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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ♥LovetheNewMe♥

  1. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Gaind 4 Lbs 13 Days Post Op :"(

    Get off the scales! During the first few weeks after surgery (up to 6 weeks before you have a fill) if is not uncommon for your weight to fluctuate. Honestly do not weight your self for a while, this is a journey and you are not going to see those scales move immediately. My weight started slow, I lost inches some months and pounds some months. I thought I would be at goal in a year, it has taken me two years. This takes time and this is a life style change. I know you have read that before but it really is not a DIEt ! it is a life style change, it takes time, dedication and patience. The weight will come off if you follow the rules, learn portion control and EXERCISE! Look at my gallery of photos, I posted my heaviest of 252 and my current. But remember it took me 2 years. But it took me longer than that to get FAT!
  2. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    The Protein Counter

    Hmmm, so is mine, the 1st. So we are both Sorpions, better watch out girls we do sting. How's everyone today, had those Fried Green Tomatos today and somehow they were not as yummy as I remebered. I think I eat to clean these days. Sad but true.
  3. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    1 Cup Of Food?

    I use that as a guide, 3-4 oz protein, and ususaly there is only room after that for 1/4 cup veggie and 1/4 cp carbs or 1/2 cup veggies. I think of it as an acutal cup not the weight 8oz.
  4. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    TGIF, I am so glad, it has been a long week and I am so ready for the weekend. But, I have to work the first aide station at Fall for Greenville this weekend and there is going to be so many food booths and so many of my favorites, Fried Green Tomatos, Shrimp and Grits, Beer, Wine, Fresh kettle Corn, Pulled pork and Chili. I think I better sew my mouth shut before i go downtown or maybe wear some really tight jeans so that if I eat it will hurt. I used to love this event but now I dread it. sigh!
  5. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    I Cheated!!

    Not cheating, old way of thinking, you just did not make the best choice. It could have been worse, it could have been a regular drink and not a Skinny Girl wine. I just had a brownine and loved every minute of it, it was within my limits, I wanted it and i ate it. So move on and like everyone above said, what is done is done.
  6. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    The Protein Counter

    You guys crack me up!
  7. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    The Protein Counter

    Oh Yuck, you know us southerners can fry just about anything and make it taste very yummy!
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Restriction After Almost 4 Yrs???

    Sometimes I am very sensitive after a fill and it takes me almost a week before I am able to really tolerate solid foods with out feeling extremely full or Pbing a little. I have been very sensitive to the band and my fills every since I have had it, I have only had 3 fills in two years. If you can pass water without difficulty I would give it a few days and maybe just do some protein shakes, yogurt and other mushy foods. You may have some swelling since it has been a while since you had a fill. Good luck, just make sure you are taking in fluids so not to get dehydrated.
  9. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Pre Work Out Supplements

    It is very difficult to eat this much protein a day, I struggle daily to get there and do make sure I do on the days I lift weights and work out with trainer. I constantly think of protein on those days and make sure I get at least 80-90 gms before my work out time of 6pm. I have found that fish is much higher in protein, tuna and salmon and they are easily digested. (Hope you like fish) I also add liquid egg whites to my morning oatmeal and some days I also add to my protein shakes for an extra added 10gms of protein. I use the egg whites in a carton. I will say I feel mush better and have more energy since I started adding protein and I also look healthier.
  10. So sorry you have to wait and take off so much time from work. Every employer has different rules and because of that they protect themselves. Glad your job will be protected. Good luck with your surgery.
  11. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Staff Lunch & Dinner

    Gas, yes all the time, this is very normal. My husband says I am defiantly not lady like in that respect.
  12. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Glad your feeling better, they had me stay off my water pill for about a week until I had my first post op visit. It is very hard in the beginning immediately post op to get large amounts of fluid in at one time. I also had a lot of nausea and I took phenergan for the first few days post op and than my doctor gave me something else to help with the nausea. That bothered me more than the pain.
  13. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Personal Journey

    Excellant post!
  14. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Pre Work Out Supplements

    i do two shakes a day at 25 gms each, So half of my daily protein intake does come from shakes. I did not start doing this until I started lifitng weights and working out with a trainer. I drink Pure Protein, it is low carbs, 140 cal and 35 gms of protein. I carry my shaker with me to work daily. I occassionaly eat protein bars but they are higher in calories and unless I am going to do some cardio also I do not eat them, they have more carbohydrates and sugars than the shakes. The rest of my protein goes like this, I eat oatmeal with egg whites for breakfast (yes I cook the egg whites in my oatmeal, it is actually very good and makes the oats creamy, I add 2-3 egg whites, I can usually only hold 2, the third one makes me feel too full) I drink a shake mid morning and eat a banana. I eat 3-4 oz of lean protien for lunch with green veggie, Protein shake and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter in afternoon and than 3-4 oz of protein with veggie for dinner. I do occassional have a starch, sweet potato, quinia or whole wheat pasta but it is only about 1/4 cup(again all I can hold) Prior to working out with my trainer my eating sucked. I was only eating about 60gms of protein aday and barely 1000 calories. i started eating this way 7 months ago, dropped my last 30 lbs and from a size 12 to a size 4, I have great biceps and triceps and chest muscles. Lower body is coming but a little slower to develop, I figure by next summer I should be where I want to be as far as muscles, weight wise i am where i plan to stay. The high end of my ideal body weight. Hope this helps.
  15. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Band Removed Today! And A Question.

