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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by badta00

  1. My Dr.'s office has been trying to get me to do the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass instead of the band. They initially told me that the results wouldn't be as good with the band. My appointment last month the PA said that they were experiencing more problems with the band (i.e.; acid reflux, slippage, low weight loss). Today I talked to the Dr and after talking about my expectations, he said he'd be hesitant to to the Band on me. He doesn't think that I'll lose enough weight. But after talking about my problems with the Roux-en-Y he recommended the Sleeve if my insurance would cover it. I'm worried about the sleeve because one of my earlier appointments we had a class in his office and some one asked about the sleeve. The PA said that they weren't really happy with the sleeve due to leakage problems. What should I do? I'm trying to do research online but I've been set on doing the Lap-Band so long that I'm torn on what to do.
  2. My Dr is the most used in my area. He does more by-passes than anything though (thousand + vs hundred +). He did my mothers by-pass. His reasoning was that he didn't think I'd lose enough to get where I'd be happy with the decision to do weight loss surgery. I'm 6' 2" and I currently weigh 334lbs (started at 360+). I told him I'd like to get to 210 lbs but would be happy just to get to 250 lbs. I also said that if I could get to 270, I could start running again. I have thought about another Dr. He did my wife's appendectomy and I think he's the only other one in town that does bariatric surgery.
  3. I've been overweight most of my life. I struggled with my weight during my eight years in the Navy. I didn't re-enlist because I was worried about failing another PRT and getting kicked out. I've gained houndred pounds since getting out of the Navy. I've been working swing shift for the last eleven years and the only time I was able to lose weight was using Nutri-System. I was unable to afford long term use of Nutri-System but I did lose 50lbs in five months with it. I've been putting off surgery because I wanted to to re-enlist in the Navy Reserves but I've got two little girls that need a healthy Daddy. So I'm starting the journey. :sneaky:
  4. I'm also concerned about my current medication. I was told today that all medication in pill form must be crushed. I'm on Niaspan which is time released a cannot be taken crushed.:sneaky:
  5. I've already had two appointments with the surgeons office and I got to go for 5 more months due to my insurance's 6 month supervised diet requirement.

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