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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ♥LovetheNewMe♥

  1. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Having A Difficult Time

    You need to be able to eat solids, if you can't you are too tight and this is not good for you or your band. Yes you will lose weight but this is not the healthy way. Call your doctor and make an appointment please.
  2. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Lapband Reality

    Kime CONGRATULATIONS!, I remember that day! I too thought I would never get below 200 lbs and it is so exciting. You can reach that goal of 140 if you set your mine to it. I never thought I would be at a normal BMI but yet here I sit and have been here for 3 months now. You are doing awesome, you should be so proud of your accomplishments to date.
  3. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Working Out

    Awesome post! I love the necklace!
  4. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Craving Popcorn, Is It Ok To Eat ???

    I was a year out before I started eating popcorn. Pop corn is one of the foods that can be a slider for some folks, it dissolves well for some but the kernals can be a problem for others. I would not recommend in early band stage, you need to stick with the healthy foods and leave the snacks for later after you start really eating better. Just an opinion, can you eat it, the answer would be yes, you can eat anything as long as you chew it well and it goes down, is it a good choice this early in your journey, no.
  5. My doctor says I will stay with what I have in my band unless I have issues, meaning a fill or infill. I keep my band as is unless there are problems. My vote is tell him your not interested in any changes at this time , your band, your body, unless he can give you sound documented research that states differently, remember you are the patient and u have rights!
  6. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Chicken can be very difficult to digest, especially if reheated. This was the one food that caused me to PB more than anything else. Try eating it in broth or soup in very small bites. Wait between bites and do not try to push it down with liquids it will only make you throw up. Deli meats and ground meats sometimes work better or grilled or baked fish. Trial and error in the beginning, but it gets easier as time goes by and you learn your band. Eggs were another issues for me
  7. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    You can increase the frequency overweening meals, early stages you are to focus on healing not weight loss. Early stages I drank liquids every 2 hours because I could only take in small amounts and lots of water and SF drinks. My doctor told me I would be hungry until my first fill.
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Any Good Apps?

    Myfitnesspal, you need to increase the protein on your goals. We should eat more protein than a normal wL person for good weight loss.
  9. Not unless instructed too. Keep dry and clean.
  10. I am currently sitting in my surgeons office, I will ask the question. I am in maintenance and am not willing to give up my band, scares the crap out of me and I have very good habits. My band is my insurance and I am not willing to tempt fate.
  11. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    This Isnt How I Thought Id Feel!

    Lisa, it takes time. I thought I would reach goal in a year and I did't feel thin until 3 months ago and actually now I am very thin and at goal. It took 2 years, it takes time to learn to love the new person we become Keep the faith and good luck!
  12. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    1 Year Anniversary Today

  13. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    She Is Always Bragging About It?

    Claping, Claping. Yeah! for me and Yeah for you! and Yeah for all the Banded B's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    5 Day Pouch Test

    www.5daypouchtest.com/ This is the web site, this is a 5 day process that is suppose to test the working of your band. You start with liquids and work your way back to solids, it is suppose to help you start to feel satisfied again when you are eating. I have no idea whether this works. Good luck,
  15. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Need Some Serious Help!!!!

    The band is not for everyone, there are a lot of rules that have to be followed and embraced in order to be successful. First thing I would suggest is that you make an appointment with your surgeon and discuss your options. Maybe meeting with a nutritionist and a physcologist would help you to get back on track and restart the process. But first and foremost you must make a committment to your self to be accountable to the process. This is hard, none of us has an easy time with food or none of us would have gotten to this site and this surgery. To me obesity and addicts are very simiar, we just do legal drugs, FOOD! Giving up what has been our turn to, or comfort zone is hard, it is hard to hold yourself accountable. Even if you do decide to have the Gastric bypass you still need to get your head in the right place because making sure you really understand your self, your triggers is key to long term success with WLS. If I can help support in any way please let me know and I wish you luck with your choice.
  16. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Fad Diets And Lap Band: "this Is Not A Diet"

