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Everything posted by Oregondaisy

  1. Just make sure you mainly eat protein. That really helps with the hunger, and takes cravings away. Then, make sure you stay on top of your fills. You will still be hungry or think you are hungry, if you don't get a fill.
  2. Oregondaisy

    Dating again

    There is a thread for single bansters. Come in and join us there. Do a search, and I am sure you can find it. I haven't lost enough weight to get asked out on a date yet, but everything you asked about has been talked about there.
  3. I was banded by Dr. Tersigni. Feel free to ask me whatever you want. He charges $10,000 and 3 free fills with the price of surgery. He's great! I have referred quite a few people to him, and they all love him too. I heard at support group that he is going to be raising his prices. I don't know if you are a self pay or not, but if you are, call him soon!
  4. Oregondaisy

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    You will lose faster and stay less hungry if you eat 30 grams of carbs or less per day. Everyone says to concentrate on the protein and veggies to lose and not get hungry.
  5. Oregondaisy

    confused about restriction

    Get another fill, while you still can get them for free. If you have the VG band, I have read on here that a lot of people need quite a bit of saline to feel restricion.
  6. Oregondaisy

    Thread Killers

    Where did everybody go? Don't tell me this thread is going to die!
  7. Oregondaisy

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Welcome Marie! I think it's great that we have a place here for those of us over 50. We have such different issues that the younger bansters. Dynamo, I am not sure if I have moved on. I feel resentful that two men that I loved were taken from me. Then I got fat, and men didn't want anything to do with me. I resent that too. I do have a good male friend, that I met on yahoo personals. I care about him a lot as a friend, but I am just not attracted to him. I know he would be happy if we were more than friends, but every time I visualize myslelf kissing him, it's a horrible thought. I really want to get this weight off and I think I'll gain a lot of self esteem by doing that. Carlene, are you single now? You look fabulous and if you're single I bet you can get a lot of dates. I think it would be so uplifting to have a man look at me in a pleasing way.
  8. Oregondaisy

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    I didn't know you were a widow. I am too. I lost my husband quite a few years ago, and basically raised my kids by myself. Then I had a wonderful boyfriend who also died. No wonder I turned to food for quite a few years. Now I just want to get this weight off so I can feel good about myself. You're so right. I would have been so lost without my good friends.
  9. Oregondaisy

    December Bandsters

    Well, one thing you should be proud of. We were banded 2 days apart and you have lost 17 more lbs than I have. I exercise all the time, and follow all the rules. You must be doing something right! I hope things turn around for you soon. (((Siyah)))
  10. I agree that getting a resting metobolic test was an eye opener for me too. It showed I have a very slow metabolism, which I already knew. At least my dr. knows I am following his intructions now and will stop wondering why I am such a slow loser.
  11. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Lee, Welcome to our little corner of Lap Band Talk. You are smart to focus on yourself and your kids. I am glad to hear everyone agrees with me on this pot issue. It was nice for a few days to read these wonderful emails, even for a few days, but there is no way I would let another pot head into my life. I went through enough with one of those years ago. It's pretty amazing to me actually, since I am in my 50's that there are a lot of guys in my age group that don't have any of the things you mention. I met one that still lives with his mother and can't support himself because he refuses to get his child support problems straightened out.
  12. Oregondaisy

    I live in squalor

    What a great post! I don't know why I never thought to come to this one. I will freely admit I am a slob. I don't mind walking around my mess. I live alone. BUT- I have no problem paying my cleaning lady to come. I love her. Some people like to clean. She is one of them, and I am not. I have to clean the house on the days she comes though. I pay her to vacuum, clean 3 bathrooms, mop the floor, etc. But she can't get to the floor, until I pick up all my dirty clothes. I know my house is clean because she cleans it regularly. If company is coming, I do have to pick up the clutter, but I don't have to worry about them using a dirty toilet. By the way, I love the fly lady website too. I can pick up clutter in 15min. I figure I don't spend much money on myself. I am not one to buy girlie things and the money I spend on my cleaning person, is the best money well spent.
  13. Oregondaisy

    Please Read* Leak Omnipaque

    You're so welcome! I am glad I finally was of some help to someone here. I am rather new myself, so I usually the one asking the questions. I hope your doctor will take advice from Dr. Curry. He's great to come to the boards and help us. He has a regular ask Dr. Curry section on OH.
  14. Oregondaisy

    Shoulder pain ! HELP !!

