I am so excited to have my first appointment with my doctor this Thursday. I can finally say it's less then a week away. I made the appointment 3 1/2 weeks ago! I am 5' 4" 236lbs. My hubby is in the military and we have tri-care prime insurance. I have a couple questions.
First, since my insurance does not require any meetings with psych. nutritionist etc. do MD's normally? My insurance also doesn't require a 6 month waiting limit like I have heard others do. Do MD's make you wait then???? My doctor is out of Temple University, In Philly Dr. Daniel Dempsey. I was also wondering what problems would keep someone from having the surgery? I had heart palpations and went on atenolol but they went away when I lost some weight. I was going to make an appointment with the cardiologist that followed me just to be on the safe side.
Thanks and good luck to everyone on your journey:smile: