you or find in a cafeteria or convenient store. I know this sounds like a lot of work upfront but it will help you to get refocused and back on track. I hope your family does well and again I am so sorry for all the added stress and sorrow you are dealing with. Good luck to you. Diane
  2. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Anyone Having Trouble With Skin Break Down Under Belly

    I had some between the cheeks of my butt. I rubbed it raw doing floor exercise and the lose skin rubbed together causing a bad break down. I also sometimes break down in my belly button. I use a fungul cream and it works well, sorta like the jock itch stuff but a cream. I suggest you go to your doctor, I don't have enough skin hanging over to need surgery but some people if they keep having issues their insurance may pay part or all of the removal. It is a good idea to have these issues recorded.
  3. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    What Can't You Eat After Surgery

    Some can and some can"t drink carbonated beverages. I gave them up 2 years ago, it was hard at first. I have had one or two in the past two yeats but they always make me belch worse than I normally do and i don't like the flat.
  4. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    The wedding

    Sad, this dress is too big now! But the wonderful shoes still fit, guess it is time to go shopping again!
  5. Feeling like a Tiny Girl these days! Never thought I would say this but I think I am skinny. I look in the mirror and say, "Who is that person."

  6. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Protein And Weight Loss

    Hey bandster buddies and MFP friends. I was just doing a little Internet surfing this morning and wanted to share something with everyone. As all of you know I have been on this journey for 2 years now and have been very successful with losing weight and using my band. That being said, there has been periods during this journey where I have been frustrated and never saw the scale move, not even a tenth of a pound. It took me along time to get it pounded into my head that you need to eat to lose. I have done a lot of reading about lap band, weight loss and exercise. Bottom line is even though we have a lap band we still need to make healthy choices, we need to eat Protein first and take in at least 60-70 gms per day. (I eat 90-100 plus grams a day) The diet needs to be balanced, eating fruits and veggies is probably the hardest for us because so many are difficult to digest or pass through the band. We need to eat some fats because they slow down digestion and make you feel full longer, protein makes you feel full longer, veggies and carbs leave you hunger. So basically the rules for us are no different than anyone trying to lose weight except we have a tool that helps us with Portion Control and helps us to feel full sooner than the average person if our band is functioning in the green zone. But sadly getting to the green zone can sometimes take us months or even years and staying there can be just as difficult. Below is some info about protein and why it is important. As always these are my opinions and thoughts and not meant to offend any one. I want to share my success and help anyone who is having difficulty. I am not perfect in my eating by any means and I have days just like everyone else and crave the sweet and salty Snacks. Some days I eat those snacks but the key for me now is I don't keep them in my house, I have to go out and buy them if I want them, (really makes me think about them) When I really want something and my head hunger is rearing it's ugly head and I can't control with Water or healthy snack, I break over, take 3 bites and throw it in the trash. Works for me and I don't feel deprived. Keep positive and always believe in your self, this is a life time journey and we will always be working to achieve or maintain our success. I am in the phase now of skinny girl with a big girl living inside and I am determined not to let her back out. The Article: Can Protein Really Help You Lose Weight, Curb Your Appetite and Keep You From Eating Wasted Calories? Yes! Protein has gained a great deal of attention in recent years and for good reason. While studies have shown that carbohydrates cause a swing in blood sugar (that signals the body to create body fat), protein actually helps to minimize your carbohydrate intake, thus minimizing how much fat your body is creating. Additional protein has also been shown to help some individuals lose weight by helping them feel more satisfied and therefore less tempted to snack on empty calories. Proteins are essential to human life and participate in every process within our cells. Protein is found in your muscles, bones, skin, hormones, blood and enzymes. Protein comprises 20 building blocks called amino acids. Of those 20, the body makes 11 called nonessential amino acids. The other nine, called essential amino acids, must be supplied by food, or dietary protein, explains Julie Burns, M.S., R.D., owner of Sport Fuel Inc., a sports-nutrition company in Western Springs, III. There are two kinds of dietary protein -- complete and incomplete, Burns says. Animal and soy proteins are called "complete" proteins because they contain all nine essential amino acids. Plant products, including vegetables, nuts and legumes, are called "incomplete" proteins because they lack one or more essential amino acids, she says. So, How Do You Calculate How Much Protein You Need On A Daily Basis? It's easy! To calculate your daily protein needs in grams, simply multiply your weight by 0.4 (for a 150-pound women, that's 60 grams a day). Knowing this information will help you as you start to choose healthier alternatives for protein. It's important to note that as you lose weight, be sure to recalculate your daily protein requirements. Because as you lose weight, your daily requirements will decrease. With So Many Foods to Choose From, What Are the Best Choices for Protein? While such foods as meat, milk, cheese and eggs are considered to be high in protein, unfortunately these foods are also high in fat and cholesterol. Therefore, it's important to choose your protein sources wisely. Some good choices include lean meats (such as skinless chicken or turkey and chuck or round ground beef) fish, lentils, Beans and low-fat dairy products. In addition, fruits offer an excellent source of protein, plus a ton of nutrition for fewer calories. Try oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, bananas, and grapes. Fruit is also filled with Fiber, which helps fill you up and keeps you feeling satisfied longer. So when you eat fruit, you have a win-win situation. Healthy Alternatives, Do They Exist? Yes! A perfect example is substituting a meal with a Protein Shake. Meal Replacement shakes have become popular due to their convenience and quick preparation. Shakes are perfect addition to your morning schedule or for an on-the-go lunch. And the best part is if you choose a well balanced shake that is full of protein, you won't experience those mid-morning hunger pains or afternoon cravings. A good protein shake should last you well until your next meal. With so many shakes to choose from, it's important to look at the content label to ensure that a shake offers enough protein to help you meet your daily allotment. Often times Protein Shakes can also be high in other areas (sugar, carbohydrates, fats, etc.) or may not offer enough protein all together. So, before you buy any protein shake, check the label. As you start to create a healthy balanced diet, remember to add the important element: protein. Be sure to choose protein sources that are healthy and beneficial such as lean meats, fish, beans, fruits and low-fat dairy. If you are consistent in choosing such high protein foods you may start to feel the weight fall off! Of course remember to try a meal replacement shake as well. Incorporating a shake into your diet is easy and they can often be very tasty. For suggestions on a great protein and fiber shake, be sure to check out the link below. To your health!
  7. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Great job, stay focused stales are normal. Patience pays off.
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Just Joined