    Well I just thought I would blog a little tonight. We have all made it through Thanksgiving but we still have Christmas and New Years to survive and oh let's not forget all the wonderful goodies that will be floating around the office and at families and friends houses all holiday season... So that is what brings me to my topic today: Fad diets and Lap Band, "This is not a Diet" First I have a couple of questions: 1. How many of you have stopped losing and felt frustrated with the band? 2. How many of you have been so frustrated that you were tempted to fall right back into the dieting yo-yo behaviors of the past? 3. How many of you have been tempted to just leave your band a little tight so you would lose weight faster? 4. How many of you have been tempted to go back to phase one of eating, you know shakes,liquidsiguids, etc? 5. How many of you have been so desperate to see that scale move that you would just about try anything? Well if this is YOU, than STOP! Living with Lapband is not about fad diets and continuing some of the same behaviors that got us to this point in the first place. This is a life style change and none of us got obese over night, so why do we expect to become thin over night. Simple: It is just human nature and we live in an instant gratification superficial society. I posted a book in a blog several months ago and I am reposting tonight for those of you who want to continue to use your lap band as the tool it was intended. This was a book written by a lap band surgeon after studying patients who were committed to losing 90-100% of their excess body weight. I was one of those people who was stalled, no matter what I did the scale sat there and taunted me with the same numbers day after day. I was one of those who looked over and over my diary sheets trying to find out what I was doing wrong. So why didn't the scale move? To lose weight you have to eat 3500 calories less than your body needs to drop "1" pound. Now does everyone really understand what that means, I didn't. Well that's not true, I had read that before and I did know it but I didn't really get "it". Basically you have to eat less and do more but there is a perfect balance of how many calories you need to take in so your body does not think you are starving. Everyone needs to know what their BMR is and understand what that means. This is the amount of calories your body needs just to maintain a normal day of sleeping, eating, working and playing. Everyone;s is different and based on how active you are. I have a sedentary life style, I work in an office and I am basically inactive 10-12 hours a day, moderately active about 2 hours a day and maybe very active about 1 hour a day (if I go to the gym) I really began to understand this once I started wearing my Fit Bit and it took me weeks even wearing this before I really understood why my scales were not moving. I was eating band friendly foods, eating within my allotted calories and portions but the scale would move small increments or not at all. When I started to really analyze my intake and activity I finally started to realize i was losing what was expected due to my intake and my activity. Well I knew i was not going to eat less so I made a decision to be more active. I increased my protein intake, did cardio 5 days a week and strength training 3 days a week. Basically I became recommitted to my band and to living healthy. I had the eating part down but the activity part I still struggled with, I was inconsistant with my exercise and the level and intensity of the exercise. This is not an easy journey by far but it is achievable with dedication, accountability and true grit! No one told us this would be easy! No one told us this would happen over night! And they did tell us we would have to follow the rules and learn to make the band work for us. Key words, "Make the Band Work for Us!" So for all you Newbies out there please realize that success with Lap Band can be a reality, it does take hard work and it is worth every new lesson you learn along the way. When reading the forums learn from both the postive and the negative, there is something that can be learned from everyones successes and failures. So as promised, attached is the book by Dr. Simpson, "The Last 30 Pounds" . Wishing everyone a Very Happy Holiday Season, and remember this is not a "DIEt" The Last 30 Pounds.pdf
  17. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Pic....im 2.6 Lbs Away!!!!!

    Awesome and love the dress, a wonderful transformation.
  18. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    If This Doesn't Motivate...

    Just think how you will fill when that starts going down the other side. Like new Dawn stated, we all had a starting point.
  19. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Is My Band Making Noise.

    Been banded 2 years and my band has never made noise. If you really think it is making noise contact your WLS,
  20. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Update On How You Are Doing!

    Hello, MFP pals, I just wanted everyone to update on how they are doing with there weight loss. I am at goal now, have been there since Sept 9th, 2012. I am in the maintenance phase now and trying to find the right balance of exercise and eating so I can maintain my weight. The hardest thing for me is allowing my self to realizing that eating is ok and food is not still the enemy. I guess we all still carry a little baggage even when we reach goal. I have lost 122 lbs to date and am at 130lbs, have dropped from a size 24 to a size 4. Bought myself a pair of skinny red jeans to wear christmas. So how are you doing?
  21. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Anyone A Smoker?

    It is a good idea not to smoke before surgery, most physicians should have instructed you on this during your preop visit.
  22. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Everything Stuck

    Ok I am not pregnant but I can tell you from experience the band is fickle. I have not had a fill since Jan 3oth this year and I eat pretty much the same food all the time and what goes down one day may find difficulty another day. No one can explain this including the physicians. I notice my band tightens early mornings and when ever I am stressed or have been sick, like with the flu. Hope that helps!
  23. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Port Area

    Normal, if I remember correctly it was months before i was able to Lay on my banded side and sleep. It will be tender for a while but once you heel you will not notice until you get thin than the little bogger sticks out.
  24. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    I did, causes bloating and belching. I didn't even drink the whole beer only a few sips. Lesson learned it is not worth the risk of harming my band.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
