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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ♥LovetheNewMe♥

  1. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    pkb has BIG news!

    Awesome, proud of you! We all knew you could do this!
  2. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Comments removed by the poster.
  3. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    No unfill.....

    So excited for you, and glad you didn't have to have an unfill, no point messing with something when it works.
  4. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Why, oh why do old habits die hard?

    Old habits are hard to break but you did not sabotage all your work so just put that day behing you and move forward. I am so sorry for your stress with your father, family being sick can way heavy on our hearts and bring back lots of feelings and ways of coping. Prayers being sent your way for healing and strength, believe in your self, we all know you can do this and this is just a Minor setback.
  5. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    I wasn't sure what it was so I did the u-tube on what is crossfit. I would say yes once your MD releases your restrictions. I was told not to bend from the waist, or do exercises agressive for first 6 weeks. I do a lot of work out in the gym, tire throw, weights, and all the other regular stuff that goes along with working out with trainer, I have no problem with port but you have to first heal from surgery.
  6. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Getting back into this...!

    I was banded 2 years ago, also on MFP same name as here. "LovetheNewMe" I have used this site as my support group, tried the one in my area but none of them were losing weight, seemed to be more focused on complaining about not losing instead of fiquirein out why so I have found this site good for me and holding me accounable. Good luck and add me on MFP if you want.
  7. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    20 more poinds

    JAN272.bmp Oops by bad, here you go! I guess I BEE"Crazy" tonight, well maybe not just tonight... I also attached the down load of the book it is not available for free now, I have had this for a while. http://drsimpson.net...Last 30 Lbs.pdf The Last 30 Pounds.pdf
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Which side is your port?

  9. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    20 more poinds

    Hi Dino, I have a couple of questions for you. I am 2 yeats post op and I went through the same thing back about 8 months ago. i had been stuck for 6 plus months and still needed to lose 26-30 lbs. i was eating around 900-1000 calories a day and exercising 4-5 days a week on the tread mill. What I found out after months of analyzing my meals was I was not eating enough calories or enough Protein. I tweaked my meal plan, I had 3 balanced meals a day but added 2 Protein shakes a day, one in the morning between Breakfast and lunch and one in afternoon between lunch and dinner. I went from 60-70 gms of protein a day to 100-120 plus grams of protein a day. Also there is a good book you should read from a web site that talks about losing the last little bit of weight. I hate to say this but you are starting to get to the hardest part of the journey, in the beginning when we were larger we could lose a pound a week but as we get smaller the weight falls off differently and it bocmes harder and harder to continue to lose at that rate. It is possible to start losing again but you have to get your body back into fat burning mode instead of starvation mode and I am going to hold onto every fat cell I can. Do you keep track of what you eat? If not you will be surprised at how much you really do eat. Second how much protein do you eat? You say you exercise, but are you eating 3500 cal less per week than your body needs to maintain itself? Do you know your BMR so you know how much your body needs to survive everyday? All of these things are key to losing, I know we are not on a diet but you have to get your body revved up in order for it to start losing again, You can PM me if you have more questions.
  10. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Can't change profile photo.

    Polly, try right clicking on your photo and say open and than up load a photo. The site is still having issues, I got my new one to upload by doing this and than refreshing page and the little photo appeared but now I can't change the color of my text.
  11. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Hmm, since this was a journey and not a diet i would say anyone who says they never ever ate anything they were not suppose to is less than truthful. I was good but not perfect, today I am good but not perfect. I am disciplined and I do know when to stop and I make healthy choices 90% of the time. This is life and parties, family gathering, and basically **** happens. I do not overeat becasue it makes me feel aweful but I do have a drink, I do have an occassional piece of chocolate and I do love my popcorn and nuts. My difference now is that I count these things in my daily intake of food, the one thing I have consisitantly been honest with is my calorie intake. If I go over one day I go way under the next. If I chose to make a poor choice of a high calorie food, I may joke about it but I do not obess about it. This is my life and I am carving it out one day at a time and I will Bee"Successful!
  12. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    No more sand in my sandbox!