    Crimson tide, Welcome to the group. We are glad you are taking charge of your journey again. It is all to easy for any of us to get off track and go back to our old way of eating. I think this is the fear that the majority of us have and why we are trying to take accountability for our journey and lead some accountability to each other. My user name on MFP is LovetheNewMe,(same as here) There is a large group of us from LBT that track our food and exercise daily. Join us and we will lend our support and encouragement. Remember anything is possible, don't get caught up in the woulda' coulda' shoulda's of the past. Focus on the future. We look forward to getting to know you. Diane
  9. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!!!

    Good luck to you, we will all be here waiting to offer support as you start your journey!
  10. With Lap Band like most WLS it is very important to eat your protein. Lap band patients who consistantly eat more protein tend to lose at a better rate and are more successful than those that eat less protein. Good luck and if your really worried log and measure your food, I am almost 2 years out and I still log everything I eat. Some may think that is over kill but I need the checks and balances. Good luck to you, Di
  11. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Would Like A Mentor, Please

    Michelle, I would be glad to suport you through your journey. I am almost 2 years post op and have lost 115 lbs. I started near your weight at 252 and currently weight 137. I am 5 lbs from goal. I have been active on this site since surgery, I don't personally blog as much as I used to but I still read the forums and respond to topics. There is also a fairly large group of us from this site who are friends on myfitnesspal.com and are trying to help each other through this journey. Good luck to you, Diane
  12. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Did you do your measurements prior to starting to work out at the gym. This is what happened to me, one month I drop weight and only lose a few inches, next month I drop no weight or maybe gain a pound and drop a lot of inches. When I first started lifting weights with my trainer, I gained 3 lbs the first 2 weeks. I had to make some adjustments in my diet. I cut out carbs and dairy for a few months until my body got used to the increased activity and strength training. I admire you for starting to exercise so early in your journey, keep up the good work, make sure you are eating enough protein. If you are working out on a regular basis it is very important that you eat all of your protein so your body will burn fat and allow you to build muscle. Good luck.
  13. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Here We Go - Life, Part 2.