    Lindsey, complications to the band due happen, some are self induced by not following the rules and some just happen. I have been banded for 2 years and have had few problems and when I have it is because I ate a food that was not recommended, I failed to eat slow and chew adequately. Lap band is not for everyone, WLS is not for everyone. I feel physiological counseling and follow up is under utilized and pushed by the surgeons. All WLS patients are required to see a physiologist prior to surgery, my feeling is that there should be required follow up post op for the first 6 months to a year. Most obese people do not get obese from just eating alone, there is a lot of behavior and emotional issues related to our eating. Do your research well and know that this is hard work and the band can do nothing by it self it requires, dedication, accountability and constantly. Good luck in what ever decision you make.
  16. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Getting This Thing Out Of Me!!!

    Sadly many people are like you and thought this would fix the problem but Lapband is just as much work if not more than dieting. Lapband forces you to follow the rules if you expect results. Sorry you have had issues, maybe your therapist can help you work through some of your issues. Really sorry this did not work for you, good luck with your journey which ever direction it takes you.
  17. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    What Are Some Full Signals?

    Hiccups, burps, etc. My full signal: I feel tightness in the back of my throat, if I take a bite after that feeling I start burping. I also watch the clock when eating I try hard not to eat faster than 10 minutes and stop at 20 min even if there is food left on my plate.
  18. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Pre Work Out Supplements

    No, that one is really not recommended by my trainer. I do a protein shake about 1 1/2 prior to my work out and a small carb shot while driving to the gym. I eat within an hour post work out. I eat about 120 gms of protein a day, on the days I worl out I try very hard to eat greater than 120 sometimes as high as 140-150gms of protein.
  19. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Fitness Pal

    There is a thread in the community that someone with a band started but most of the topics have not been kept up to date. There is a fairly large group of us that are friends on MFP if you want to join us. LoveTheNewMe
  20. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    15 Inch Waist.....wow

    Ditto, and all I wanted was a 26 inch waist.
  21. I have been working out with a trainer for the past 7 months - 3 days a week. I only lost 20 lbs but I droped 5 sizes. There is a misconception that muscle weighs more than fat but actually a pound is a pound no matter if it is fat or muscle. The difference is muscle is leaner and therefore you are toner and smaller instead of all jiggly and fat. So you say you have only dropped less than 3 lbs but have you lost inches, dropped you percent of body fat and do you look toner? Are you sure you are eating enough protein and calories, when lifting weight I know you burn more calories and high protein diet is key to developing muscles. My two cents!
  22. My friends both had the surgery but they had theirs about 6-8 weeks a part, she had bypass and he had the sleeve.
  23. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    180 lbs July 2012

    Awesome work, you look great and should be so proud of your accomplishments!
  24. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Does Being Dehydrated Make Band Loose?

    I don;t think,not drinking water will lossen the band. The drinking of the 8 glasses of water a day will help you lose weight.
  25. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Help! I've Forgotten How To Be A Bandster!!!!

    Understanding smart food choices. Portion size is a major factor in your success with the LAP-BAND® System. However, the types of foods you eat can affect your weight loss as well. A healthy diet will have items from each of the following food groups. Quantities and suggested foods are listed in each group. Always talk to your doctor or dietician about your particular dietary needs. Good Choices Fruit and vegetables: 1 to 2 servings of fresh fruit daily 2 to 3 servings of fresh vegetables daily Whole grains: 1 small portion of cornflakes for Breakfast, or 1 to 2 slices of toasted whole wheat or rye bread each day. If you find you have trouble with bread blocking your stomach opening, substitute other whole grains such as refined, cooked or ready-to-eat Cereal, oatmeal, cream of wheat, or grits. Protein: 2 to 4 oz of meat, fish or poultry, or one egg for additional Protein Remove all visible fat from the meat. Remove skin from poultry/fish. And cook with little/no fat — grill, steam, microwave, or boil. Dairy: 2 cups of low-fat milk or yogurt, or 1 oz low-fat cheese (max.) Since milk and yogurt are calories in liquid form, you might think they should be avoided. However, the Calcium and protein they have makes them an important part of a healthy daily diet. Fats: 3 to 4 teaspoons of margarine, butter or oil per day (max) Low-fat salad dressings and mayonnaise (in moderation) Drinks: Unlimited zero- or low-calorie liquids per day, including: Non-carbonated beverages Tea or coffee (black) with low-calorie sweetener Clear Soup and broths Water Not-so-good choices Proceed with caution: Some foods may cause problems as they may block or have difficulty passing your stomach opening. Introduce these types of foods to your diet slowly, one at a time, to see if they are tolerated. Remember: always be careful and chew these foods well before swallowing. Dry meat Peanut Butter Shrimp Untoasted or doughy bread Pasta or rice Fibrous vegetables (e.g., corn, celery and asparagus) Dried fruit Coconut Popcorn Citrus fruits Nuts Steer clear: Some foods contain too many calories and too little nutritional value to be of any use to you with the LAP-BAND® System. Avoid foods high in sugar or fat, including: Syrups, jams, honey Candy, pies, cakes, biscuits chips, dips High-calorie soft drinks Some doctors suggest patients avoid carbonated drinks, as they may contribute to enlargement of the stomach pouch. Alcohol should also be consumed in moderation (one glass of wine or less per day).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