    I got the band in Dec. and I still have shoulder pain. I was told that it's from the diaphram, and that it may never go away. It comes and goes. It's was definitely worse right after a fill. It's worse in the morning, and comes and goes through out the rest of the day. It sucks.
  15. I didn't know you could have erosion without any symptoms. That's scary. My dr. also never said a word about needing an endoscope yearly. I am going to talk to him about all of this, for sure. And this procedure costs $1,500.?
  16. Oregondaisy

    Please Read* Leak Omnipaque

    There is a section here somewhere where Dr. Curry writes in. He is a very well known band doctor. He will email back to you. He has emailed me with answers to questions. <br /> <br /> Does anyone have his website to give Crystal? You could always put up a post asking for him to answer a question. I have seen people do that.
  17. My doctor said since I was starting with a lower BMI than some, I didn't need any preop diet. I did the last supper routine.
  18. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I have to know something? What are deal breakers for you as far as dating goes? The guy I was emailing with was really nice, but I can't tolerate a pot head in my life. Some people would say there is nothing wrong with it, it's better than someone that drinks. I wouldn't want to date someone with a drinking problem, either for that matter. What would you call a deal breaker?
  19. Oregondaisy

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    "Ovaries with Attitude" as one of my lesbian friends likes to say. That's hilarious!! I sincerely hope that I get some of this weight off so I can tell if people really will treat me differently. I am rather disgusted paying $10,000 out of pocket to ony lose 30 lbs. Time for another fill.
  20. Oregondaisy

    confused about restriction

    Don't feel bad, Emily. Just join us in the slow losers thread. I lost the majority of the weight that I have lost during the first 4 weeks on the liquid diet too. In the last 4 months, I have only lost 10 lbs. One good way to test out your band to see if you need a fill is to eat things that you aren't supposed to be able to eat. Can you eat bread without any problem? Do you know how much your band holds? You may have the larger band. I have a band that holds 4ccs and I am supposed to have 2ccs in there now. (Unless I have a leak or it evaportated.) When I first got it, I was very full very fast. Now I am getting another fill 6-7. Do you have insurance to pay for your fills? Do you get free fills with the price of your surgery? I was hesitant to get another fill because I get 3 free with the $10,000 I paid out of pocket. I am going to get my third one because I am tired of not losing. If you have insurance to pay for them, or get them free with the cost of your surgery, just stay on your doctor until you feel full with 1/2 to 1 cup of food. It's supposed to be solid Protein too, that won't just fall through your band. (Something like chicken, not cottage cheese) Hope this helps some.
  21. Oregondaisy

    December Bandsters

    :grouphug:Siyah, I am so sorry to hear you're feeling down. It's really hard not to eat when we feel emotional. If there is any way you can do some form of exercise, I find it really helps me let off steam. I come out of the gym feeling so much better. There are times though that chocolate seems to be the only answer. I hope your hubby sees your frustration, and gets the ball rolling with helping you and looking for another job. It would seem that anyone good with compuers should have it made these days. I hope so anyway.
  22. Why wouldn't you just buy the frozen South Beach or Lean Cuisine meals? There are many that are low carb low fat, and it's a lot easier to buy one at the store and try it, look at the ingredients, etc.
  23. Oregondaisy

    Why no Spell Check???

    so even if it says it's for explorer, it will work on firefox? I don't want to download it if it's only for explorer.
  24. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Chrispy, you look great! don't say that about yourself! My email buddy was short lived. He told me he smokes a lot of pot. I can't deal with that in my life. That's fine for him, but been there, done that. I had a bf once that put that ahead of me! didn't want to do anything but sit on the couch and get stoned. I'm not going there again.
  25. Oregondaisy

    New from Oregon

    Hi Missy, Where are you in Oregon? I live on the coast. Dr. Tersigni did my surgery for $10,000 . I am curious as to why you are going to Mexico? Where are you going to get your fills? I just love Dr. Tersigni and decided that it wasn't worth saving a little bit when he is so close to the Mexico prices, especially when you add airfare in there. Anyway, congratulations on getting banded! and Welcome to Lap Band Talk. It's the greatest!

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