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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ♥LovetheNewMe♥

  1. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Lapband didn't work for me

    Weight lose does stall with the band even when you are doing things right. Couple of questions, you say you are eating a calorie restricted diet but are you eating enough protein. If you read some of the research with lap band they have found that people who eat a low calorie high protein diet lose better. Now I am not talking about a low carb diet but a balance of carbs and protein with the protein intake being higher than the carbs. i know it may be silly but sometimes you have to eat more to lose, if you eat a too restrictive calorie diet your body can think you are trying to starve it and can go into hibernation mode and hold onto every little fat cell we have. You may want to keep a food diary for a week or so and figure out your BMR so you know how much your body needs everyday. I was really surprised when I calculated mine, I myself stalled for over 7 months. Did not drop not one pound, I was eating to little, i had to increase my calorie intake up to 1250 and my protein up from 60-70 fms per day to 90-110gms perday. Once i did this combined with cardio in the form of walking on the road or treadmill 5 days a week with 2-3 days of weight training I started to lose again. It took me several months to figure out that I was not losing because my intake was not enough deficit of what my body needed to lose a pound of fat. I hope this all makes since, a good nutritionist or trainer could help you figure this out so you don;t feel so frustrated with the process. Good luck and hang in there, It can and does work just slower for some than others.
  2. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    What's Your Current Band And Fill Size?

    The question was answered, the size of the band is determined by your surgeon. The size of the band has nothing to do with how you lose weight, everyone is individual with how much they require in their band to feel satisfied when eating. Everyone asks this question, curiosity and comparison, a normal behavior and conversation but it really doesn't;t matter. As I posted, I have no idea what size band I have, I have no idea how much is in my band and I have only had 3 fills and it works for me. People are just curious, has nothing to do with how it works, like you said everyone is different and no one is judging anyone.
  3. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    What's Your Current Band And Fill Size?

    I have no idea what size band I have, never asked, I have no idea how much is in my band. Never asked. I just know it works and that works for me.
  4. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Insurance reversal

    That really sucks, can you try and argue your case and have the doctor justify the medical necessity of the surgery. this is crazy!
  5. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    You guys kill me, so glad those days are gone. Try a chocolate protein shake, bariatriceating.com has some really good chocolate shakes, one actually tastes like a rich piece of chocolate cake. If you really need chocolate purchase some dark chocolate that comes indivdually wrapped and have one. They are less than 40 calories and this is not a diet you can have an occassional treat just not the whole block or bag of chocolate. I do allow my self an occassional treat and have over the past two years.
  6. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    I am right there with you, the only reason I had this over whelming desire to reach my normal body weight was so I could say I am not longer overweight I am normal. I least I could weight to hit this number was 132 so that was my goal. I know silly but I had been morbidily obese for a lone time and last year I was still obese, when I hit just over weight, I was excited and than I became obsessed. Congratulations on you success to date.
  7. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Fitness Pal

    MFP is LovetheNewMe you can add me if you want. I use it to keep track of my food and keep me honest with myself.
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Unfill before surgery.....

    Good luck, understand your fear but your head is in the right place and I know you will be fine.
  9. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Need some encouragment

    Unfortunately when they let all the fluid out it is much more difficult because you start to feel hungry again. Have you had a recent fill? If not maybe a small one. Don't give up on yourself, you have had a small set back but recognize you need help. Good luck!
  10. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Need some encouragment

    Unfortunately you are falling into a false since of understanding of the band and it's working capabilities. I don't mean for this to sound harsh but just because you can ear something is not a reason to eat it. Head hunger is the hardest part of this journey and this is what you must get a handle on. I suggest you speak with the physiologist that screened you before surgery and tell them you are struggling. Do not wait for the band to fix your hunger, you take charge of your behavior and figure out what makes you eat besides being hungry. You can do this, it is possible, you can be successful but you have to believe in yourself and get rid if the doubt. Good luck to you.
  11. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    pain in my side

    I do get pains sometimes, it is usually gas! If it persists than discuss with your WLS.
  12. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    If you chug most likely you will throw up, take small sips frequently. You will get used to the new way, try sucking on a SF Popsicle or some ice chips this will sometimes help curb the thirst.
  13. Yes you have to lose your underware, yes you have to take your contacts out, and if you have false teeth those go also. No makeup, no perfume, no nail polish, no lotion. The procedure requires you to be in your birthday suit, just like you were birthed the first time. Think of this as your rebirth! Now stop it or I am going to send you the little cartoon I sent CG!
  14. Nerves are normal this close to surgery, just relax and continue to think about the positive step you are making to have a healther life. Good luck to you!
  15. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Anyone travel yet?