    I also at goal was able to give up my BP meds all of them for 6 weeks, but I also went back on one medication. Yes it was disapointing but genes are genes and I we unfortunately got bad genetics but I sure look good in my skinny jeans, how about you!
  13. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Trying hard not to get discouraged :(

    I don't think you are having a pity party, I think you are asking a good question. When do we take charge of the food instead of the food taking charge of us? To put it bluntly the holidays just plain suck if your a lap band person starting out. I wish I could say it doesn;t and say the holidays are all about being with family and being together, etc, etc etc. But lets be realistic, most of our favorite times were spent around the dining table visiting with family enjoying food and drinks. I was banded the first year two months before Christmas and one month before Thanksgiving, and had my first fill 3 weeks before Christmas. It was the most stressful holiday of my life, my second Christmas (last year) I had been stuck for about 5 months at the same weight and continued to be stuck until after the holidays. Patience is hard, we all want that brass ring and that wonderful feeling of success and it comes at different times for all of us. Why am I telling you all of this, well I reached the brass ring and food no longer controls me or my life, but it was not easy. My journey had ups and downs, set backs and obstacles all along the way. I got frustrated, I cried, I hated my band, I hated what I ate, I hated what I thought I was missing, but the one thing that gave me hope was knowing that there were people that were successful and I tried to learn from them. I often e-mailed people and asked, tell me about your journey, was it hard, did you get stuck, how long did it take you, when did you stop feeling fat, when did you stop thinking about food. So when did I know I was going to make it and know that I was going to no longer allow food to control me, I can tell you exactly when and where I was. It was 8 months ago and I was at work. I was getting ready to get on an elevator and caught a glipse of my reflection in the long mirrored elevator door and honestly I was shocked. I was thin, not only was I thin, I didn't even recognize the person in the reflection. Food had always been a big part of my life, I am a very social person so parties and families and food all go together. I am still a social person but have found that I can be social with out food and drink, I no longer have to carry my food, I know what I can eat and how much and I know when to say no. I won't lie, I do have occasional days that I feel less in control but I just look up from my dest at the fat girl on the bulleton board and know for sure I do not want to be her again. So your question was when do you finally allow food to stop controling you, my answer is when you can finally start thinking like a thin person. When I was fat I always thought about food and the preparation of food and what the next meal was going to be. Now food is just that food, yes some of it is very yummy, and I love to cook but food made me fat and I prefer to be thin. There does come a time when you control the food and you control the band, for me it took almost 2 years and daily I remind myself of the fact that there is still a fat girl living inside me and she would love to come back if I gave her half a change. So yes be patient but you too can be successful if you just Bee "lieve" Good luck to you in your journey.
  14. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    How many fills did it take?

    I have had 3 fills, first fill at 6 weeks, one month before Christmas in 2010.(5cc) It lasted until May 2011, second fill he removed the 5cc's and put in 6.5 had to remove 1 cc 3 days later because I was dehydrated and could not pass any fluids at all. Then my weight stalled. I had lost good for the first 7 months, than I just sat there for another 7 months. I lost inches but the scale did not move at all. I had 5.5 cc removed at the end of Jan 2012 and 6 cc's put back in my band. It was tight, it took me 3 weeks before I was able to really eat solid food and enjoy it but I was determined to be in the green zone so I tiffed it out. The first 6 Months I was banded i went to see my WLS every 4 weeks at one year, I started seeing him every 3 months for 6 months than at 1 1/2 years it went to every 6 months and continues at that. I am always told to comeback in between if I need a fill. I did not really hit this mythical green zone until my 3rd fill, not sure it it was the fill or me finally getting my thought processes in check with what the band was suppose to do for me. At goal now, and have no idea what is in my band, I think 6cc;s but it still works and I have not had a fill since Jan. Now do I have occasional days when nothing satisfies me, yes, those are the days I stick to my plan, drink plenty of water. Feeling hungry is not fun and it creates another whole set of issues, head hunger. All I can say is that is does get better but there are still occasional days when I feel like I could eat everything in site, difference from old me. Old me would have ate everything in site, new me says, don't eat, I like the new me.
  15. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Eyes bigger than my pouch

    Yes it happens to me, that is why i still measure and weigh my food. I do not trust my eyes, they still think I need more than I really do.
  16. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Can't change profile photo.

