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About Cangel76

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 01/05/1976

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a girl who has been battling with my weight since I had my son ten years ago. Between Hypothyroidism (Hoshimotos) and PCOS I was fighting a loosing battled. I want to start a new life.
  • Interests
    Yoga, Hanging with friends, shopping at tagsales and thrift shops.
  • Occupation
    Full time college student, Mom and caretaker to my disabled father. Which makes me a part time wife.
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  1. the biggest challenge for me was knowing when to stop eating...for so many years, I just ate and ate and ate. Now, that is not a possibility, even tho my brain still thinks I can eat whatever I want! However, I will never regret havng this surgery - I am so happy with the new me, and I wish I had done this sooner! At my last visit, I was down a total of 108lbs from my heaviest weight.

    When was your surgery?

    Make sure you are getting enough water to drink!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
