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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Oregondaisy

  1. Oregondaisy

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    How do you feel since you got that fill? I am not losing well at all but I am so afraid to get another fill. Does food get stuck? Are you full after just a few bites? I hate it so much when food gets stuck it makes me afraid to get another fill until I lose more weight and the band is actually looser.
  2. Oregondaisy

    Mystery Icons

    Good question. I have been wondering the same thing.
  3. Oregondaisy

    Hello from Oregon

    HI there, I am pretty sure but I am not certain, that my dr. is the least expensive in Oregon. I had my surgery for $10,000. Where do you live in Oregon. Dr. Tersigni is a great doctor. There are people coming from all over that go to him. Is your insurance paying for it or are you a self pay?
  4. Oregondaisy

    Recommend a good protein bar

    Atkins seem to have the lowest in carbs and I think they are really good.
  5. Oregondaisy

    Liquid Diet Support Thread

    I'm not sure about the clam chowder. I guess it would depend on how thin you could get it. It's supposed to be anything you can get through a straw. Chop up those clams to where they are not in pieces in a blender.
  6. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Hi Karla, I moved here from Chicago when I was 21. I wish I had moved somewhere else in Oregon. I have a lot of close friends here, and my kids are here. It would be really hard for me to pick up and move by myself to somewhere that I didn't know a soul. I would like to, but I guess I am a chicken. I've gotten pretty used to it here. I think if one of my kids moved somewhere else, it would be easier for me to leave too. I just hope I am not destined to stay here without ever meeting anyone. I wish I could be happy and content on my own and didn't always have that feeling that I would be happier if I met someone. I sound pretty insecure
  7. Oregondaisy

    Bummed out and sad

    I drank a lot of Atkins drinks and low carb slim fast. There are many different protein powders that you can buy to do the liquid diet. My doctor also sold soups that are high protein. You can also buy unflavored protein powder to add to soups. It's hard.....but you lose a lot of weight doing the liquid diet. If you're on a high protein diet and no carbs, you won't be hungry after the first couple of days. I am sorry your insurance is giving you a hard time. My insurance says right in the book that no type of weight loss surgery is covered under any circumstances. I paid $10,000 and I took a second mortgage on my house to get the band. There are many many people who pay for it themselves. But if your insurance will pay if you lose 45 lbs, you can do it . It won't be easy, but knowing the band will be your reward, might motivate you. It's very motivating when you're on the liquid diet to see the scale move down every day.
  8. Oregondaisy

    Liquid Diet Support Thread

    I did 4 weeks of liquids. I feel for anyone who is on the liquid stage. I found changing soups to be a big help too. After awhile though, it was just easier not to worry about it and I just popped open a can of low carb slim fast. None of this, "what am I going to fix for dinner." I was surprised that the 4 weeks went as fast as they did. Getting on the scale and watching it go down every day, WAS a very big motivator too. There are a lot of recipes on this board for the liquid stage that were helpful. Plus my dr. said I could have egg flower soup, so if I was totally bored, I got that from the Chinese place and felt like I was at least eating out
  9. You are either taking too big of a bite or not chewing enough. I had this problem a lot when I first got the band. You have to chew until there is nothing left to chew. Cut everything into teeny tiny pieces. I usually sort of make a game out of it, trying to see if I can chew it until it's completely liquid. It doesn't matter if it's meat. I have gotten stuck with foods I wouldn't have thought would stick. You just have to remember to chew until there is nothing left to chew. It's a pain to always have to do this, but the pain of it sticking is far worse.
  10. Oregondaisy

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    That's a very good point. I had that resting metobolic test and it showed I have a slow metabolism.
  11. Oregondaisy

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I am here. I am exercising and hoping I don't go on another 2 month long plateau. How are you doing?
  12. Oregondaisy

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Of course you can join our group! Welcome! I seem to go on plateaus and then lose 5 lbs in a week. It's very strange. I hope this next plateau doesn't last 2 months. I am going to the library to check out the body for life book. It was recommended to me that his method speeds up the metabolism. I want to look at it before I buy it.
  13. Hello, I love lapbandtalk. I look forward to checking my email and being able to keep up with the threads I have recently posted on. However, lately, when I click on where it tells me to, it brings me to a page that is an error message or says this page has been moved. I have to find my threads through the search method. I am not sure why this is happening. Are you working on the board again? thank you, Denise
  14. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I was shocked last night to see my ex put a profile on Match. It kind of threw me for a loop. I put a profile on chemistry.com. Once again, there weren't any guys in my area. Chemsitry doesn't let you search though. They figure out your matches according to the questions you answer. I need to move away from this hick town if I ever expect to find anyonre. Did anyone else have trouble finding this thread. My email sent me a message but when I clicked on the link, it didn't work. I had to find it using the search feature.
  15. Oregondaisy

    Interested in a Gathering?

    I think Vegas is much more do-able for most people. Like WAsaBubblebutt said, they usually have good deals going on for airfare.
  16. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I know what you mean about missing love. I have been without it for a long time too. There is nothing like having someone be in love with you. I try to fill my life up with close friends. It's hard though. I wish part of me didn't always feel like if I only had someone in my life, I would be happy. It's sad, really. Joan, I hope that they guy you had the date with works out. It sounds like you really like him. That's hard to find. I have gone out with guys that really like me, and I know I could never have any feelings for. There has to be some sort of connection. I don't want to take advantage of some guy buying me dinner that I absolutely know I could never have feelings for.
  17. Oregondaisy

    the Chat room

    maybe we need to put a complaint in another area of the board.
  18. Oregondaisy

    the Chat room

    I hope so! I love to chat with other bandsters!
  19. Oregondaisy

    How many are Happy and Sucessful ?

    I wish I would be losing weight a little bit faster, but I am very happy wtih the band. Last night I went out for dinner and had about a third of a piece of chicken breast and a few bites of broccoli and I was full. In the past I would have eaten everything in site, including asking for more bread, and had dessert. I looked at the bread and it didn't even look good to me because I was so full. I thought about a bite of my friend's ice cream, but I have gotten the sweet tooth under control now, and I know eating it would have brought it back in full force. So YES, I am very happy with the band. I have only had two fills, and don't plan to get another one until I lose a bunch more weight. I am doing just fine with the amount of restriction I have now. You can't expect the band to do all the work though. You have to exercise! I don't mind that though. Exercise makes a huge difference in my moods.
  20. Oregondaisy

    December Bandsters

    Bubble, how long does it take you to jog your mile? I am so excited that I can jog now. But I don't set the treadmill very fast. I have short legs. I was trying to look up how many calories I am burning and it wanted to know how many minutes for a mile. The treadmill I like the best at the gym, doesn't tell calories burned.
  21. Oregondaisy

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    10 chips are 115 calories? Plus more than one gram of carb per chip? I think I will have to pass. I have to save my carbs for things that make me go potty. Like strawberries and other yummy fruits. I limit my carbs to 30 per day.
  22. I like Walmart fat free italian and it's 10 calories for 2 tablespoons. I think it's good
  23. Oregondaisy

    December Bandsters

    Is there anyway to make it so the Dec. bansters posts are easy to find? I get the email, but I think they should do something like put all the months in order on a separate place other than the general discussion.
  24. Oregondaisy

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    I am glad I have my band. Even if I am not losing as fast as I would like, it helps me keep my portions small. Plus there are cetain foods that I just can't eat anymore so that's good too. Having food get stuck a few times helps me not want to eat unfriendly band foods. Us bansters can still eat ice cream and junk food, but I have pretty much eliminated anything like that from my diet. I couldn't eat those on any diet and expect to lose weight. I am not going to get a tight fill either. I have read that most of the complications come from having the band too tight. I can control my portions with this fill and if I lose a bunch more weight, the band will get looser. I'll get another fill when that happens, but not now.
  25. Oregondaisy

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I think that's what my bmi is now that I have lost 32 lbs. I am glad I have the band. I know I have never been able to keep weight off before. I can't over eat now. It's painful! The band keeps my portions tiny and keeps me from eating the wrong foods.

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