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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ♥LovetheNewMe♥

  1. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    i feel bad

    It was one piece of pizza, move on. Word of caution, your relationship with food and events will need to change over time. To be very successful with lap band food needs to be about nutrition and not assiciated with events. Pizza is one of my favoites and I do have it occassional. One very small piece and on a cracker thin crust. I am unfortunaltely one of those banded persons who does not do well with bread products, they always get stuck. I was many months out before I even tried foods like pizza, I was to afraid it would get stuck. Just log it and move on. It is not worth getting up set over and please eat tomorrow, missing meals is not healthy and not a behavior you want to start.
  2. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Still Here!

    I know you will get back down and yes what your doctor is what is published in most journels. Most people lose the majority of their weight within the first 18 months and most never reach their ideal body weight. But i am one who believes in betting on the long shot and believe if you can change your behavior enough you can have long term success. Now I am ony a little over 2 years post op and have only been at or below goal since Sept of last year. So check back with me this time next year and we will see if I am still singing the same tune. I am also glad the holidays are over, I did not have a gain but I too had too many alcohol drinks and sweets and all it did was make my body crave that sort of food I had spent 2 years avoiding. Old habits sure do die hard. Good luck to you and we all know you can do this and shed those few pounds.
  3. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Vomiting Anxiety

    Your band will not slip if you vomit! I have vomited with my band and It did not slip but if you eat appropriately and chew you should have little vomiting. I now it is very scarey. I was scared to death the first time I had a vomiting episode. I got a GI bug after being banded and I was scared to death, I did not think I would be able to vomit but soon found I could. So just relax and if you are nauseated ask your physician for some medication for nausea, I took medication for the first few months until I was able to start eating more regular again. I had a lot of nausea in the beginning. Now if you would have repeated vomiting episodes there could be a risk of your band slipping but band slipping usually happens more due to overeating, stuffing your self and stretching your pouch. This is my opinion only and the best advise and comments should come from your physician. I am just speaking from my experieince.
  4. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Started Pureed Foods!

    i just purred what ever I cooked for my family, may have looked like crap but it tasted fine. My tastes were really messed up for a while after surgery, I could not tolerate the protein shakes because everything was so sickening sweet to me. Go to this web site, bariatriceating.com there are some recipes for purred foods and meals on the site. I used this site a lot in the beginning. These women had gastric bypass surgery but the food choices helped me to figure out ways to make it work for me. I didn't try baby food because it is so tasteless. Yuck!
  5. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Jillian Micheal's Body Revolution

    Well bandsters I started, Jillian Micheal's Body revolution on Saturday, July 27th. My goal is to be at my ideal body weight of 132 by the end of this 90 day training session. I am also going to continue to work out with my trainer 3 days a week for a while. I find it so addictive and difficult to break up with him. He is so motivational and pushes me to do more. My other goal is to cut back on training sessions by the end of this session with my DVD's so I will have more money for clothes. I will log my progress here weekly, so stay tuned. ( I am posting this so I will be accountable, out there for the world to see) Starting weight: 140 Waist: 30" Bust:( upper chest) 36" Below Bust: 33" Lower Abdomen: 36 2/8" Hips: 36 6/8" Thighs: (Largest Part) 21" Calf: 13 7/8 " Upper Arm: 11 7/8 " I will do my measurements and weight every Sunday for the next 90 days to follow my progress.
  6. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Jillian Micheal's Body Revolution

    Starting weight: 140 current weight 126 Waist: 30" Current Waist 27" Bust:( upper chest) 36" Current Bust 34" Below Bust: 33" Current Below Bust 32" Lower Abdomen: 36 2/8" Lower Abs 31" Hips: 36 6/8" Current Hips 34" Thighs: (Largest Part) 21" Current Thighs 19" Calf: 13 7/8 " Current Calf 12" Upper Arm: 11 7/8 " Current Bicep 9.9" This is a great work out and I think very doable. Even if I had been a beginner when I started I could have done some of this, with time some of the exercises get easier. She does push you but I like the pace. I am still doing this in combo with my personal trainer. I have a few more inches and some tonng to do on hips and lower abs.
  7. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    100 Miles in January 2013 Challenge

    Count me in also, I will dust off the fitbit and start tracking again.
  8. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    My Fitness Pal! Want friends :)

    Anyone can add me if you want; user name is LovetheNewMe. Log diary daily and open for viewing.
  9. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Bad Advice Buddy

    I can relate with you. I work in an environment where a lot of my co-workers have had WLS of some type. I like you talked to many of them prior to having surgery and they were very encouraging telling me how easy it was and they were having great success and no issues. Well they lied, everyone of them. They all had some issues but never disclosed them and looked for work around. As soon as I came across my first obstacle and went to them, the support and good advice was not there. I felt betrayed, I felt lost and knew I was on this journey by myself. I stopped seeking their advice and I actually distanced myself from them and their negativity. The have a year on me, (3 years banded) one had her band removed due to slippage( she always had her band too tight and was PB'ing) The other had her band removed and now has the sleeve. She continued to eat and blamed the band for not losing. The third is 4 years gastric bypass and never reached goal. The 4th, is at goal but struggles with stomach issues. So my role models turned on me and never got with the program and each of them struggles with their weight loss and they are also the ones who make fun of me for exercising, (they tell me I'm obsessed) and they also tell me I am too thin. My point is this, I did this for me, I thought I had support of my friends at work but soon found who my true friends were. You are doing very well with your journey, don't let the negativism of others bring you down. Stay strong, because we all know you can do this.
  10. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Almost the End of the First....

