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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by rndtuet

  1. I was diagnosed with post concussion syndrome and was vomitting constantly. Nothing to do with my band.Most of the vomitting was at night. It would take two to three hours after eating for me to start vomitting. I was never hungry. I didn't even want to eat. I forced myself to put in Protein. I was drinking the pure Protein Drinks to make sure I had the proper amount of protein.

    My husband made me go to my lap band doctor, and she took out half of the amount of Fluid in my band.

    I am still nauseous most days. I am not vomitting all the time. I still have all the same symptoms from the post concussion stuff. They (doctors) are trying different meds to have me stop feeling dizzy. I feel like I am car sick 24/7.

    I am just frustrated I spent all that money, really frustrated about that.

    Scared I will just ballon back up, especially since I am not allowed to exercise.

    Just wanted to vent,


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