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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ♥LovetheNewMe♥

  1. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Me and my Baby.

    From the album: My Journey

    Nov 2012 with my baby daughter Heather.
  2. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    1/2 Cc Not Gonna Make A Difference?

    DOn't focus on the amount in your band, focus on how you respond to the fill. Everyone is different and some people are very sensative. I have only had 3 fills and have lost steadily.
  3. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Know Your Port!!

    I do not allow them to access my port without xray, My port and I want it done correctly, if this PA thought she was in your port, sorry but she or he is an idiot, a medical person should know when they are in the port, you are suppose to palpate the area and even when we are heavier the port is easy to palpate and find the little membrane that needs to be accessed and when you stick in the needle. Glad your OK and sorry you had to go through this.
  4. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Peer To Peer

    Cann take up to a week or it can happen within a few days. Insurance companies sometimes just need to have a physician do a peer to peer to explain something. Good luck!
  5. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Anyone Losing More Than 50% Weight

    I have lost 100% of my weight, took me 2 years. I have a normal BMI and at my ideal body weight. The lap band alone will not help you get this success, you have to work the program, develop a healthy life style and EXERCISE. My weight loss was slow and steady. No WLS promotes that you will lose all your weight, WHY because even with WLS the weight lose is contingient upon what you put in your body. Good luck!
  6. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    The Bandster A Dying Breed?

    The gastric sleeve is the new thing, my surgeon does not do the band any longer, too many people with issues and failure to comply with the rules. Being banded takes work and some people are just not willing to put forth the effort. I still think it is and was the best option for me, it was steady slow weight loss and is just what I need to keep me honest.
  7. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Scared But Needing To Research This Procedure.

    Welcome and yes it is scary. I was a naysayer, I was one of those people who thought WLS was the easy way out. I found out very quick that WLS is not the easy way out and for it to be truly successful you have to be committed and accountable to the process. I had my surgery due to sleep apnea, hypertension, asthma uncontrolled and severe knee pain, I was told, lose weight or sleep with C-pap machine and have a total knee. I wanted neither one, so I had lap band and I am so glad I did. It is hard work and the weight does not fall off but it is steady and healthy. Good luck.
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Also Gas-x helps with bloating. this gets better over time but in the beginning mine was really bad. Learning to eat and drink takes time.
  9. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Nsv! And I Needed It!

    AWesome, sometimes NSV are the best and so motivating.
  10. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Ever Evolving Process......

    The world is your oyster and there are plenty of new things waiting around every milestone. Keep up the good work!
  11. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Southwest Chicago Burbs

    Welcome to LapBand Talk and good luck!
  12. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Another Size Bites The Dust!

    Awesome, sad we don't live closer. I have a lot of sixe 8 and 10's that I need to get rid of now. So happy for you this is awesome!
  13. Today is the beginning of many great days to come!

  14. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Carb Cycling- An Experiment Gone Right!

    And we would be lost without you. Your story is an ispiration to so many and your persistance is what everyone needs to see. Cyber Hugs!
  15. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    I Got Approved!!!%

  16. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Having A Terrible Time!

    Whew, so glad everything is ok. That is scary, and something all of us 2 plus banded worry about. Good luck.
  17. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    New Here! Day 6 Post-Banding

    Stick to what your physican told you to drink. Rules are so key to follow in the early days, it pays off.
  18. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Ok, I thought I could comment but I am gonna pass, this one is too deep for me.
  19. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    I Feel Horrible

    It takes time to heal, sometimes we think we should snap back quicker than we do. It took me weeks before i felt like my old self. Keep postive it gets better.
  20. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Day 1 Of Liquids Completed!

    You can do this, you are on your way. Keep up the good work!
  21. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Not Sure If I Am Getting Enough Calories

    I would say more calories but you really need to discuss with your physician and your nutritionist. I consistently ate between 1000-1200 calories for 2 years and lost 122 lbs but everyone is different. How much protein are you getting each day? Most bandsters do best with high protein intake 70gms or better for consistent weight loss.
  22. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    5 Year Weight History- Uhc Choice Plus

    Hopefully they will approve, do you have some other health conditions that may make an impact?
  23. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Happy And Sad At The Same Time

    Totally understand, been there done that 2 winters in a row. Dropping from a size 24 to a size 3 you lose a lot of favorite cloths but shopping is so much fun.
  24. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Pain At Port Site?

    It is normal to have some discomfort around the port, it took me weeks before I could stand to wear my skirts or pants or ly on my side.
  25. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Not Happy!!!

    I do understand your frustration. I am two years post op and it took me 2 years to lose all of my weight. At one year I honestly thought I would be at goal. I had just a little over a hundred pounds to reach my goal set by my doctor. I also hit a plateau and stayed the same weight for 7 months. I know you read on the boards that some people lose at faster rates and it can be discouraging but the goal is to learn to eat healthy and lose the weight this time for a life time. Check out my before and now pictures. I was really fat for my height, but the positive thing is that by losing slow I do not have a lot of excess skin and have been able to tighten up with strength training. You have been doing this for 6 weeks and have lost 15 lbs, is that not better than gaining 16 lbs. You did not gain your weight over night and I am so sorry to say it will not disappear over night, hang in there and work the process and the time will fly by and you will be thinner.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