    You have my support, I am also in the health care field, a nurse for 33 years. Being banded has been a great experience for me. I am 5 lbs from goal. 115 down and 5 to go. I was banded in October 2010. I will say from personal experience while I love what my band has helped me to accomplish this has also been one of the most eye opening experience of my life. I never really realized before being banded how much I used food for coping and comfort. I was well informed about the procedure before surgery, had read everything I could get my hands on, search the internet looked at the complications and read the blogs about the successes and the failures. I will say, your life does change. Your relationship with food changes. I believe with lapband you get out of it what you are willing to put into it. Unlike the Gastric Bypass and the sleeve after the first 40-50% of weight loss you really have to be accountable to a healthy life style. Good luck to you, as long as your mind is open and you walk into this with your eyes wide open and are always honest and accountable anything is possible. Best wishes, Di
  14. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Realistic Weight Goal (?)

    Before I would comment we really need to know more information. Like are you following the rules? Are you eating enough Protein? Are you exercising? During the first 4-6 weeks it is not uncommon not to loss, everyone is different. From my own expereince all I can say is that I try and eat at least 80 gms of protein a day and I do exercise daily. The weight loss has not been as fast as I thought it would be it has taken me almost 2 years to lose 114 lbs, which is an average of around a pound of week but sometimes I have sat for months and not moved the scale at all. It took me a while to realize that this was going to be a journey and not a fast fix but honestly, I did not gain all this weight overnight and it did not fall off over night. Lapband has forced me to deal with poor behaviors and coping skills and has helped me grow emotionally. good luck to you.
  15. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    FLORIDAYS Before and 30 lbs from goal

    You look great, congratulations on your success!
  16. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    The Retraining Of A Southern Girl

    You can remake your southern recipies and change. Today I made some fresh greens, no bacan, no fat, I used a teaspoon of olive oil, added garlic, protobella mushrooms, a few shredded carrotts and some purple cabbage with fresh rosemary and garlic. I sent some of these to a true southern neighbor for dinner with a couple slices of pork loin roast and roasted potatos and he thought they were awesome. i had to laugh, they were cooked so healthy. This is a life style change but you can do it, I have changed how I think about food and now find it fun to remake recipes using healthy ingredients. Goodluck to you!
  17. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Realistic Weight Goal (?)

    I echo everyone above. We all lose at different rates. We get stuck at times and may sit at the same weight for months on end. Doctors do say, 50% weight lose is what is the expectation and most doctors are happy with that. I was not. I have lost 95% of my excess weight and have 5 lbs left to lose to reach my ideal body weight. I have followed the rules, I am one of the odd balls, I weigh and measure my food, I journel my food and I do cardio 2 days a week and strength training 4 days a week. The most improtant thing is not to get discouraged if the scale does not move. Many times I have lost inches and not pounds. I do weigh myself every morning, but no longer get upset if the scale goes up or down a pound, I finally realize this is normal. Good luck.
  18. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Dr Goal

  19. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    What To Do What To Do???

