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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tazman60

  1. I was lap banded on 4/28/11 by Dr. Wallace, from Froedert Medical Center. In 2 weeks I lost 23 lbs and for the 6 months prior to surgery I lost 54 lbs. I had my first appointment this week and everything is looking good. I just got to slow down when I eat.
  2. tazman60

    How Many Guys Getting Banded?

    Well I just got home from the hospital. A little sore but other than that feeling just fine. My first meals were oki and they stayed down. So I guess we can say that we are starting the nest chapter in our life.
  3. I have three days till the surgery and getting a little nervous. I have been reading about the different pre-op diets and was amazed to see so many drinking Protein drinks. My surgeon doesn't want me drinking those. The pre-op diet is basically just watching what you are eating. I started this journey 6 months ago and weighted 409 lbs and as of last Thursday I weigh 351.9 lbs. My goal is to get to 250 lbs by June of 2012.
  4. tazman60

    How Many Guys Getting Banded?

    I am having mine done Thursday. As far as a stigma I haven't seen any. Everybody at my job and my family are all happy that ZI'm doing this. I'm 60 years old so I'm a little nervous about complications. Good Luck to you. By the way as of last Thursday I've lost 58 lbs before surgery.

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