    Good goals: I need to do both 1 and 2. I was going to set up an exercise rewards jar. I am going to place a dollar in a jar for everyday I exercise, I will use the money to reward myself with a new pair of shoes or jewlery. My resolution is to stop spending money in the gift shop at work, when i feel like eating I go to the gift shop and buy something, last year was an expensive year for me.
  11. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    I love Hummus!

    We have way too much in common AJ, it is a good thing we live several states apart if we lived next door we would stay in trouble. Happy New Year, roasted red pepper hummus was on my snack table last night!
  12. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Getting exercise in when it's cold

    Awesome way to start the New Year, heading to the gym to work out with the trainer this afternoon. Starting the year out right! Wishing you continued success for this new year!
  13. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Clothes shopping

    Your making excellant progress, half this journey and battle is learning and making improvements in our lifestyles. I do a lot of shopping in the 75% off sale racks along the way. But cleaning out the closet is excellant. I did keep one out fit, I wanted one reminder of how big I really once was. You have a great outlook and very positive attitude, you will reach your goal.
  14. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    going out

    I have done this also, ordered soup, left the solid part and ate the broth. Cream soup is good like potato or broccoli without eating the broccoli.
  15. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    What's the big deal about patient compliance?

    Great article Jean!
  16. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    In need of some help

    Even at 2 years out and not having a fill since Jan 30th, I still have to be very careful of what and how I eat in the mornings. Eggs have always been an issue for me, no matter how I have tried to eat them. I eat an oatmeal egg white meal most mornings for breakfast. It gives me carbs and protein and keeps me full until lunch. I add blueberries and a couple of chopped nuts for my fruit and healthy fats. Also when ever I have a PB episode I usually can not take on solid foods for at least 24 hours or I continue to PB, I ususally just do protein drinks. As Cheryl stated above sometimes it can take 2-3 weeks after a fill to adjust to the new feeling and pressure you fill. After my last fill in January it took me over 3 weeks to adjust. A couple weeks ago due to some poor choices (holiday snacks) I have had a few PB incidents and some reflux, my bands gentle way of saying cut it out.
  17. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Admitting :: i cheated

    Smiles, we all go through this, some of us more readily admit it. I have had my so call bad choice days over the past 2 years and I have paid dearly for each one of them. My episode early on was with some tortilla chips and salsa from our local Mexican restaurant. I was actually very scared and so afraid I had hurt my band but luckily I didn't but I did learn and yes I also said thank god for heating pads that night. Good luck to you in this journey, I can only speak for my self but for me it has been successful and rewarding. Wishing you the best!
  18. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    First Christmas maintaining....

    Great job! This was my first holiday season at goal also. I must admit I was a little nervious with all the cooking and baking but it was really ok. I also love my band. I had a wonderful meal both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and didn't over eat. I love my band and the control it gives me! Happy New Year, cheers to all of us who are making this life style change work!
  19. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Bruising Sunday

    Ok, you gave me a giggle. Just what we all want to do, massage the girls everyday. Do you think we could pay someone to do this, or maybe we should pay ourselves. Glad you are doing so well, I would love to have something done someday but I am chicken. I just keep doing sit ups hoping it will help more and more. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
  20. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    I just wanna cry

    Figgy, please do not fall into the trap of comparing yourself with others. We are all so different when it comes to our rate of weight loss. This does take times and all of us want to be thin or thinner as quick as possible. Sometimes we set unrealistic goals, so as long as your doing what your suppose to do than eventually the weight will come down. Do your measurements so when you do not have a scale victory you may have an inches victory. I always measured my success by sizes of clothes along the way. Sometimes, I would buy something too small so I could shrink into it. Stay positive and it will happen. Merry Christmas!
  21. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Scale not moving

    I don't think your doing anything wrong, our bodies sometimes have to adjust as we lose weight or at least mine did. I would suggest you take your bust, waist and hip measurements at the very least so you can compare them when you don't see the scale move. I had many inches victories in the past 2 years when the scale did not move. I will also share with you that I honestly thought I would be at goal in 12 months but it did not happen for me that way, at 12 months I had lost around 68 to 70 lbs and I sat at the same weight for months. But I did lose inches and dropped a size. My point for sharing is that do not allow yourself to become frustrated and only the use the scale as a measurement. These days people would guess I weigh around 110-112 lbs but I average between 128-132. Just stay positive and the scale will move as long as you are following the program. Good luck to you.
  22. ♥LovetheNewMe♥


    You can do this, Floriday's is correct this is a hard part of this journey, measure your servings until you feel comfortable eye balling the servings. I may never trust my eyes becasue even 2 years plus post op I still measure. Try having a protein shake between your meals for a while to help curb your appetite. In the early months I struggled with getting all my protein in also,
  23. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    Calorie intake limit?

    Mine said 1000-1200 calories liquids or solids. My first 3 weeks I was lucky to hit between 600-700 calories a day. For two years I ate between 900-1200 calories and rarely if ever went over this amount.
  24. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    20 pound lose finally

    Awesome job keep up the good work.
  25. ♥LovetheNewMe♥

    45 lbs

    Some people just don't say anything our of jealousy or they may not know what to say. Now I find people ask me if I am sick. Just be positive and know you are losing and I know the results are there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