    I have been on a plane several times. My band does get a little tight for about 24 hours after the flight. I usually just do protein shakes or eat mushy foods until I am able to take in solids. My flights have been under two hours but with two layovers, my first flight was one week post op, I flew from SC to Baltimore MD to a conference. The trip was tuff but I made it.
  16. I am two years post op and at goal since Sept 9th 2012. I lost 124 lbs was it easy no, was it frustrating at times, YES!. Ok now for you, being banded takes a lot of commitment and dedication to the process. We all thought at one time this process would be a piece of cake but guess what they lied to us, it is not a diet but it still takes changing our relationship with food and how we cope. The key to success with lapband is fixing the head hunger and learning what to do besides eat. The one thing I read most on these forums is people expecting the band to tell them when to stop eating and not focusing on how they can make that happen. Once you start down the slippery slope of treating this like a diet and think of eating the wrong foods like it is difficult to remain focused on what you started out to accomplish. Your band has Fluid in it, I am sure it lets you know when you are full but if you are eating sugary sweet foods the band will not stop these. Simple carbohydrates like sweets will slide right through your band every time. You have a lot of thinking and refocusing to do. First question, are you really ready to recommit to the band and the weight loss process? When did you last see your WLS? Do you have a strong support system? First I would see my surgeon and meet with a nutritionist, if you don't want to do that then I would do the 5day pouch test. www.5daypouchtest.com then make an appointment with the doctor and say, Help Me, I want to get this right this time. (Many WLS patients stop going to the doctor because the gain weight, or stop losing weight and become embarrassed and than days and months go by and a few pounds ends up into 20 or 30 pounds or back where they started) So go back to the doctor and face the music. Second; I would start writing everything down. Third: Take your picture and post it on your fridge, over you visor in the car, on your mirror and somewhere at work. Fourth: Do some positive affirmations, you have to believe in yourself to be successful. You can do this, you have the tool but you need to be committed to this and really WANT this, it is not about will power but WANT power, you have to WANT to be thinner than the people who support you and you have to commit to living a healthy life style. This is not a diet but a way of life and it takes time, dedication and commitment. If you want help we are here for you but only you can start the process and not continue to allow food to be in control! Good luck and willing to support you if you really want help!
  17. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Emotional Eating Solutions: How NOT to Swallow Your Feelings

    Great article, Melissa. I had my 2 year follow up appointment this month and this was the very topic I was discussing with my surgeon. My opinion is that the emotional side of this journey is the hardest and the sooner you can come to grips with your own emotions and relationship with food the sooner you will be able to move forward and be successful. I really wish that physicians would stress this importance. The general rules are they make you see someone prior to surgery but few require mandatory follow up post surgery. I struggled about 8 weeks into this process and was so thankful for my strong support system, I would have never made it with out my family and friends.I went through a very tough period when I really wondered why it was all worth it, I was stuck, tired of measuring and watching every morsel I place in my mouth. I think myself like most people thought this process would be easier but honestly it was not easy, probably the hardest journey of my life, but so worth it. I always thought I had an out going personality but have realized since losing my weight that I am more confident in myself and food no longer is how I cope or identify myself. I still have times when I miss certain things but one look in the mirror or a look back at my pictures quickly reminds me of why I do what I do everyday and why I never want to go back to the old me. Thanks for the inspiration and the incite.
  18. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    life after first adjustment....

    I turned my obsession with food into an obsession with getting healthy and an obsession with exercise. I decided that if I was going to be obsessd it might as well benefit me. Good luck to you!
  19. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Green zone

    It may take multiple fills to reach your Greenzone or "SweatSpot" as some refer to it. It took me 3 fills and 1 year to really be what was considered the Greenzone, everyone is different. There are some good videos on the original lapband site that explains this well. If you have not watched all of them I would recommend them they really help you have a better understanding of the band and what to expect going forward. Good Luck! www.lapband.com
  20. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Merry Christmas to me

    Awesome, enjoy the bike, I bought myself a treadmill last year and it was a great investment, really gave me the motivation I needed.
  21. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Getting rebanded after constant malfunction

    Personally have not had issues but I have two friends at work who have went through similar circumstances and one ended up with the sleeve and the other one was at healthy BMI and insurance will not reband until she gains weight so she is on her own for a while and trying to maintain. This is my greatest fear, band failure. I am 2 years post op and at goal. I know it happens more than we realize and I work so hard to protect it but it does not sound like you did anything wrong and neither did my friends. Hope you do well and glad you have managed to keep majority of your weight off, if you did this once you know you can do it again. Good luck to you,
  22. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    We have all been there and we feel your pain. Wish I had words of wisdom and but encourgement is this does get better, you will be able to eat again and chew. I can tell you it is worth it, hang in there.
  23. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    A Very Blessed December Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ diane Goal weight for December 29th~ 128 Weight on December 1st~ 128 Age~ Geez do I have to tell ok-- 29 Dietary goal for December~ 90 plus grms of protein and maintain my weight during the holidays or drop a pound or two would be ok also. I have a goal of 26 inch waist and I have an inch and a half to go. Exercise goal for December~ 2 days a week strength training and start the couch to 10k prep for Cooper River Bridge Run on April 6th 2012. Date banded~ October 28, 2010 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 124 lbs What is your favorite Winter/Christmas/Holiday Activity?~ Ok, you are going to love this one. I love to bake, so sorry but I love to bake Christmas cookies and give them away as Christmas gifts to my friends and co-workers. I also love Chirstmas lights and Christmas music. Baking at Christmas reminds me of family, my mom and I always baked cookies together and I carried this tradition over to my daughter and she has to her daughter. So I will be baking even though I will not be eating them, I think this will be my challange. Now you know my dirty little secret.
  24. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Family support

    I guess I was different. I told everyone, family, work, friends etc.. I wanted all the support and eyes on me as I could get, I knew if people were watching I would be more likely to stay committed because I hate to fail at anything. It was a lot of pressure but it worked for me. My mother on the other hand chose not to tell any of her friends, not sure why, she said it was none of their business. I almost felt she was ashamed of me because I had to do surgery to lose the weight. I say you do what makes you comfortable but family needs to know especially children. Even though this is a very simple procedure, it is surgery and things can go wrong even on simple procedures.
  25. I have a positive attitude about how I eat, what I eat and when I eat. I am aware of my eating habits and how the can effect my continued success.I am determined to maintain my weight and live a healthy life.I forgive myself and learn from my mistakes.I am motivated by failures and successes and each day I automatically and successfully get healthier and healthier. Have a great Sunday everyone and stay true to your self and your goals and success will happen for you!

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