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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Mortician

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/20/1981
  1. Happy 32nd Birthday Mortician!

  2. Happy 31st Birthday Mortician!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary Mortician!

  4. Mortician

    Newly banded

    The bad breath could also be from your body being in a state of keytosis and sometimes a toothbrush wont fix it. You can buy bad breath pills that are tiny green gel pills and easy to swallow and it will attack the smell from your tummy where the bacteria is!
  5. Mortician

    To be... Or not to be... This is my question

    Wow... thank you all for your responses! Thats the first thing I have ever written and I didn't think anyone would answer lol! But thats what I keep telling everyone who asks the big "WHY" is because I feel like I can commit to a change of lifestyle but every "diet" I try, I gain the weight back ... and then some... I feel that the band will be my "net" and hopefully this will stop the rollercoaster
  6. I need some opinions please... 1. Previous to surgery, if you had learned to eat the post op way, without surgery, would you still opt to get the surgery? 2. My biggest fear in life is vomiting, (kind of fear like heights, snakes or enclosed spaces) either way not a fear easily relieved. I myself have not thrown up for almost 10 years and I am so afraid that I will start if I get banded. Does everyone throw up? :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