    Something is wrong with site, I changed mine but I had to do it with right click and hit open uploaded picture than refreshed page and than it appeared. This is not how it is suppose to work. Jusy saying........................
  17. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Keeping a positive attitude.

    i often get asked how do you stay so focused and positive. The answer easy, I look in the mirror every morning and I love what I see, I stand on the scales and I love what I see, I get to go shopping and wear pretty much anything I want! So I ask Why would I not stay focused and positive when this process has worked so well for me? Has it been easy NO!!! but what is worth achieving with out hard work and dedication? I will tell you something that has helped me and that is my positive outlook and commitment to this process. I have learned from both my positive experiences and my negative experiences. I have learned that I am far from perfect and can learn from everyone, even the ones who are struggling. I am just Polly Anna enough to believe that anything worth achieving is worth working hard for and I also believe that most people are good. Now I have been burnt a couple of times in my life but this does not prevent me from still believing in people. So I share with you this morning some positive affirmations for a healthy happy weight loss journey. I write them on my mirror, I post them in my office and on my refrigerator and share them with my friends. This is my trick for staying focused and realizing my dream of a thinner, healthier me. A list of positive Affirmations for Weight Loss I achieve my weight loss goals Losing weight comes naturally to me I choose nourishing, healthy foods I think before eating I drink lots of water Losing weight is fun Healthy foods taste better I am motivated by both successes and failures I accept and love my body as it is, and work to make it better I love challenges and embrace them I lose weight systematically and I keep it off permanently I am losing weight I exercise because it makes me feel good I respect my body and treat it with respect I do everything I need to do to achieve my healthy weight I am encouraged by every success I am motivated by every shortfall Losing weight and I are one I dissolve all blocks to reaching a healthy weight I forgive myself I learn from my mistakes I fill all physical appetites in physically healthy ways I am aware of my eating habits and how they affect my weight I am willing to change my eating habits and I do so easily I build lean muscle and I lose fat I enjoy the process of reaching a healthy weight I see myself at my healthy weight and I achieve it I have non-stop daily determination to reach my healthy weight I like long walks It is easy for me to stay on my plan to obtain my healthy weight I picture myself at my perfect weight I have a positive attitude about what I eat, how I eat, and when I eat My body burns fat like a furnace Developing healthy eating habits becomes easier each day I stay on a healthy eating plan and maintain my healthy weight easily Each day, I automatically and successfully get healthier and healthier Happy Sunday all and wishing you continued success to achieving your goals!
  18. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Fitness Pal

  19. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    FIgured it was about time to learn to blog...

    You are an inspiration Floridays, glad to see you blogging and i totally agree the forums are trying my patience. I have been here for two years and patience are running thin with stupidity. Also just think how hot you will look holding that glass of water!
  20. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My jeans have only 2 buttons...

    Just thought of something, you know what amazes me. The size of my underware, I wear panties now that would not even have covered my boob let alone my butt cheek. I know TMi but my hubby says, when did Hannah leave her panties at the house and I just smile and say sily those are mine.
  21. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Mentioned the LapBand to my PCP for the first time today...

    Awesome, support is key from all sources. Good luck to you.
  22. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Fitness Pal

    Added you, hope it goes well for you
  23. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My jeans have only 2 buttons...

    Wait till you get that TT you will be one hot mama!
  24. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Fitness Pal

    Accepted and added you both!
  25. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    Awesome, you look amazing! Happy dance!!!!

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