    I have had good success with my band but lap band is not for every one and I have had several co-workers who have not done as well and one even had what they are calling band failure. She did not tolerate the band well and the restriction, she had her band removed after 2 years and had the gastric sleeve 2 months ago and has done very well. Typically you do not lose weight as fast with lap band and some seem to lose faster than others. The one thing you really need to focus on is, are you ready for WLS. The surgery itself which ever one you have only gives you a tool and the tool is only as good as it is used. It does make your stomach smaller, or as with lap band it gives you restriction, but what it does not fix is how we think and relate to food. That is the hardest part of the journey, developing healthy habits and truly making a life style change. If you are a bulk eater than you will do with WLS because it will limit how much you eat at meals, if you are a grazer and like to nibble on things off and on through out the day, you will struggle no matter what surgery you have. I strongly urge anyone thinking about WLS to have physiological screening and be totally honest with all your issues and continue with a few sessions for the first 6 months after surgery. Another key for success to support, family and friends can either support or sabotage you, make sure you have their total support. Your life does change after WLS and for me it has been a positive change. I am almost 2 years out with my LB and am 5 lbs from my goal weight. I have changed my life style, I eat healthy, I exercise, I weigh and measure everything I eat, I log my food everyday, I drink my water and get all my protein in. This has been a journey but for me well worth it. When you have your appointment with your MD, I suggest you discuss all your options, be honest about your commitment, how you eat and how much support you have. My husband went with me through every pre surgery visit and seminar. I wanted him to understand everything I was going to experience. For the most part he has been my rock but he also has went through some turmoil. He now has a tiny wife and I had been over weight and they past 10 years morbidly obese. WLS puts strain on relationships if you allow it because you both change and you must be honest with each other along the way. Good luck to you and I hope I haven't scared you off. But I want you to be prepared for all the emotions and obstacles you will have to over come in this journey. Good luck, Diane
  20. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    When Do Things Change..

    First and foremost, you are not a Debbie downer. The feelings you are having are soooo normal, the majority of us have been obese for years and some their entire lives. Being of "normal" weight, what ever that is, is a goal that many of us thought we would never achieve. Now we are faced with living with the new us. Now we have to learn to live with the tiny person we have spent the past few years scupting.. It takes our minds time to catch up with the weight loss. Today at work a vendor said to me, "You are so tiny and petite, you look like a model for Talbot's". I just stared at her and started laughing, she looked very shocked by my response. My friend answered for me, "She does not see herself that way, she still sees herself as the overweight person she was 2 years ago." Sad but true, I know when I look in the mirror, I am tiny now but sometmes I look at that person in the mirror some days and all I see are the flaws that the weight loss has left me with. I know that may sound ungrateful and totally fickle but it is honestly how I feel. I am grateful for my band, I am happy with my weight loss and would never go back to who I was before. Keep working hard and you will reach your goal, you have made awesome progress and should be so proud of your progress to date.
  21. Hope all of you are doing great, attached one of the newest magizine posts for you to review. It talks about the top five areas that trigger emotional and over eating. Some good stratight forward comments and realizations. I have attached the link enjoy.Diane http://www.lapbandtalk.com/page/index.html/_/healthy-living/emotional-eating-and-overeating-five-triggers-r89
  22. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    How Did You Decide Your Goal Weight?

    @ Tracy, you look awesome and have done a fantastic job on your weight loss. Back to topic, I set my goal with my phsician. My goal is 132 lbs, I am 6 lbs from goal, I hear daily that I am getting to thin and I need to stop but actually, I am very peite, small boned and very toned. I had a clothing size in mind, I wanted to be a size 10, but i am actually a size 4. I think goals are important, I think what matters that most is that you are happy where you end up no matter what the weight or size. Good luck.
  23. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Emotional Eating And Overeating: Five Triggers To Avoid

    Great article.
  24. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    104Lbs? You Should Be Losing That In Like 4 Months.

    Ditto to all above comments, this is hard enough without fighting the ones who are suppose to support us. You will get there, believe in yourself and to heck with the negativity. I have heard it all from friends and family. First I was fat now I am too thin, have decided that I am the only person I need to please and frankly, I love the new me and who ever doesn't can just..........................kiss......................! Believe in yourself and you will be successful, do this for you and only you, stay focused and develop a healthy life style. It is worth it and you will feel wonderful! Good luck to you!
  25. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Learning To The Lapband Way

    Your weight loss is great, don't expect it to fall off quickly. With lap band losing 1-2 lbs a week or less is pretty typical. Increasing your activity and increasing your protein as you become more active will help you to burn calories. It has taken me 22 months to lose 113 lbs and those results are not typical. If you read the literature it will say 40-50% of total weight loss is the normal expectation. Remain focused and set realistic goals for your self. Small mile stones should be celebrated. Good luck and you are doing great!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
